Is there a better training program than Wealthy Affiliate?

21 replies
Really appreciate all recommendations

Doesn't have to be free as long as it's very good.

#affiliate #program #training #wealthy
  • Profile picture of the author origin
    I presume you want to learn affiliate marketing?

    I got my start with a free course (over 100 pages) ages ago called "affiliate masters course" by

    Just do a search on google for "affiliate masters course sitesell" and I think the PDF is listed there.

    Teaches you the fundamentals of pre selling and targeting, etc.

    Best value at the price!
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  • Profile picture of the author Foreignwares
    Thanks, anymore recommendations?
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  • Profile picture of the author Foreignwares
    Thank you, are there anymore recommendations?
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  • Profile picture of the author Tom Addams
    I'm unable to recommend any good WSOs on the subject. As a complement to your WSO search, though, I suggest digging around MMO forums and blogs. You'll learn pretty much all you need to know. The rest will come with experience. Feel free to ask questions on WF, too, and I'd be happy to chip in advice.

    I Coach: Learn More | My Latest WF Thread: Dead Domains/ Passive Traffic

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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    I think it really depends on what you are interested in learning. I have heard good things about wealthy affiliate but I wasn't a huge fan myself. I personally like programs like aff playbook, stackthatmoney and ppc coach better
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  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    As a complement to your WSO search
    WSO was never mentioned and is not the only place on the planet to find MMO products or training.

    Check out - The Blog Of Yaro Starak. I learned a lot about affiliate marketing from Yaro. Also, Adam Short's Niche Profits Classroom is very popular.
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    All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
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  • Profile picture of the author Joseph Villanueva
    Why not check also pat flynn at http://www.smartpassiveincome.comif you want to learn how to build a business online from scratch while doing ethical affiliate marketing

    Need a Coach to generate leads and TRIPLE your online business income?
    Let me Inspire and Empower You!
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  • Profile picture of the author DubDubDubDot
    There is nothing to recommend since knowledgeable affiliates do not waste their time producing newbie courses. Your best bet is to talk directly with affiliate managers. You'll get varying degrees of success with that though.

    Affiliate sales is not a business. It is a method to monetize a website, ideally a high traffic one or a group of sites that can collectively drive a lot of traffic. Affiliate managers are more likely to provide a lot of personalized help if you are towards the top of their affiliate roster. They don't really like dealing with newbies who are sending 10 clicks a day.
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  • Profile picture of the author cypherslock
    Well check out Bring the Fresh, there's a thread on here 3 years old. Up to date for 2014, very well received.
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  • Profile picture of the author affilorama-portal
    You may also want to check out our free and paid lessons on affiliate marketing

    But if you are really looking for a good course on affiliate marketing, I recommend you specifically check out Affiloblueprint. This is a good step by step video lesson on everything you need to know about affiliate marketing.

    I hope that helps
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  • Profile picture of the author SDsurfer
    I think when first starting out, it's best to just pick a program and stick with it for a while. Any of the ones mentioned above are good. What most people do, though, is they get a program, start it, fall off the wagon, pick another and fall off again. Basically spinning their wheels. So it doesn't so much matter which program you choose but that you pick a path and stick with it. Also consider grabbing some coaching so that you have help with this clear direction. I know coaching honestly made ALL the difference for me.
    Internet Marketing Professional because I just want to SURF.
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  • Profile picture of the author SDsurfer
    You know, Wealthy Affiliate has great info, but they need to work on making it less overwhelming. For a newbie, signing up on there and getting started is HARD. I like that it breaks things down into daily lesson steps, but still, it's so cluttered and so overly busy. But if you can push past the clutter, it's a good program at its core.
    Internet Marketing Professional because I just want to SURF.
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    • Profile picture of the author zimbizee
      Be prepared to work HARD, very very hard. Affiliate marketing is not easy, especially nowadays as google is clamping down hard on such sites if not done well. Anyone that says just pick a niche, throw up a site and get traffic by article marketing, guest posting on forums and 10,000 crappy links to earn mega bucks is full of it.

      Do your research, most of the so called gurus who claim to be making 10 grand a month are lying and actually make their cash from scamming newbies into buying their rubbish re-hashed courses.
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  • Profile picture of the author concerro
    Not that I know of and I am a WA member. I have also looked into other programs. They don't have enough information. One thing about WA is that you will have to in a lot of work. That applies in any online business however. Avoid anyone promising you a large amount of money in a short amount of time.

    PS: I also admit that WA has so much information that it becomes easy to become distracted, and not get anything done. I was there for almost a month before I started to get any work done.
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    • Profile picture of the author Barry Cross
      I recommend you do your research before making a decision.

      Google things like "top 10 affiliate marketing training programs" or "best affiliate marketing membership sites" etc.

      You will find that some focus on list building where as others on niche websites etc. Each are great & all work as long as you follow their action plan. It all really depends on how you wish to build you business long term. has some other options under "marketplace" then "ebusiness" category.

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  • Profile picture of the author cypherslock
    I've also heard that Affiloblueprint is quite good as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author IMPromocoder
    I'll second two recommendations above, check AffiloBlueprint and Affilorama Premium.
    But all in all, no matter what you choose, you HAVE TO work hard to succeed, don't follow anyone who says he has some formula to turn you into a millionaire over night.
    Good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author Glenn Rodgers
    I think that this source: may help you thanks.

    Find and post Free Classified Ads in UK. Free online advertising, Buy and Sell Cars, property and your desirable pets in just one click distance. Visit at and get solution.

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    • Profile picture of the author gloria123
      There are a lot of programs out there.... I was jumping from system to system with no results.

      Finally I decided to look for a coach that will guide me and help me finally start making money online.

      I just started and I am very impressed. Quiet a few newbies are having awesome results..

      If you want to find out more about this program, you are welcome to visit my blog:

      If any questions or anything that I can hep you with just let me know

      Hope this helps.

      Good Luck,

      G. Lewis.
      "Successful People Do What Average People Don't do"

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  • Profile picture of the author Azlan.MY
    In my opinion, Bring The Fresh is more suitable for beginners than Wealthy Affiliate. BTF is one time payment, with refund while WA is monthly with no refund. This is important for beginners. For one thing, it is because if you haven't made a dime online, you will want to save the cost at first as much as possible. But most importantly,the main WA traffic method is SEO so it will take time, perhaps years to see result. This is not 2007 where you could setup Squidoo lens today (like being told in WA) and get ranked tomorrow and finally received your first paycheck in 30 days, which covered more than the WA monthly membership. This is 2015, where Google introduces Panda, Penguin and Hummingbird. Depending on your keywords, it will take 6 months to 1 year to get ranked and then hopefully make sales (that is if your traffic converts well) and receive your $100 paycheck. Even worse the SEO tutorials in WA doesn't recommend building backlinks manually, that was at least when I checked their tutorials in 2014. They want members to rely on natural backlinks only and natural backlinks take years to obtain, unless if you promote your blog using ads, Facebook or forum. And you will need tons of them to get ranked. Just imagine, you create a blog with hundreds of posts, waiting for uncertain perhaps impossible things to happen, that is getting backlinks, ranking, traffic and finally sales. Imagine how much do you spend on WA membership before you can see the first paycheck? In my opinion, if you rely on their SEO methods alone you will spend $1000 for WA membership before you can see the result. BTF on the other hand is one time payment. Also, just like WA, it is constantly being updated and it comes with support from the owner, Kelly Felix via Skype, forum, email and even phone. Which makes it the best alternative to WA especially for beginners. The only drawback with Bring The Fresh is their upsells, which are over priced and under delivers. When I looked at Google and BTF reviews, lots of customers were complaining that they were not happy with the upsells. However, upsells are not necessary. You can stick with their main course and purchase the upsells when you already see positive results.
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  • Profile picture of the author Azlan.MY
    First of mr gdodd, you are to new WF. Read the forum rules for this section. You cannot post here until you've made at least 20 posts in other sections.

    Secondly, you said that in case anyone interested, visit that website. No, I and others in this forum don't need to visit that site. Just search at Google and there already countless of sites out there telling that WA is the best but all of them are the same - they want to earn money via affiliate commission. None of these positive reviews, linking to WA website WITHOUT using aff link, except at Ways to Avoid Scams Online and the Warrior Forum reviews and rating section. Still the review at Ways To Avoid Scams Online is very biased since it is made by Kyle of WA himself. Plus, I already tested WA. FYI I've been a WA member from 2007 until 2010 and then I rejoined in 2013 until 2014. In 2013, I followed the tutorials, PM Kyle and Carson and asked in the live chat in case I need help. However, the support is not very helpful and there's not much new things I can learn from WA after joining back in 2013. which is why I left and I don't think I will return, let alone interested.

    Thirdly, you are linking to an affiliate review site about Wealthy Affiliate in your post. That is probably your own website pointing to your WA aff link. Since your main goal was getting affiliate commissions via your aff link, I begin to doubt the honesty of your review above. I don't remember when WA taught members to spam on forums. Promoting aff links whether directly or indirectly even via review sites or Youtube videos is prohibited here at Warrior review and rating section. Read the second rule. If you want to post affiliate link, open a thread at Classified Section, post your review, together with your affiliate link, though I doubt anyone would read your WA review and buy. I want to report your post to moderator, but I still have lots to comment on your post, since I think I have tons of experience in this.

    Fourthly, you must be still new in IM and a new member of WA. (I assume that since this is your second post in WF). It seems that you've made a killer mistake as a new WAer. That is by promoting back WA. Most newbies in WA fail to make money promoting back WA. They should be making money in other niches first, rather than rushing to promote WA. The fact is, making money from WA aff program is not easy. Let me tell you my experience as your senior. In 2009, after making money in the computer software niche, I also started promoting WA by creating reviews. My reviews that time was highly biased towards WA. I bashed other IM products and praised WA in my website. However, it failed. I'd made at most three referals per month (on average, just one) and 99% of them canceled their WA membership after one month. So, if I got paid 60% commission for $47 WA membership, I only made around $20 per month despite my hard work putting lots of reviews. One big reason I can think of is that WA was monthly payment, and no refund while the products which I bashed were one time payment and backed by Clickbank 60 day money back guarantee. This were the advantages of those products which attracted buyers compared to WA. Plus, WA doesn't use hype to sell their membership, unlike 99% garbage internet marketing products out there. So my traffic didn't interested in buying less shiny products like Wealthy Affiliate. They are more attracted to shiny, over hype and scammy product out there which promised to make millions in one week even though those were scams.

    Fifthly, when I was new in IM in 2007, I also thought that WA is the best since it made me my first sale. In fact, I am making full time income from aff marketing until today big thanks to WA. However, as time and Google changes, I think there are better programs out there with one time payment compared to WA. WA could be my first product to make money but in order to make steady income for years to come I need to follow Google changes and therefore invest in the latest course about SEO and Facebook.True WA provide free trial for 7 days but if you want to make real money 7 days is far from enough. You need time to test it. WA provides keyword tool but they are not the best, in contrast to your guarantee. Let me ask you this, if the keyword tool which is included with WA membership is the best, why the owner opened another service called Jaaxy in addition to WA?. There are much better keyword tools being released each year like Market Samurai, Niche Finder, Long Tail Pro and the list goes on and on. From my experience, if you want to get ranked on Google, and make your first $100, WA keyword tool alone is not enough. You still need to invest on third party keyword tool in order to Xray untapped keywords, eliminate competition as much as possible and get easier ranking. As for web hosting you can get superior hosting out there with lower cost than WA monthly membership. Third party hosting services are much better since you can host unlimited domains and unlimited Wordpress sites at less than $10 per month, which is much lower than WA cost. When I last checked WA in 2014, their web hosting only host around 3 domains, which is good for start but not for long since you need to host more domains to make more money. But that was in 2014, I'm not sure if they already upgrade their hosting since then.

    Nevertheless, if you are new, WA is not bad. They will show you the right direction plus A+ support in the chat, webinars and most of IM resources out there are lacking in this aspect. Because of this, WA gets praised all over the internet since people consider this a good product. However, just because it is a good product, it doesn't mean that it will make you money. In fact, over the years, I've bought countless products related to IM, you name it, One Week Marketing Action, Google Sniper, Rapid Profit Formula, Easy Paycheck Formula, Commission Ritual and more. Most of them are good products with in depth tutorials, hours of videos and countless of rave reviews in WF, just like WA but less than 10% really make me money and only 0.1% make steady income to me until today. As your senior let me remind you, don't expect much from it and I can guarantee that you won't cover up your WA investment in three months. Even worse you might not make any money even after one year. Yes, when I was a member in 2007, there were lots of members still fail to make money from WA after months trying. That time getting Google ranking was still easy. You didn't even need a website to get traffic from Google. You could simply post one article to Squidoo or Ezine Articles and then got ranked in less than 2 days and made the first check in less than 30 days. But still lots of members failed that time. Just imagine 8 years later, in the era of post panda and penguin where getting ranking and traffic is much harder. Plus, according to Kyle in his WA review, he stated that there is no average time that it will take to start making money. It could be one month, it could be one year. The bottomline is, if you think you can make money within one year of joining WA and $359 is not much for initial investment, then WA is for you. However, if you are thinking about joining WA for one month or two then leave when it is not working, then I highly recommend BTF since it is one time payment (now it is $47 with 60 day money Clickbank money back guarantee) and you can keep trying as long as you want until you succeed without risking money on the line for the long term. Also, if you stayed with WA, you might also need to purchase third party courses since they might cover what is missing in WA tutorials. When I was still a member, I found out that successful members in WA also purchased third party courses like Commission Blueprint or Commission Ritual in addition to paying monthly membership. The newer the course, the better since it will outline the latest techniques, which follows the latest changes in Google and Facebook world.
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