Donating computing power to help fight the coronavirus

by Administrator
3 replies
Global healthcare is currently stressed at fighting the coronavirus, but it's not just healthworks fighting. Cue in the Folding@home project, a virtual supercomputer which, according to Science News, "uses crowdsourced computing power to run simulations of proteins for researchers studying diseases." The project was first announced in February, and had already started working on analysing proteins found in COVID-19.

Folding@home works by contacting multiple servers using a client server installed on a PC. As it contacts these servers, the client runs on spare CPU time, uploading work units to the server.

This is a great way to make spare computing power useful, even if on idle. The programme also runs in the background and on low CPU priority, and you won't even notice it running at all.

You can learn more about the project here.
#computing #coronavirus #donating #fight #power
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  • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
    From what was on the internet the other day their servers where jammed, with people working on this. Someone who signs up may have to wait a little bit for work. Also once you. The other good thing with Folding@home is they also do cancer research.

    Speaking of doing other research you can download Boinc and help do research for other projects including Cancer, HIV, TB, Microbiome. The projects use both Cpu's and Gpu's . For more information visit their home page -
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  • Profile picture of the author Maca56
    That's a very good project and I want to take part in this matter entirely anyway, I want to understand how this virus works and how effective is the cure against it honestly. Hopefully we really can make something with this if needed.
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    • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
      Quoting Maca56
      "That's a very good project and I want to take part in this matter entirely anyway"
      If you have not started yet or want to do both projects here is away to get started.

      World Community Grid released there new Covid-19 project this week. Here is some information plus the link to the project, very easy to install on your computer and less issues than Folding@Home.

      Link to project information page.

      "COVID-19 is a disease caused by SARS-CoV2, a virus of the coronavirus family. These viruses cause diseases that affect mainly the human respiratory system and potentially other major organs. COVID-19 can lead to serious illness or even death.

      As of the launch of this project, there is no treatment, cure, or vaccine for COVID-19.

      Proposed Solution
      Scientists at Scripps Research are doing molecular modeling simulations to look for possible candidates for the development of treatments for COVID-19, but to be successful they need massive computing power to carry out millions of simulated laboratory experiments.

      So Scripps Research is partnering with World Community Grid, an IBM social impact initiative that allows anyone with a computer and an internet connection to donate their device's computing power to help scientists study the world's biggest problems in health and sustainability. By using this donated computing power, the scientists aim to identify promising chemical compounds for further laboratory testing."
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