The Five Best Google Ads Alternatives to Diversify & Grow

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Google Ads is not the only way to find new clients and engage existing ones. Nowadays, it's not uncommon to see certain industry CPCs well over $50 per click. With marketing budgets stretched thin, the possibility of getting less traffic for more could compel you to branch outside of Google Ads.

Here are a few places you can try:

<p><h2><b>Microsoft Ads</p></h2></b>
There are so many reasons to love Microsoft Ads. With its increasing partnerships with companies such as LinkedIn, Microsoft continues to gain market share.

In fact, over 699 million global unique PC users now use Microsoft. It has historically lower CPCs and competition than Google Ads, and it's easy to import your material.

<p><h2><b>Quora Ads</p></h2></b>
Quora Ads has a unique question-and-answer content platform that enables you to capture user search intent. Typically, this platform has performed well in B2B brands, but more B2C brands are seeing success with Quora lately.

Not only can Quora bring valuable traffic to your site, but it can also help with your company's Brand Authority

<p><h2><b>Adobe Advertising Cloud</p></h2></b>
Typically, this platform ideally serves enterprise companies or complex brands. If you're looking for a suite of tools that include Search, Display, DSP, Social, and cross-channel marketing, Adobe Advertising Cloud may be for you. Adobe will charge a percentage of advertising spend for platform fees.

With enterprise-level spending, that can add up quickly. The bidding models and capabilities with Adobe are impressive but there is a learning curve to setting up goal weights based on your company's priorities.

<p><h2><b>LinkedIn Ads</p></h2></b>
In B2B, this platform is a must for testing. LinkedIn Ads have gained popularity over the years, meaning more competition. If you're looking to test the platform, expect to see higher CPCs.

However, don't let potentially high CPCs steer you away. Many B2B companies find more qualified users on LinkedIn.

If you're on the fence about branching out to a new marketing platform, Quantcast has a unique and free tool called Quantcast Measure that allows you to learn about audience behaviors and insights.

Ultimately, this tool can help you make better, more informed decisions about your current targeting on existing platform.
#ads #alternatives #diversify #google #grow
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