Colours, psychology, and marketing

by Administrator
1 replies
Your brand, and how it's used in your marketing, must be done carefully and thoughtfully, and the colors you choose to represent your brand and products are a big part of that. Distinct colors elicit different psychological responses, and effective color use may have a significant impact on perception and even drive action from your audience.

This infographic will show how different colours impact your marketing efforts, and summarised:
  • The power of color in marketing
  • What color does to the human brain
  • How color can make or break your marketing efforts
  • Colors that can maximize your marketing value

#colours #marketing #psychology
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  • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
    Interesting information that can help someone do a remolding or selling their home. When they do these types of studies, do they ever consider when one color is too much? They say black improves visibility above. Yet in some houses, black kitchen cabinets make the room look smaller and show every speck of dirt.
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