99 replies
Is there a Mastermind Group meeting near Atlanta, Georgia?

Seem like I saw one some time ago, but it was a female-only thing...


#atlanta #georgia
  • Profile picture of the author eddie jay
    hey i'm near atlanta ga if you find a mastermind group there please let me know
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  • Profile picture of the author ddlingo
    Please Keep me informed, I would love to become involved in a Mastermind Group here in Atlanta as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author cluongo18
    In Atlanta as well, would be interested!
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  • Profile picture of the author jminkler
    Same here, keep me posted!
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    • Profile picture of the author cocojabrio
      Also in Atlanta keep me posted.
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  • Profile picture of the author JesseT
    Check out IMOG(internet marketers of Geogia), that will probably be your best bet.

    Short Sale Extraordinaire!

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  • Profile picture of the author Tyson P
    Just north of ATL here.
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  • Profile picture of the author Larryheat
    Another interested Atlantian (excuse the creative wording). Have any mastermind groups come together in Atlanta metro area? Anyone who is in this area feel free to call me to start one 678-388-9107.
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  • Profile picture of the author twocolor
    I am in Gwinnett County and I am interested. Please keep me posted.

    Have a 'Miraculous' day!
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  • Profile picture of the author rockfuse
    I started a meetup mastermind group so far it consists my dog and me . If anyone is interested in meeting up or setting up a meeting (ill keep my dog home) let me know.
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    • Profile picture of the author ShannaVMV
      Originally Posted by rockfuse View Post

      I started a meetup mastermind group so far it consists my dog and me . If anyone is interested in meeting up or setting up a meeting (ill keep my dog home) let me know.
      Is that meet-up still open? what is the name of it?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3981099].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Enygma44
    Also in Atlanta!
    [FOR ESTABLISHED BIZ ONLY] Authority Blog Posts, SEO Articles, Affiliate Product Reviews, Lead Magnets, Website Copy, Kindle eBooks [Work With TRAINED + ELITE Native US Writers]*CLICK HERE* For AUTHORITY CONTENT THAT CONVERTS
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    • Profile picture of the author karen7
      Sorry I am not very clear about it.
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      • Profile picture of the author Dmagnet
        If this does happen and it is really a productive group I'd like to play too. The member who started this thread simply asked if there was a Mastermind Group Meeting in Atlanta. So that would mean that someone would need to take the initiative to start one.
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  • Profile picture of the author LiquidSeo
    Keep me in the loop here as well - I'm in Peachtree City.
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    • Profile picture of the author marshallbailey
      I live a little south of Atlanta... would love to Meet-Up and share internet marketing ideas..
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  • Profile picture of the author Enygma44
    If someone has a few extra hours in their week it would definitely be helpful if they wouldn't mind taking the initiative and setting this group up. I'm slammed between my IM projects and full-time day job, but if noone else steps up, I'll do it myself.

    - Aaron
    [FOR ESTABLISHED BIZ ONLY] Authority Blog Posts, SEO Articles, Affiliate Product Reviews, Lead Magnets, Website Copy, Kindle eBooks [Work With TRAINED + ELITE Native US Writers]*CLICK HERE* For AUTHORITY CONTENT THAT CONVERTS
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    • Profile picture of the author MeelisM
      There's so many of you guys. You should just start your own mastermind group.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tspringer
    I am just a bit north of Atlanta... would love to participate in a master mind group. Did anything ever come of this? If so... please clue me in.

    If not, why don't we just setup a time/place to meet for beers and figure one out?

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    • Profile picture of the author JMcGee2010
      I am in Atlanta as well, and would be interested in attending.
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  • Profile picture of the author cluongo18
    In midtown and would love for a meet up
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  • Profile picture of the author billmcintosh
    Hi Atlanta Peeps!

    Did you know Matt Gill, Eric Louviere & I are putting on a massive Internet marketing seminar in Atlanta on 4/29 (It's in Midtown).

    This would be a perfect chance for you all to get together.

    Also, a bunch of locals (like Joey Smith, Devon Brown & others will be there too)

    If you'd like to attend & have a chance to do an informal "meet up" - hit me up with a PM & we'll set something up.
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    • Profile picture of the author scottuga44
      An hour south of ATL but willing to drive :-)
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      • Profile picture of the author Damian Benko
        Sounds good! the Atl has a ton of talent here, and it'd be great to put something together even on a 1/month schedule.

        I formed a mastermind with Joey Smith, Joe Lavery and Jon Shugart a couple years ago but we all our businesses took off and we became too busy. Funny how powerful a mastermind is.

        The midtown event next week should be kick ass, unfortunately i've got my kids that weekend so unless i can find a babysitter, i'll most likely not be able to make it down. (Maybe late night Saturday party, but i need a babysitter, so we'll see.)

        But anyway, if anyone is putting something together please let me know as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author scottuga44
    when is the next IMOG meetup?
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  • Profile picture of the author rockfuse
    whats a mastermind group ? because venus and trapeze is open
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  • Profile picture of the author AtlantaSEOWeb
    Anyone interested in setting up an "Online/Phone" Mastermind Group? Maybe a few times per month? Getting a venue can be difficult and time consuming - I know.

    I know there's free conference call websites out there but not too sure of the maximum amount of callers they accept on a single call.

    My time is limited setting something like this up. Hoping someone might want to take the reigns.
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  • Profile picture of the author ShannaVMV
    Wow, so nobody took the initiative and set one up huh? Well, lets see what we can do. People want to meet on-line or in person? At night? At a home or a restaurant? What time is too late or too early? I have video conference software that will hold 16 people on video at one time and more attendees than that, on chat. Let me know what you think.
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    • Profile picture of the author AtlantaSEOWeb
      Originally Posted by ShannaVMV View Post

      Wow, so nobody took the initiative and set one up huh? Well, lets see what we can do. People want to meet on-line or in person? At night? At a home or a restaurant? What time is too late or too early? I have video conference software that will hold 16 people on video at one time and more attendees than that, on chat. Let me know what you think.
      Online/video works best for me. Lunch hour is great but evenings will work for me just as well. Let's do this :-)
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3981157].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Tspringer
    I am in Atlanta and very interested in a mastermind group.

    Online / Video meetup works... or meeting in person... or both. I am even willing to help with organizing and such. Please pm me or email me at terrycspringer at yahoo dot com.

    I am sending a PM to everyone who replied before.

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  • Profile picture of the author mrktxprt
    Count me in please whenever there is an Atlanta meeting.
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  • Profile picture of the author TrafficGuy Claude
    I'm in, Decatur native on the east side.

    Let me know when and where and I'm there
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    • Profile picture of the author DNIQUE
      In am intereted ...live in Mableton... would help organize...lets do it...
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  • Profile picture of the author Tspringer
    I have been working to setup a new Atlanta group, so far I have 6 people set for an initial meeting this coming Thursday evening, 6/23.

    Anyone interested in attending who is not already on the list please send me a PM.

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    • Profile picture of the author Scoke
      Hi Terry,

      Did your meeting in June take place?
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      • Scoke,

        My name is Jelani and I live in Atlanta as well. I am interested in masterminding. How did your conference call go?

        When is the next meeting or call?
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        • Profile picture of the author Scoke
          Originally Posted by JelaniAtlantaAflac View Post


          My name is Jelani and I live in Atlanta as well. I am interested in masterminding. How did your conference call go?

          When is the next meeting or call?
          Hi Jelani,

          Thanks for asking. I had the call and have since been successful in rounding up a few people. I think there's also a really big internet marketing meetup out of Duluth. You can find them on Meetup.com...
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  • Profile picture of the author benbro
    Wow, I'm in the A also. Would love to get a group going with you all. Does anyone have a suggestion for a next step?

    "Everything you can imagine is real." – Pablo Picasso

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  • Profile picture of the author Isaiah
    Greetings...I have built a million dollar marketing company from zero basically....

    I would love to trade ideas and stories with some motivated warriors!

    I'm in Milan at the moment, but I'll be in Atl from July 15-aug 1st...then I'm off to Thailand for a month or so!

    I'll subscribe to this thread in case anyone decides to take action...as we all know that's the first part of success!

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    • Profile picture of the author Isaiah
      Originally Posted by Isaiah View Post

      Greetings...I have built a million dollar marketing company from zero basically....

      I would love to trade ideas and stories with some motivated warriors!

      I'm in Milan at the moment, but I'll be in Atl from July 15-aug 1st...then I'm off to Thailand for a month or so!

      I'll subscribe to this thread in case anyone decides to take action...as we all know that's the first part of success!

      I'll be in Atl Friday guys...(I'm hiring two more employees from Atlanta while I'm there for a couple of weeks)....I have some advice to offer, I know you guys do too......let's get this thing going!

      Guys these mastermind meetings are free...it's just a bunch of people making money online ...old and new talking at a table...There isn't going to be someone making a presentation and then a product to sell at the end.

      Just a bunch of people sitting around talking about techniques, life and more...great way to get inspiration and ideas....

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      • Profile picture of the author Scoke
        Originally Posted by Isaiah View Post

        I'll be in Atl Friday guys...(I'm hiring two more employees from Atlanta while I'm there for a couple of weeks)....I have some advice to offer, I know you guys do too......let's get this thing going!

        Guys these mastermind meetings are free...it's just a bunch of people making money online ...old and new talking at a table...There isn't going to be someone making a presentation and then a product to sell at the end.

        Just a bunch of people sitting around talking about techniques, life and more...great way to get inspiration and ideas....

        Hi Isiah,

        How long will you be in Atlanta and are you open to having a meeting while you are here?
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4239852].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Isaiah
          Originally Posted by Scoke View Post

          Hi Isiah,

          How long will you be in Atlanta and are you open to having a meeting while you are here?
          Hey Scoke! I'll be there two weeks..I'm there a lot ..in and out...I will be available...I'll be staying in North Atlanta...but the meetup can be anywhere...buckhead...Alpharetta etc...
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4240019].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Scoke
            How about Friday July 15 or July 22nd at 2PM? If you don't like those dates, then let me know a couple days and times that work. In the meantime, I'll start checking out venues. I have three in mind, depending on the number of people.

            BTW, today is my first day in this Forum. How do I do the "thank you" thing in here. Thanks so much for your prompt response! This is awesome!

            Originally Posted by Isaiah View Post

            Hey Scoke! I'll be there two weeks..I'm there a lot ..in and out...I will be available...I'll be staying in North Atlanta...but the meetup can be anywhere...buckhead...Alpharetta etc...
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4240168].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Isaiah
              Originally Posted by Scoke View Post

              How about Friday July 15 or July 22nd at 2PM? If you don't like those dates, then let me know a couple days and times that work. In the meantime, I'll start checking out venues. I have three in mind, depending on the number of people.

              BTW, today is my first day in this Forum. How do I do the "thank you" thing in here. Thanks so much for your prompt response! This is awesome!
              Hey Scoke welcome The 22nd is better...I'm going from Rome on the 15th...like 13 hour flight... yuck....

              You might want to set it in the evening after 7pm...as other that are coming may have regular day jobs and wouldn't be able to make it..

              To give thanks just the the "thanks" button under the post you want to thanks....

              ps..if your organizing this you should make an email address everyone can contact you at so we all can be informed with the dates...times etc....

              A lot of people are new and can't PM or aren't even registered that are looking at this....just a thought..
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4240234].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author Scoke
                I don't see the "thank you" thing--I see "quote, multi-quote, quick reply" at the bottom of the posts.
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                • Profile picture of the author Scoke
                  The "thank" button just appeared. I guess I had to post a minimum number of times in order to earn the right to "thank" people.
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              • Profile picture of the author Scoke
                Originally Posted by Isaiah View Post

                Hey Scoke welcome The 22nd is better...I'm going from Rome on the 15th...like 13 hour flight... yuck....

                You might want to set it in the evening after 7pm...as other that are coming may have regular day jobs and wouldn't be able to make it..

                To give thanks just the the "thanks" button under the post you want to thanks....

                ps..if your organizing this you should make an email address everyone can contact you at so we all can be informed with the dates...times etc....

                A lot of people are new and can't PM or aren't even registered that are looking at this....just a thought..
                July 22nd at 7PM won't work. So, here's what I've done: I've set up a conference call line for anyone who is interested in setting up a mastermind group in Atlanta to call in and we can plan the rest of it--objectives, structure, frequency, day, time, location, etc.

                Here's the information:

                Date: July 22nd
                Time: 5:30PM
                Phone number: 218-936-4700
                Passcode: PROSPER (7767737)

                Anyone is invited to attend! I hope a whole bunch of people on this thread will participate!
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                • Profile picture of the author AtlantaSEOWeb
                  Scoke, I'll be out of town that night. Any chance you can record the call?
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                  • Profile picture of the author Scoke
                    Originally Posted by AtlantaSEOWeb View Post

                    Scoke, I'll be out of town that night. Any chance you can record the call?
                    Instead of recording the call, I'll make sure to take good notes with the highlights of what we agree so that those who can't make it, can jump in later. Thanks for your interest!

                    BTW, you should be able to call in from wherever you are---even internationally if you have Skype.
                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4249238].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author Isaiah
                    Originally Posted by AtlantaSEOWeb View Post

                    Scoke, I'll be out of town that night. Any chance you can record the call?
                    Hey SEO....I would prefer not to have what I may be contributing recorded in any facet..

                    There are things that I may reveal...and I'm sure others will tell about as well...that they wouldn't want it going to the mass public....

                    I would just like to keep it between the small group of Atliens

                    A conference call will get to "muddy" with too many people on it...I would prefer meeting in person...that's just me though! I am one warrior out of thousands!


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                    • Profile picture of the author AtlantaSEOWeb
                      No problem on the recording. I'm in Atlanta from 7/13 - 7/18 and then I'll return to Atlanta on 7/28.
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                • Profile picture of the author texasforever19
                  Does anyone want to start up a mastermind north of Atlanta? I live in Sugar Hill and work in Alpharetta. Who's open for getting together in this part of town?
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              • Profile picture of the author Scoke
                Originally Posted by Isaiah View Post

                Hey Scoke welcome The 22nd is better...I'm going from Rome on the 15th...like 13 hour flight... yuck....

                You might want to set it in the evening after 7pm...as other that are coming may have regular day jobs and wouldn't be able to make it..

                To give thanks just the the "thanks" button under the post you want to thanks....

                ps..if your organizing this you should make an email address everyone can contact you at so we all can be informed with the dates...times etc....

                A lot of people are new and can't PM or aren't even registered that are looking at this....just a thought..
                Hi Isiah,

                Interestingly enough, my conflict at 7PM on July 22nd is an Meetup group that came up under "internet marketing" in Kennesaw. It's having a meeting. I'd post a link but the Warrior Room won't let me until I have 15 posts. It's called Secondary Earners of Online Income (SEOi).

                Have you heard of them?
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4245459].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author Isaiah
                  Originally Posted by Scoke View Post

                  Hi Isiah,

                  Interestingly enough, my conflict at 7PM on July 22nd is an Meetup group that came up under "internet marketing" in Kennesaw. It's having a meeting. I'd post a link but the Warrior Room won't let me until I have 15 posts. It's called Secondary Earners of Online Income (SEOi).

                  Have you heard of them?
                  Nope haven't heard of them....I just have heard of Kennesaw

                  Is this something where you pay to get in ....or they pitch something at the end? I would like to have something where we are just sitting around talking..and everyone contributing...not someone trying to sell me something...

                  If I went to a mastermind and it was people giving a presentation trying to sell me something..I would throw 2 full cartons of eggs at each the speakers lol....then bow and leave...
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4249707].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author Scoke
                    Originally Posted by Isaiah View Post

                    Nope haven't heard of them....I just have heard of Kennesaw

                    Is this something where you pay to get in ....or they pitch something at the end? I would like to have something where we are just sitting around talking..and everyone contributing...not someone trying to sell me something...

                    If I went to a mastermind and it was people giving a presentation trying to sell me something..I would throw 2 full cartons of eggs at each the speakers lol....then bow and leave...

                    I'm 100% with you about the in-person meeting. As I was looking at venues, I had this vision of me, all by myself, in a room. I realized that before I go to the trouble of securing a venue and scheduling something, I should make sure I have some minimum level of commitment from a few people. To my mind, the purpose of the call is just to get us some basic organization around the logistics of meeting in-person and what we want to accomplish.

                    Also, I need to have some sense of how many people would be coming. If it's 10 people, we can just use my office. But, I need to make sure there are no serial killers in the group before I do that.

                    I seriously doubt we'll get more than 10 people. I also agree with you that a mastermind group is supposed to be a small group of people committed to a mutual cause. My vision is not massive Meetup with hundreds of people. It's 4-8 people who are serious as a heart-attack about making real money. At the same time, I've successfully managed conference calls with up to 50 people--so, either way I think we'll be okay.

                    Regarding the meeting in Kennesaw, I can't say anything except that it's an existing opportunity that someone has already organized for us to meet. I'll just make sure to stay out of the way of the flying eggs.
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  • Profile picture of the author chizel21
    Im 45 minutes north of atlanta. Could do in person or online. Hope it will come together!
    waiting till i get a feel for everything here before I enter a witty signature....
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    • Profile picture of the author Scoke
      I'm very interested in a Mastermind as well. I've taken a look at the Meetups and I'm wondering if anyone has tried any of them and what their opinions might be. Most of them don't look very active.

      I already have a sales page. It's not converting yet, but I'd like to get it to 1-2% conversion by the end of the year. Very, very serious. Want to have first mastermind meeting within one month.

      Anyone who is interested and similarly serious, please call me at 404-643-7643.
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  • Profile picture of the author Isaiah
    I'm in Atlanta til August 1st...anything ready yet?
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    • Profile picture of the author Scoke
      Originally Posted by Isaiah View Post

      I'm in Atlanta til August 1st...anything ready yet?
      The conference call I set up to figure out a good day, time, and location for an Atlanta Warrior meeting is tonight (Friday July 22nd) at 5:30. Call in and we'll get something on the calendar before you leave. The number is 218-936-4700; passcode PROSPER (7767737).
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4314463].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Zanen22
        Did anything ever happen with the call, I just now found out about this thread.

        There is a ton of talk about wanting to do something. Skoke, props for taking action. I'd be very interested in meeting up on a scheduled basis (monthly?).
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  • Scoke,

    Cool. Congratulations. I'll check out the Meetup in Duluth. When are you meeting next with those you have been successful in rounding up? What is your market?
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    • Profile picture of the author lazyrichman
      I am in Atlanta, and I am looking at getting a Mastermind group together. If you are interested contect me. I have a physical location in Buckhead where we can meet.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4391605].message }}
      • LazyRichMan,

        My name is Jelani. How are you? I am interested in meeting up. I am about 5 min away from Lenox Mall and Phipps Plaza.

        After 5pm is best because I do most of my work during business hours, although I can adjust my schedule to my choosing.

        Let me know what meeting times work for you.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4400261].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author lazyrichman
          I am totally game. I would love to help out other people in the Atlanta area.
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          • LazyRichMan,

            Are you game this coming Tuesday (Aug 9) at 6pm? I'll meet you at Lenox so we can chop it up.
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  • Profile picture of the author lazyrichman
    I know Scoke is trying to work with me to set one up also. Have you talked to her?
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  • Yeah, although we still need to set up a time for us all to get together.

    What have you and Scoke discussed so far?
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  • Profile picture of the author lazyrichman
    Mainly dates. I have nothing going on either Tuesday so it is fine with me. There are a couple of conference rooms in my highrise we can use.
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  • Yeah, okay then Tuesday at 6pm in your conference room. Considering you are in Buckhead, I probably have passed by your place numerous times. I do not have enough posts to private message you, although this is great because we can just use email.

    Once again, my name is Jelani. My email is incomepa at mail dot com. Then we can exchange numbers and you can give me the name of your place.

    Peace Rich
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  • Profile picture of the author nism
    same with me...
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    • Same with you? You are near the Buckhead area nism? If so, you can clear some time on Tuesday evening, right? Because then we can all meet.
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  • Profile picture of the author CoffeeIceCream
    I'm interested in meeting up in Atlanta!!! Can I help organize anything??? Please let me know... thanks!!!
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  • {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4633850].message }}
    • My Fellow Atlanta Internet Marketers,

      Welcome, welcome and welcome. CoffeeIceCream, SEOExpert999, TexasForever19, Blake and Terell05, now, my name is Jelani and I am the one who initially posed this question and opportunity for connecting and you can see me as 'JelaniAtlantaAflac - Income Protection Expert'.

      So clearly we are all interested in meeting, and we are all near Atlanta although some north and some south, and so here is an idea - I am pretty much equidistant from north and south and pretty close to Lenox Mall.

      And since Lenox may be equidistant to us all, how about we meet at Lenox, say next Friday at 7PM? The date and time is flexible, because we must do what is most mutually comfortable.

      And so please contact me here - incomepa at mail dot com and we can exchange numbers because I would like to speak with all of you so you can hear my voice and we can work this out real easily.

      So once again, contact me here - incomepa at mail dot com to let me know if Lenox is good and what date and time is good, and I will message you back with my number so we can communicate more easily and we can hear each others voices.



      Thank You,

      Jelani Asar
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  • Profile picture of the author usualcliche
    I would be most interested in a meetup in Atlanta...can you let me know if you get something setup? I have a very flexible schedule and would love to share some ideas and concepts and brainstorm etc.

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    • Profile picture of the author terrell05
      Hey Guys I am very interested. I am just south of atlanta.

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  • My Fellow Atlanta Internet Marketers,

    Welcome, welcome and welcome. CoffeeIceCream, SEOExpert999, TexasForever19, Blake and Terell05, now, my name is Jelani and I am the one who initially posed this question and opportunity for connecting and you can see me as 'JelaniAtlantaAflac - Income Protection Expert'.

    So clearly we are all interested in meeting, and we are all near Atlanta although some north and some south, and so here is an idea - I am pretty much equidistant from north and south and pretty close to Lenox Mall.

    And since Lenox may be equidistant to us all, how about we meet at Lenox, say next Friday at 7PM? The date and time is flexible, because we must do what is most mutually comfortable.

    And so please contact me here - incomepa at mail dot com and we can exchange numbers because I would like to speak with all of you so you can hear my voice and we can work this out real easily.

    So once again, contact me here - incomepa at mail dot com to let me know if Lenox is good and what date and time is good, and I will message you back with my number so we can communicate more easily and we can hear each others voices.



    Thank You,

    Jelani Asar
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  • Profile picture of the author drdarien777
    Anyone near Athens, GA???
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    • Profile picture of the author dshipman
      I'm in Atlanta and interested in joining.
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  • Profile picture of the author 4under
    Hi Guys... Some of you may know me but I'm sure others don't. I've done many WSOs and am a Wordpress and Joomla Expert. I live in Midtown and am very good friends with Brain Anderson (liquidseo).

    I've decided to get a masterminds group together here in Atlanta... We'll start with a group on Skype and as we grow a bit we'll start talking about a regular meeting (I even have a place where we could meet for free if needed in Buckhead.

    The Skype Group is... Atlanta Warriors Mastermind Group.

    This will be an invitation only group... In other words, you'll have to know a member of the group to get in.

    If anyone is interested in this, my Skype address is darren.jac.

    Please send a request to join me in the group... I'm on skype daily but I'm not always staring at it so be patient with the request.

    Let's get this group started and quit just talking about it
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  • Profile picture of the author PeteEskinder
    I am 17 year old teen in Gwinnett just starting IM. If there are any mastermind groups, pm me. I want to learn from people who have experience. Thank You.
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  • Profile picture of the author terrell05
    hey i'm near atlanta ga also if you find a mastermind group there please let me know
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  • Profile picture of the author hq7878
    I'm just getting started too. Would be interested. Thanks.
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    • Profile picture of the author dardes

      Did anything ever happen with getting an Atlanta group started? I'm interested as well. Thank you
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      • Profile picture of the author Scoke
        Originally Posted by dardes View Post


        Did anything ever happen with getting an Atlanta group started? I'm interested as well. Thank you
        We had one meeting, but didn't continue. Still very interested.
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  • Profile picture of the author carsonben
    I'm in Marietta. Is anyone still interested in getting something together?
    Authority Media Marketing Strategist
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    • Profile picture of the author BLSquared
      There was talk of a Skype group but not sure if it was ever formed but that would be a good starting point.

      All still interested please respond to this thread, and we can get a group formed with those interested.

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  • Profile picture of the author AtlantaSEOWeb
    BLSquared - Yep, still interested. Thanx!
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  • Profile picture of the author drdarien777
    Hi Ya'll

    I will put something together. Since we are scattered out around the North Georgi area, I will do something through anymeeting.com to get us started as a test meeting via webinar. . Please email me at dan@marketingintelligence.us and let me know when a good time would be for you to be part of a webinar. You can also contact me through Skype.... my user name is dr.dan777 Thanks, Dan
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  • Profile picture of the author za1ntc
    there may be one, i also remember hearing about that tooo!
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  • Profile picture of the author rtcorbett
    is this thread still alive?
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    • Profile picture of the author Scoke
      Hi rtcorbett,

      I just logged back into Warrior Forum after a looooong hiatus. If you are still interested in a Mastermind. Maybe we can get something together.

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