New Skype Group - All Levels Welcome
What this group is for:
- Asking questions and getting answers and opinions from other IMers.
- Bouncing ideas off of each other.
- Finding people to work on projects together with.
- Chatting socially with other IMers.
What this group is not for:
- Advertising your products and sites. If you are releasing a new product, feel free to let everyone know as long as you think it will actually help them. Don't spam us telling us to buy your new WSO.
- Being rude and unhelpful. Members of the group should treat each other with respect.
Who can join this group:
- Newbies with no experience.
- Novices wanting to learn more while helping those with less experience.
- Seasoned vets that enjoy helping newbies.
- Anyone in between.
Onliners and Offliners welcome.
My specialties are:
- Writing
- Product Creation
- Fiverr
- Some methods of ClickBank promotion
I do know about many other aspects of IM as well and we will have members with knowledge of many other parts of IM so don't feel shy about joining even if your methods don't fit into that list.
Simply add Memitaru on Skype and put a note that you are from WF and would like to join the Skype group.
- Tiff
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