Lets get together South Florida

by cash89
27 replies
I know there's has got to be tons of warriors in South Florida. Lets meet up, i'm looking to share ideas with new people.
#florida #meetup #south
  • Profile picture of the author Bellerine
    I've been looking for a group on the gulf coast of south florida - Sarasota area. Any interest?
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Fied
    Im in Lakeland Florida, I dont mind driving a little.. Message me if your starting up a group.
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    • Profile picture of the author Michael Forey
      I'm in Sarasota. My main business is CPA
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  • Profile picture of the author Richard Crooke
    I am in South Florida, city called Parkland. Basically its near Boca Raton.
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  • Profile picture of the author Phil Dunphy
    Anyone in Palm Beach, i'm willing to meet up.
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  • Profile picture of the author linuxoctane
    I just moved to Sarasota. So wondering if you guys ever met up? Know this thread is old but figure I'd post here.
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  • Profile picture of the author davemiz
    we have a small group that meets every 1-2 months down here in south fla. (ft lauderdale)

    PM me if you're local and want the details.

    “Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.”
    ― Dalai Lama XIV

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  • Profile picture of the author charto911
    It's been over 3 years since my last meeting of the minds down here. Dave when is the next meeting?
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    • Profile picture of the author TemperThompson
      I'm interested in this also.
      I currently live in Atlanta, but I was in Fort Lauderdale last year.
      I still travel to Florida every few months.

      I'll be in Florida next week. Any events or meetups then?

      I'm mostly working on list building right now. I'm still new, but I'm getting a hand of it. I've had success in Kindle publishing, so that's my niche.

      [ATTENTION AFFILIATES:] Want to earn 100% commission on a powerful Kindle offer converting at over 20%? Go check out my JV page here:

      Any questions at all? Feel free to send me a message.

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      • Profile picture of the author oyvdahl
        I just arrived in Miami. Going to stay here until christmas.
        I'm starting to get a decent list and organic search traffic. But struggling with the selling part.
        Would love to meet up with others in the area!

        Anyone want to meet in Miami Beach?
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  • Profile picture of the author charto911
    if you guys want to set something up for wednesday night here in Lauderdale.
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    • Profile picture of the author JoshLB
      Originally Posted by charto911 View Post

      if you guys want to set something up for wednesday night here in Lauderdale.
      I can do wednesday night in Ft. Lauderdale, when/where?

      I get off work at 6, not 5.
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  • Profile picture of the author JoshLB
    I'm in Coconut Creek, 1hour from Miami. I'm down to get together. I'm really new to IM though.

    Anyone set anything up yet? Maybe we can meet up at Miami or in Fort Lauderdale
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  • Profile picture of the author JoshLB
    I dont have enough posts to PM. could you PM me the info please?
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  • Profile picture of the author charto911
    lets do December 5th in Miami or Fort Lauderdale. ANYBODY DOWN? I WILL MAKE AN EVENT IF SO
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    • Profile picture of the author JoshLB
      Originally Posted by charto911 View Post

      lets do December 5th in Miami or Fort Lauderdale. ANYBODY DOWN? I WILL MAKE AN EVENT IF SO
      I'm down! Do it up!

      Just let me know when and where!
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  • Profile picture of the author cloutfit
    I am in Plantation (just west of Fort Lauderdale). December 5th would be great! .....I am an "active" IM!...(LOL), plus I manage a strong affiliate program (health niche) in South Florida, so a meetup would be cool.
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  • Profile picture of the author oyvdahl
    I am in Miami Beach. I might join. I leave Miami early morning the 6th. So it depends a little on time and place.
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    • Profile picture of the author Naturopath
      I live near Sarasota - looking to start an advanced IM Mastermind Group. Lots of newbies and there's a great Meetup.com group called IM Suncoast Mastermind Group for them. But for more experienced folks ready to go to the next level, there's not too many folks.

      I'd be willing to organize it - set the date, place, etc, just need to know if there's an interest. PM me and let's get rolling!
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  • Profile picture of the author baby_butler2002
    Hello to all in the Miami and fort lauderdale area ! im looking to join or start a mobile marketing master mind group. i have 6 years affiliate marketing experience mainly with seo but im new to mobile marketing. all serious individuals please respond and lets make this happen
    mobile in the future and its going to be big
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  • Profile picture of the author getsometraffic
    Any Serious Entrepreneurs or Internet Marketers Looking To Master Mind In Hudson Fl area? Lets have lunch or coffee

    I have 6 years in internet marketing and website development and would love to connect with others, as we all know sitting behind computer all day could get boring LOL

    PM me any time
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    • Profile picture of the author charto911
      Originally Posted by getsometraffic View Post

      Any Serious Entrepreneurs or Internet Marketers Looking To Master Mind In Hudson Fl area? Lets have lunch or coffee

      I have 6 years in internet marketing and website development and would love to connect with others, as we all know sitting behind computer all day could get boring LOL

      PM me any time
      Matt if you would like to co-ordinate a southflorida meetup then please PM some of the above posters and set up something in Miami or Lauderdale.
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  • Profile picture of the author JSammy
    I am in South Florida and would be interested in attending meeting(s). Please keep me posted.
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  • Profile picture of the author coach23
    I am in Miami can join any club in Miami or Ft Lauderdale.
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  • Profile picture of the author ldiaz117
    I'm in Miami and into PPD/CPA. PM me if anyone wants to share info
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  • I know this thread is old but I am looking to connect with like minded entrepreneurs, is anyone located near Coral Springs Florida?

    Skype: mparadise68
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