Atlanta Area Workshop Event -- January 25-26th

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Hey fellow warriors,

Shawn Casey, Matt Bacak, and myself are throwing a two day workshop just outside of Atlanta from January 25th to the 26th (that's a Friday and Saturday) at an exclusive club house where they live.

The focus will be on traffic, lead, and sales generation and methods, and we'll be teaching some pretty killer stuff, as well as providing free lunch on both days so everyone will have time to network as well.

We originally offered this workshop only to our existing customers, but we have a handful of seats left so we thought we'd extend the invite to our fellow warriors.

It's an exclusive club where you have to have photo ID to enter, and because of the limited seating, we're asking for a $97 deposit that we give right back to you right when you show up (to prevent us from over paying for lunch if people register and don't show), so it's essentially free.

If you're interested, check out the site at

Let me know if you have any questions.

- Brian
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