Announcing the Second Annual Warrior Networking Event, 2009 Edition
*** UPDATE November /8/10 *
So, What if I had lied to you?
Not on purpose, and technically I didn't lie since there will be no 3rd annual networking event this year - 2010.
BUT what about 2011? yes indeed, BUT - an interesting word; an interesting part of anatomy to which most of us have one and most cause olfactory abuse if one gets too close.
Indeed what about 2011? Only one thing we can do - if none of you asdfoi)(*& have the kohna's to do it.
to be held Saturday, Feb. 26 2011 Starting at 9AM ET to ?????
2008 - Eric Louviere Held the first annual WF event in Austin Texas. A shy IM wannabe leaves the event, transformed into an unstoppable Marketing Machine calling himself Jason Fladlien.
2009 - Jack Tackett manages to pull off the second annual WF event in Raleigh NC. He miraculously entices the Hamster King himself to return to the land of grits and teach us. A not so Shy offline Marketer transform over 2 days into an unstoppable action machine, not only generating tons of money for himself, but Tim Castelman solidify his name in just one year that he Was the goto guy for offline marketing.
2010 - ouch - kicked our asses. I guess I should use some copyrighting mojo and clean that up - but you know, sometimes the truth hurts. So now we're back - and back with a vengence! Frak procrastination, To HELL with in actiion - watchout world since we're coming back even bigger and stronger this year - with not one BUT TWO events. (after you recover from this one you need to start thinking about the next one later in the year - gotta play catch up ya know!)
We could not get together in 2010 in person to have our yearly meet up. But that has not deterred us yet. George Sepich and I, Jack Tackett, have been kicking around several ideas over the summer and now we're ready to get the ball rolling for the 3rd and even Greater! Warrior Event.
We realize the forum has changed, is changes, and will change in the future - such as societies are oft to do. I've addressed this email to those presenters and participants from our last gathering who I know have a passion for presenting to folks and in helping them in their career.
There are still lots of items in play as we move to get things together. I'm working on putting together the list of presenters and moderators we'll need.
One day of intense education and networking. Two full training rooms fully recorded and with mod-controlled interaction.
One track for beginners and the other track for more experienced folks.
No free for all here in your presentation.
We're saving that for the video chat rooms outside the training ones - places like the event/demo room, the Lounge. Attendees, mods, and presenters can chit chat in these rooms between seminars and far into the evening if they see fit. Be prepared to exchange contact information and get to know each other.
I have 3 folks signed for presenting, Tim Castlman, Sam England, and myself. Tina and Tracy stepped forward immediately to help let the moderator teams. They have a difficult duty but we stand behind them 100% in their quest to get black mail photos to use at the 4th annual WF Event!
There are still a massive amount of details to get in place - and in which we will seek guidance (like best platform to support upwards of 1000s of your fellow warriors in full discourse. As details solidify well get a bit more organized - like an aweber list say? - and start sending out details.
So, with out further adieu, you're getting this note in hopes that you will support us in celebrating the Warrior Forum, The incredible community that has develop there, weather you love it or hate it, And the personal Charities of George and Jack(*).
Basically we need speakers willing to reach out to your lists and drive traffic to the event. For that your royalty rate is %50 ot the take.
You attendees will then be permitted to launch to their lists for a %25 stake - they sell 4 and get in free.
Moderators attend for Free, and get %50 on any attendees they too drive to the event.
All presenters will be requested - and judged/ moderated - to provide actionable content that the attendees could use. Most sessions are targeted at around 1 hr - with some wiggle room! We've tried to learn our lessons from the previous 2. 40/45+ content, 5-7,min presentation, the rest q/a feed frm the mods. If the chat or the pitch go over we'll have buffer time to handle things. All back of rook sales will also be split 50/50.
I announced this on the weekend chats last week and already have 2Confirmed presenters - Tim Castlman and Sam England, along with several other promises once we get email/skype contact info in place. The same with Mods, we have 2 volunteers at this time and seveal more coming on board this week.
We don't have the total number or presenters/mods/support folks required yet - but if you're interested in either presenting, moderating, do the world famous User WSO (40 and you keep it all) just let me know how to get in touch with you.
Pricing is not set yet - there will be very reasonable intro pricing to kick things off as a WSO and as a special to the attendees of FNC and SNC before full pricing kicks in. And remember - all you need to attend is your computer, a net connection. Having a web cam and mike will just make it an un forgettable evening. I hear folks are already making book on who the first warrior to pass out live will be. Despite distance, our arrangements with main presentation rooms and side chat rooms means there for be something for everyone! And if you do miss one> so what? as a full paid in member you get the videos free after the class - all those slackers (sorry, watched the Back to the Future Trilogy this weekend instead of writing this note) will have to pay even MORE to access to the content later in the year.
as you can see - just the bare bones beginnings - but we need you help! if you would like to present for 1 to 1.5 hours on Feb 26 2010 - drop me a note and let me know. That goes too if you'd rather moderate and help out behind the scenes - we need help there too.
Please let me know if you want to help out - who you would like to see to present in either the beginning or intermediate tracks (I did tell you three were 2 seminar tracks right? oh crap - never try to write after taking an ambian to help you sleep......)?
Thanks for your time, Take care, please send our well wishes to Bev and her family in this tragic time of their lives.
jack.tackett skype
jacktackett twitter
jacktackett Linked In <-actually I'm trying to surpass 500 contact by the end of the year so any and all link requests are accepted (from known folks - just mention the warrior forum)
My Cell is below.
Lets make this the best one yet!!!!!
(*) My Charity is in support of the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption.
Jack Tackett, Jr.
VP Development and Co-Founder
(919) 774 1010 (office)
(919) 271 0325 (cell)
Compliancy, Inc.
*** UPDATE March/15/10 *
First I want to thank everyone who participated last October - a great time was had by all!
I made the official announcement on George Sepich's Friday Night Chat and will be sending out an announcement to the list - but I am not hosting the 3rd annual Warrior Forum meetup. I encourage, and hope, someone else will continue this fine tradition. I feel this should be part of the tradition - sort of like SF's WorldCon - that it be held somewhere different each year. I'd also suggest getting a team of folks together to put on the event - you'll need the help!
Also I'll be willing to help out anyone who wants to put on the event - just contact me and I'll do what I can.
*** UPDATE 10/05/09 ****
NEW WSO - SAVE $100!!!!
***Update 08/13/09 ***
We are LIVE! Check out the registration page at:
The price for August is $127 - but climbs to $297 if you wait to the last minute. Also we've only got 150 seats available so don't wait!
Where else are you going to get to meet Kevin Riley, Bev Clement, AND Willie Crawford on the same stage at the same time!
Yep - thanks to Janis Pettit Willie Crawford has graciously offered to present!
See you in October!
***Update ***
The venue has been set - we'll be meeting at the Marriott Raleigh Crabtree Valley. The room rate is an awesome 89.00!
If you want to go ahead and book the room now just use the code Netwharf Warrior Seminar and this will get you the group rate.
For more information on the hotel see:
Raleigh Hotels: Raleigh Hotel - Raleigh, NC Hotels - Marriott Raleigh Hotel
While this is not in downtown Raleigh liked I had hoped, it is near downtown and right across from a large regional mall (Crabtree Valley Mall) with lots of restaurants, a book store, and plenty of other amenities.
I'll be working with Jason to get the website ready at:
Coming Soon.
If you want to go ahead and reserve your place now just paypal $127.00 to jackt@netwharf.com. This will get your place reserved for the event. When we go live with the website the price will increase! So lock in your rate now.
Also thanks to Janis we've got a special guest presenter you'll don't want to miss!
More information soon!
*** End Update ***
Greetings everyone!
Last year Eric Louviere hosted the first annual Warrior Networking Event. It was a kick ass
get together that provided a ton of great information and, best of all, the opportunity to meet my fellow warriors. Sadly Eric is unable to host one this year (though he might be able to present during the new event), but has given me permission to carry on with the tradition.
It would be an honor for you all to attend and help yourselves to some great content, great networking, and to help out a great cause - The Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption.
Right now I have confirmed Robert Plank (who I met at the event last year!), Jason Fladlien - another great warrior I met at the event last year as well. The next person to confirm is the first lady of the WF, Bev Clement! Bev and her husband Rob have graciously agreed to fly in from Hong Kong to present at the event. Finally, Kevin Riley himself is considering repatriating himself for a short while to present as well!
I promise I would not apply peer pressure to get him to here - but I didn't promise you guys wouldn't (nudge nudge, wink wink ;-)
If you've ever wanted to meet these folks in person, here's your chance!
Thanks to everyone who's signed on so far! Next I want to give a big thanks to Eric, Steve Wagenheim and Paul Myers for their encouragement to get off my bum and do something.
An extra big thanks to Paul for calling me and providing some kick butt recommendations during our 'brief' 2 hour conversation. This is so common of fellow warriors - willing to help each other out at a moments notice.
The event will be held here in Raleigh NC the weekend of October 17th. Friday night will be a keynote speech and a meet and greet. Saturday will be the meat of the presentations starting at 9am until 5pm. Then at 9 pm we'll be hosting the first annual Warrior Forum masquerade ball! Complete with embarrassing images streaming to the 'net :-)
We'll finish up Sunday by 4pm, ending like Eric did with a Q/A from all remaining presenters.
We'll be finalizing the details over the next few months - hoping to have everything finalized by the middle of July. At that time we'll get a proper sales page up and start taking reservations. Some preliminary details are below, but subject to change.
If you would like to be kept informed - please send me a pm or post here. I'll get an announcement list up ASAP too. Also feel free to follow me on Twitter at jacktackett.
Finally, if there are other folks you'd like to see present, please feel free to send
them our way.
If you have any questions please just let me know.
Folks - this is going to be a knock down, drag out, kick ass event. Don't miss it!
What: Second Annual Warrior Networking Event 2009 Edition
Where: Raleigh NC
When: Oct 16,17,18 2009
In Support of: The Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption
Who (Confirmed!)
Robert Plank
Jason Fladlien
Bev Clement
Tim Castleman
Ron Caps
Wendy Weiss
John Ritz
Janis Pettit
The Rhodes Brothers
Kevin Riley
**UPDATE - Presenters are now set! Thanks to everyone for stepping up to the plate. Your support has left me gobsmacked (did I use that word correctly?) **
Friday Oct 16.
Meet and Greet
Keynote Address: By TBD. I've invited Allen to give the keynote, but have been cautioned he will probably respectfully decline
Saturday, Oct 17:
8-9 Breakfast
9-6 Presentations
9:30-2:30 Presentations (I'm figuring not many warriors will be able to make 8am :-)
2:30-5:30 Q/A - wrap up.
This is not a pitch fest folks - like last year, presenters will be providing concise, actionable information. They will be allowed a brief pitch at the end of their presentation providing it follows the spirit of WSOs here on the forum - a special price, limited offer just for attendees and supporters.
On site WSOs will be allowed, as at the first event.
10 lucky folks can pitch in person.
New this year! - 10 can present via video.
Anyone can put together a 1 page sales letter that will be given out at the event.
Pricing - I'm basically planning on following Eric's lead last year so it will be affordable while generating a nice donation to Dave Thomas' Foundation.
See everyone in October!
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Sig went on vacation. Will return shortly smothered with some AwesomeSauce!
Sig went on vacation. Will return shortly smothered with some AwesomeSauce!
Sig went on vacation. Will return shortly smothered with some AwesomeSauce!
It's all here in The Sales Supercharger!