[Mobile CPA Class in Singapore] I'm At $100k/Month Profit in Mobile CPA Marketing. Learn How I Do It

by Gerald Arno Banned
2 replies

Hey Guys and Gals,

Steven S. here with a sickening message:

I'm going to be teaching you the exact mobile CPA system that has already made me $100k profit in this very month. You get to learn this little secret system live in Singapore from November 1 - November 5.

I'm literally loaded with excitement as this event is going to turn any newbie into a multiple 6 figure and even 7 figure mobile marketer. I finally decided to reveal what's going on behind the curtains in my business. Before I get into the details of this live event in Singapore, I've to fill you in on some really important data..

If you're familiar with the profitability of mobile marketing, you probably have been waiting for the opportunity I'm offering you today. Trust me, it's a rare opportunity, perhaps a once in a lifetime opportunity.

While every idiot is teaching the "art" of desktop marketing, almost nobody is teaching how to properly advertise on mobile devices and make 6 figures profit a month.

I'm not surprised at all.. I mean the few mobile marketers that know their stuff, simply do not teach it to the public. We're talking here about a very small group of people. Those who teach it, distribute garbage rather than a proven formula.

I think that needs to be changed.

Not only is mobile immensely profitable and you can make 20 times more money than the top desktop gurus from this forum.

Mobile CPA Marketing is one of the most undiscovered ways to generate profits online.

Did you know that there are 6.8 billion active phone subscriptions?

Did you know that more people own a phone than a toilet?

Did you know that 90% of all internet marketers focus on old school advertising techniques, such as: PPC, Organic Search, Solo Ads, Social Media, Media Buys...

These facts are shocking, yet so few marketers actually catch up and do something about it.

Straight up: Mobile Marketing is more profitable than desktop marketing. Why? You will encounter less competition but more volume.

There is not much training available on mobile and what you can find is mainly incomplete because mobile has only been around for 4 years. But it's the future and if you get in now, you will literally make millions of dollars.

So yes, it's for the ones who want to make it big and work smarter than most desktop marketers.

But what I can tell you is that this is not for the infirm.

You've to work your butt off to make $100k profit in a month but you know what? It's freaking worth it because in 1 year from now, you'll be a ******* millionaire. That's the only thing that matters.

Let's get down to the details of this course - it will be a results changing seminar for your business.

This live event is taking place in Singapore, SE Asia.

Date: Saturday November 1st to Wednesday November 5th.

Presenter: Steven S. - 7-Figure Mobile CPA Marketing Earner

Topic: How to Earn $100k+/Month Net Profit in Mobile Cost Per Action Marketing

In this workshop, we'll be teaching you this 6 figure a month business model in a step by step manner. We will have 4 to 6 sessions a day to provide you with everything that you need to become the next top earner in mobile.

Is this for you? Well if you're damn serious about making multiple 5 figures and even 6 figures monthly, then the answer is: YES IT IS.

I have to tell you though that we only allow 25 people to join this mobile workshop. Since this is a class which will shape many 6 figure and 7 figure earners, we've to limit this thing.

If you're based in North America or Europe, you'll have to jump on a long distance flight to attend this training but it will be well well worth it. If you're located in SE ASIA or Australia, it will be a shorter flight for you.

Now, the doors are open for 25 people only and this will be sold out quickly, so go here now to apply for the $100k+/month profit mobile course:

Once you applied, we both will jump on a call to see if you qualify for this event and challenge.

I look forward to helping you achieve massive success in the mobile industry!

Steven S.
#$100k or month #class #cpa #learn #marketing #mobile #profit #singapore
  • Profile picture of the author sabhssabhs
    How mush is the price for this course?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9556203].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Gerald Arno
      It's a 5 day workshop with 7-Figure earner Steven S.

      After the workshop, there'll be 1 follow up webinar a week for 60 days. Also, there's a bonus online module that you get to learn online.

      It's $4,997.


      Originally Posted by sabhssabhs View Post

      How mush is the price for this course?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9558700].message }}

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