woo-commerce inventory management?

4 replies
Does anyone have ideas on how to manage inventory of an e-commerce furniture dropship store made from woo-commerce?

I work with 10 drop shippers who all upload an excel sheet once of month with inventory and discontinued product information.

Right no inventory is not being tracked. I simply tell the customer the item is out of stock which is NOT GOOD in the long term.

I believe I have 2 options:

1. Program some automation
2. Indicated estimated shipping time of 1-6 weeks since an out of stock item takes about 4 weeks to be put back in stock. Remember I am selling furniture.
#inventory #management #woocommerce
  • Profile picture of the author CharlieColo
    I can totally relate to your situation and I'm amazed that nobody has offered any help till date. What I cannot understand is, why do you have to do it manually when there are many software out there that can easily get the job done. I seriously believe you should consider getting one for your company as I did myself a couple of months ago. I had similar issues and mine being a boutique, it was pretty difficult. There are many options out there like MultiFlex POS system who offer free demo to begin with so that you can familiarize with the product as well as perform some tests to determine whether it's the one you are looking for. Wouldn't be a bad idea to spend a little and believe me, it worked out very well for me.
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    • Profile picture of the author sofiasamuel
      I too understand your difficulties, try out software that can solve all your issues.
      I will help you to monitor your workflow automatically. Browsing in google finding out the software can solve your issues.

      If you use a software it will increase your productivity.Use can ask suggestions on the best software if you are interested.
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  • Profile picture of the author mich800
    Woocommerce has a product import addon. Maybe you could do weekly imports to update the stock quantities. Of course these would still be estimates as your dropship supplier could still run out before your quantity does.
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  • Profile picture of the author mich800
    Boy this is happening alot lately. Responding to problems people have had over a year ago. My guess the OP has figured something out by now.
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