Where should your signature point?

18 replies
Hi guys,

Should my signature lead to my blog like I had it before or should I have it directed to my squeeze page? From past experience I didn't get anybody sign up for my free offer on my blog...but did when I had it set to my free offer?
I know I should be getting visitors to my blog but at the same time need to build my list?

#point #signature
  • Profile picture of the author msabihj
    Two words - test & tweak.
    guy from the next planet
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  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Originally Posted by The Happy Mom View Post

    Where should your signature point?
    Wherever you want the traffic to land.

    (I'm an affiliate marketer, myself, so in my case that's always my opt-in page, and "collecting the visitors' email addresses" is the primary purpose of my websites.)

    Originally Posted by The Happy Mom View Post

    I know I should be getting visitors to my blog but at the same time need to build my list?
    Isn't "building your list" the main purpose of your blog, Tracey?

    If in doubt, I would be sending it to the opt-in. (But you should have an opt-in on your blog, too?)

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    • Profile picture of the author The Happy Mom
      Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

      Wherever you want the traffic to land.

      (I'm an affiliate marketer, myself, so in my case that's always my opt-in page, and "collecting the visitors' email addresses" is the primary purpose of my websites.)

      Isn't "building your list" the main purpose of your blog, Tracey?

      If in doubt, I would be sending it to the opt-in. (But you should have an opt-in on your blog, too?)

      Yes, I do have an opt-in on my blog but never get anyone signing up from there...not enough traffic
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  • Profile picture of the author sim0769

    I am new to this is an image to your signature worth the $60?
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  • Profile picture of the author onSubie
    I think in your case where you have a blog but also want to actively build a list with a squeeze-page you should send any "deliberate" traffic to your squeeze page. As you have seen, this maximizes sign-ups.

    Then send information about your blog to the list and promote new blog posts to the list.

    If you are worried about a stand-alone squeeze you can have your squeeze a pop-over opt-in with your blog visible underneath. Just set the pop-in to only appear for the url you use to promote.

    Signature links, paid traffic, YouTube videos, etc where you are doing something for the purpose of driving traffic (as opposed to sharing content) should go to your squeeze page. The reason is you want to maximize return on your investment for that traffic with opt-ins.

    Traffic to your blog will be more natural traffic from Google, social sharing your content (facebook, twitter) and from promoting your content to your list.

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    • Profile picture of the author DermotByrne1
      As OnSubie stated above, you should send traffic to your squeeze page

      You can then promote your new blog posts to your list. This will build your traffic to your website
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  • My guess is to a squeeze page I don't do it myself.

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  • Profile picture of the author gmarklin
    It seems like you tested it for the blog and it did not work, but it did for the squeeze page, so you got you answer
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  • Profile picture of the author hardworker2013
    I suggest you send them to the free offer via a squeeze page, then when you capture
    the emails you can send your blog posts to your list. As someone mentioned above
    you just have to test and tweak to what works for you.
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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    Try this: do some experiments with your signature title. Keep tweaking the text to see which text combo produces the highest CTR. Then switch between your blog and squeeze page to see which produces the highest conversions.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sarevok
    Who says you can't do both?

    Also... Remember that if your squeeze page isn't converting...

    Perhaps you could change the bait?
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  • Profile picture of the author joseph7384
    Where should your signature point?

    The answer is north!
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    I would send the signature to the squeeze/opt-in page. After they subscribe, give them a freebie or whatever to download on your blog, and in your email follow-ups to them.... lead them back to your blog. Tell them to sign up to your blog's opt-in so that they can get notifications when you wrote a new blog post. Some people would rather go to the blog first as opposed to going to the email first. Blogging is apart of my business - but it's not the main aspect. It just seems like you want most of the traffic to go to your blog.
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  • Profile picture of the author bigbenre
    I also agree that you should send people to your opt-in page that offers some sort of free gift. Best way to do it in my experience.
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  • Profile picture of the author John Pagulayan
    Always better to send it to a squeeze.

    Think about it. If you send it to a blog and they finished reading it, yeah sure they might opt in but will you still be able to get them back in case they don't?

    However, if you send it to your squeeze page, and they did opt in, you can always send them back to your blog. =)
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    • Profile picture of the author The Happy Mom
      Originally Posted by John Pagulayan View Post

      Always better to send it to a squeeze.

      Think about it. If you send it to a blog and they finished reading it, yeah sure they might opt in but will you still be able to get them back in case they don't?

      However, if you send it to your squeeze page, and they did opt in, you can always send them back to your blog. =)
      Good point John
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  • Profile picture of the author sr.20
    Point the signature to your landing page.

    Capture the emails ,

    Just have email, No Name

    this will increase conversions.
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