Can you sell PLR eBooks on Amazon Kindle?

8 replies
Are you allowed to sell PLR eBooks on Kindle?
#amazon #ebooks #kindle #plr #sell
  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    No. And according to what I've read in writers' forums, Amazon is getting better at noticing it, and closing down accounts, if/when people do.

    (I'm only guessing this, but I'd imagine this usage would probably be contrary to the terms of sale of quite a lot of PLR purchases, too?).

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  • Profile picture of the author Fun to Write
    Absolutely not. That ship has sailed long ago. You'll quickly get shut down if you try publishing PLR content on Kindle. Do some research and find topics you can write about yourself, or hire writer to create book content.

    Focus+Smart Work+Persistence=Success

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  • For the argument lets say YOU CAN SELL PLR ON AMAZON KINDLE.

    Here's my question why would you want to?

    Why would you even ask?

    It never crossed my mind to do that. Why not make your own content and if you don't want to why not pay someone to make original content?

    What am I missing here?

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  • Profile picture of the author gmarklin
    You are using other peoples content to sell for profit. Don't you think that is wrong even it you could sell it on Amazon.?
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    • Profile picture of the author Nathan Kruz
      It is PLR, thats the entire point lol
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    • Profile picture of the author John Rogers
      Originally Posted by BigNate View Post

      Are you allowed to sell PLR eBooks on Kindle?
      Amazon wised up to that. Good for them. It devalues their market. Unfortunately there are still a whole bunch of folks publishing original work on Kindle so poorly written that it's completely unintelligible. Much of it, of course, about making money online. Go figure...

      Originally Posted by gmarklin View Post

      You are using other peoples content to sell for profit. Don't you think that is wrong even it you could sell it on Amazon.?
      Purchasing private label rights should not be for the purpose of generating profit? What, exactly, do you think it should be used for?
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    • Profile picture of the author nicheblogger75
      Originally Posted by gmarklin View Post

      You are using other peoples content to sell for profit. Don't you think that is wrong even it you could sell it on Amazon.?
      The whole point of PLR is to use someone else's content to make money. You should always add your own personal touches to it, though, IMO.
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  • Profile picture of the author AmandaT
    I know a few people who use PLR for their Kindle books but the amount of work you need to do is pretty close to writing from scratch. It needs to be unrecognizable compared to the original piece of PLR.

    Personally I've used PLR ebooks to gather ideas and do research for mine but generally I buy three books and pull ideas from each and then write from scratch.
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