Ban countries that have no business visiting my site?

by 12 replies
Does anyone do this? I have a lot of useless and non-converting traffic from countries that are not doing anything in my sites and in order to save bandwidth I plan to disallow their access. What are your thoughts about this?

#main internet marketing discussion forum #ban #business #countries #site #visiting
  • I don't know about this. It seems like a waste of the traffic.

    Maybe you could use some sort of Geo-targeted redirect to send them to something more suitable, like an affiliate offer that is targetted towards that country.

    At least you're doing something with it.

    • [1] reply
    • I will certainly do this if I have the option to do so. Right now, I'm on the process of searching the best method to do it except for just banning.
  • Geo redirect will be your best option.

    Redirecting them to CPA offers related to your site ain't such a bad idea. That way, you're still making money with wasted traffic.
  • How about making a Adsense blog for them and redirecting them to your blog. Google has no issue with that as far as I know.
    • [1] reply
    • This is actually the reason why I want to redirect them to something that I could make money with because these people are not clicking on any adsense ads. There are around 24 countries with more than 500 views each without a single click although I have around 3% CTR in general.

      I don't really get what you mean but redirect "to where" and what "script" you are talking about. BTW "wala / wallah" is a Tagalog/Filipino term for "nothing"..
  • I think you should plan a strategy. Maybe build a fanpage where you redirect the traffic you do not find important and maybe a squeeze page so you get their emails.

    Hope this helped,

    Darius Vaduva
  • Redirect them my friend. Just install the script and wallah.
  • banning them is one way but like everyone else has chimed in, sending them somewhere else where you can monetize them would be a whole lot better.

    at least they can see something in their native languages.

    you can do this with a redirect script or in your webaccess dashboard in cpanel
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
    • [1] reply
    • If you are using WordPress get yourself a GEO Targeting plugin and bulk redirect or specifically redirect countries that bring you no business. Redirect them to a international offer or to an affiliate offer. This could be done very easily.
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • You may want to track your sales and know exactly where they are coming from.

    I don't think any country is going to be worthless so long as the traffic is targeted.
    The only reason why i would want to blacklist traffic from any country is high fraud or refund rate.
  • Why would you do that? None of the big, authority websites ban countries. Removing traffic will make your website Alexa ranking go down and your overall traffic stats will take a hit. This would reduce the value of your website if you later want to sell it or when you want to apply to get advertising.
    • [1] reply
    • My reason why I want to do this is already clear on the very first post above. My site is not authority and there are specific countries that my site has no business dealing with.

      I already identified where they are coming from and I have complete data.

      ++++++++++++++ Edit

      I just turned my 1,500 daily useless traffic to $7.5. This is not a big amount but considering these traffic is really useless, It's a big bonus to me.

      What I did.

      I installed wp plugin (free)

      The plugin has option to block whatever country you may want and an option which page you want them to redirect. I just created a dummy page then redirect the page to an affiliate program that pays me $5/1,000 impressions regardless of the country source of traffic.

      My site traffic will surely decrease but my CTR will increase and I can save more bandwidth.

      There are other plugins that looks good but most are not compatible with the latest wp version...

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