Warning Paypal Scam
Forgive me if this thread is in wrong place (moderators feel free to move to correct section), but I needed to get this out there.
This paypal scam has been working really well lately for the scumbags that are running it, and after researching it, there have been a ton of regular folks falling for it and getting scammed. My wife was just hit up by this scam this past weekend.
The scam goes like this.
You place an ad in craigslist to sell your ipad, for example, and want about $500 for it. You quickly get this email back from this guy who says he wants to know what your paypal email is so that he can send you the money to your paypal account.
You think, wow cool I already have a buyer! And you get all excited and send them your email so they can make the payment to your paypal.
Here's where the scam comes in. You get an email, and it looks just like it came from paypal, saying that you received the funds in your paypal account and the funds are on hold till you send the buyer the tracking ID for the shipment.
Um yeah, you need to pay for the shipping yourself, then send them the tracking ID, before paypal will release the funds to your account? Red Flag!
Most of us would be like, um yeah, I'm not going to send off my expensive item in the mail til I get the money cleared into my paypal first. Right?
Well you'd be surprised how many people are falling for this scam. The email they send out to you, that says they paid money to your paypal, looks really legit. The only way to tell is to look at the reply email, or log into your paypal account and see that it's not there. Aha ....busted.
This guy was calling my wife and harassing her to send out her ipad, and that he will gladly pay an extra $100 cuz he really wants it. So since she didn't have a paypal email set up, I told her to use mine. And that's when I found out about this scam.
As soon as I got the email from the scumbag showing that the funds were in my paypal account, only they were on hold till I shipped out the product and then gave them a tracking ID, I knew it was bogus.
It's sad though that so many people fall for this. I researched it and found this scam still goes on and unsuspecting people will pay to ship out their stuff, without even bothering to look into their paypal to see if this is a legit transaction.
Well the dead giveaway, was the address on where to ship the ipad to, yep you guessed it, Nigeria.
Raydal -
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