2 questions for the Pro bloggers
Now that I've started to see some sales coming in on my products I'm really trying to focus optimizing the whole site to capture more of the traffic I'm getting from all over the world. I have 2 questions I'd like your opinion on.
1. Even though I have made a few sales lately I'm not sure my funnel is set up the best way for a blog. Can you share your basic funnel for a blog business model?
2. I've been writing and sending out my blog articles to my mailing list one at a time, week after week. I recently learned I should automate that with my autoresponder (facepalm, lol) and set up a year's worth of evergreen content to go out weekly.
But there's a debate about which practice is best: including a paragraph or two with a link to the site to read the rest, or including the entire article in the email. Which one do you prefer to do?
~ Rhonda White
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Ron Cross
The Secret To Success In Any Business
Yes, Any Business!