Ready for Black Friday?
Black Friday will be here in less than 2 months.
Are you preparing to profit from it? If so, consider these ideas.
Are you a product creator? You can pull together several of your past products and offer a special WSO/sales event for it. Heck, you could dash up a FREE WSO/1 page cheatsheet/ regarding your niche to build your list ... and then on Black Friday, make your new offer known to your new list.
Are you an affiliate marketer? Lots of stores are offering Black Friday deals - Macy's just fired a warning shot in Retail Land with this announcement.
Macy's Black Friday sales to start 2 hours earlier on Thanksgiving |
Here's their sneak peek Pinterest Board:
Black Friday Sneak Peek on Pinterest
You could use Pinterest in the same way - Create a Black Friday 2014 board and start to pin updates about the upcoming deals. Every few pins, pin an image with an affiliate link.
What about Instagram? The holidays are coming and Black Friday caters bunches to that... you could use your Instagram pix/hashtags to build your brand/drive people to your site/links via FB/Twitter/etc. posting. And if you're pressed for time, use
Latergram - Schedule your Instagram Posts
to schedule uploads to your Instagram account.
What about Fiverr? Bunches of service providers will be providing Black Friday coupons ... domain hosting, gadgets, mobile, etc. You can post a gig about how you can save people X amount of money and then provide them with the coupon codes.
Black Friday Coupons 2014: Find Black Friday Sales & Deals
are 2 places to find up-to-date BF deals.
Want to put the power of Google to work for you? Find a high-commission affiliate product that will have a Black Friday deal... and create 5 separate Google Hangouts about that product before Black Friday arrives. Google gives good rankings to Hangout Videos... and then you can include your affiliate link in the description.
These are just some ideas you can start using today. The key is to realize... you have less than 2 months to build up buzz, so the sooner you begin, the better.
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