Here is a free Amazon tip that could make you thousands of dollars in no time.

by Adie
11 replies
Some warriors are aware that I've been promoting Amazon products for a while now and having a good success. Some people think that it is hard to earn with Amazon because of low percentage commission, and it is impossible to earn thousands of dollars. Some common questions I received especially from my fb friends are "what products do I need to promote", "how to find salable products", "how to find and sell best-selling products" etc. The line of products to promote is always the main concern.

Many people who tried to promote Amazon products and failed committed the same mistakes. They are targeting high-priced products thinking that they can earn big commission in few sales even though their knowledge on certain products is limited.

In my case, I do it with passion. I don’t care whether I sell a product worth $5.00 or even lower as long as people are buying it again and again without large effort in my end. Finding products to promote is easy and you don’t need a fancy review site or need to make an article for each product you want to promote. In fact, I can make a sale without even mentioning a product.

I use the same approach in both Adsense and Amazon. I pick products/topics/market that has consistent followers including myself. I believe many of us here are fans of any kind of sports and this is actually the easiest market to penetrate.

Take a look at how big the sports market is if you decide to pursue your dreams in blogging about your favorite sports team. Each of these keyword has corresponding product line in Amazon that you can link to with your affiliate ID.

NFL is another example of a major sport you can promote.

Shop by League in the Fan Shop

NFL 32 teams
MLB 30 teams
NCAA 12 categories
NHL 30 teams
NBA 32 teams

So how to do this?

Simple. If you have passion in sports just create a blog and update it whenever you want.Talk about your favorite players, scores, techniques, win/loss, statistics, etc and link the keywords to Amazon product page. If you mention Dallas Cowboys in a post, link that to Amazon.

This is like telling a story while earning.

Start earning now with Amazon and stop asking what product to promote because the products are within your self already. You just need to uncover it. This applies not only in sports but to all other topics of your interest. The main purpose is to link to Amazon whenever you mention a keyword.

I have a blog about basketball and this is actually my main Amazon earner especially now that NBA season is opening soon. Even Nowitzki's name is linked to Dallas Mavericks Amazon page (sample not affiliate) .. A Mav's fan would certainly think twice the moment he reaches this page, same with other teams and diehard fans.

The beauty of this idea is that, you can write freely and can sell even without promotional hype.You only have one target and that is to bring people to Amazon site as many as you can. Amazon will take care the rest of your job once people reaches its page...

Good luck!
#amazon #dollars #free #make #thousands #time #tip
  • Profile picture of the author flungfoo
    Nice Post.

    Man its the simple things like posting what your passionate about and letting others find you that everyone misses out on, they are all taken the wrong approach and sometimes miss what should be the obvious answer and I am guilty of this too.

    Time to start my guitar blog
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris-
    Some good points, I agree that it is best to have real knowledge on the subject-area.

    One thing I would say differently is that in my experience people are more likely to want to read about a product before they buy, if that product costs more than about $100. I don't personally choose the higher-ticket items but I do get better results for products over $100. I'd also say that big or heavy products are also not ideal, because the cost of delivery add so much to the online cost. Plus I'd say that it's better to write about Amazon products which are not available in a typical WalMart, because what I am providing in my product reports is additional information to help make a buying decision.

    I agree that Amazon is one of the best affiliate programs, and in my experience I'd say that Amazon affiliate marketing is the most reliable IM method I've tested (and I've tested a lot of them) in terms of producing a good long-term income compared to the work done.

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    • Profile picture of the author wavemaster
      Great Tip Thank you . I am using Amazillionaire to make $$ on Amazon. Its simple and gets indexed fast.
      I created 12 sites and haven't promoted them yet. They make 100.00 per month altogether mostly from google traffic. Holidays I will see an increase because some have items in their carts already and when they visit your site you can get credit for the whole cart.
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  • Profile picture of the author Vince Rivera
    Great tip! Surely the simple fact that if you love your business then it will love you back. Its when people see you as someone who know something more than they do and love to share, thats when you can tell that you are building authority... = trust

    Keep it up
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    • Profile picture of the author savidge4
      I absolutely agree with the OP here. Amazon affiliation is probably the best product affiliate program you can get into. There are basically 4 ways that you can advertise Amazon products.

      As the OP has stated you can write freely on a subject and just link to Amazon. Another method is to pick a specific product to link to that may be relevant to what you are posting FB'ing or tweeting. A third one is to write product reviews of the products that you are linking to.

      These 3 methods are all fine and good, and you CAN get results. Part of the game is simply to get these folks over to Amazon. Regard less if they buy what you are exactly pushing or not in the next 12 hours they are yours. Sometimes it amazes me to see the site of entry, Say womans Skinny Jeans, and then they go buy a $1000 TV or something.

      The 4th method... well this is what I am currently switching over to lock stock and barrel. It is my goal to have 200 sites up and done by the end of the year. A full blow e-commerce site that displays the products, and transfers the user over at checkout. The specific system I am using increases the cookie time to 90 days, and if the customer purchases from my site ANY purchase made by the customer in the next 90 days I get credit for. ( Regardless if cookie is still there or not )

      That becomes a game changer. 12 hours vs 90 days is a big of a difference. I can tell you that with the 50 or so sites I have up already, there is a huge jump in profits on my end.
      Success is an ACT not an idea
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  • Profile picture of the author LookAhead
    Great post and very useful tips. Thanks for sharing.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tom Addams
    Super post, Adie. Thanks for the share!

    I Coach: Learn More | My Latest WF Thread: Dead Domains/ Passive Traffic

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  • Profile picture of the author blueclcl
    Good post and a simple way to earn money as an affiliate on Amazon.

    Writing about your passion and interest is a great way to stay focused and limits the chance of giving up or getting bored.
    Free cheat sheet for getting your first paying writing client on Upwork within 7 days - Learn More [/B]
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  • Profile picture of the author seeqer
    Thanks! This is super helpful. I am trying to do a blog and I will use amazon. Thanks for the tip.
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  • Profile picture of the author anwar001
    What you say is right but it certainly is not easy. Writing a blog and regularly updating it with quality content takes some effort and patience. If the topic of your blog is something you are passionate about it can make things easier but still it is not a cakewalk as you seem to suggest. There are also other things involved which people have to learn like promoting their blog posts on social media sites or through SEO etc.
    Get Hundreds of Super Targeted Traffic in Any Niche from Facebook - 3 Step Organic FB Marketing

    25 Guidelines For Massive Affiliate Success - Whether you are a beginner or an expert, read these principles and refer back to them many times
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9607285].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Adie
      Originally Posted by anwar001 View Post

      What you say is right but it certainly is not easy. Writing a blog and regularly updating it with quality content takes some effort and patience. If the topic of your blog is something you are passionate about it can make things easier but still it is not a cakewalk as you seem to suggest. There are also other things involved which people have to learn like promoting their blog posts on social media sites or through SEO etc.
      I find no difficulty writing about the topics that I really like. The only question sometimes is the availability of time. I have no problem writing for my own blog.... Honestly, I post 6 to 8 times a day to one my blogs with the topic that I really like most..... I am a big fan of basketball and I can spend my whole day discussing about it while making sales on the process....

      Moderator's Note: You're only allowed to put your own products or sites in your signature.

      Signature edited.
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