Just sold my site on Flippa... question about Wordpress transfer

11 replies

I recently sold my site on Flippa. The new owner uses Joomla and I'd like to know if anyone knows what's the easiest way for me to transfer all the webpages I created (which used Wordpress) to the new owner (who is using Joomla).

Thanks in advance for your help.
#flippa #question #site #sold #transfer #wordpress
  • Profile picture of the author Sandakelum
    I think you'll have to move pages manually. It'll be a nightmare if you're not familiar with Joomla. You can hire a freelancer if that's the case.

    I know this is not my business, but why would you want to move to Joomla? If buyer wants it moved, let them deal with it!
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  • Profile picture of the author Shane12
    If it's only a few pages, manual makes sense. I can't vouch for any, but you should be able to search and find a converter to at least get the job done, if perhaps not 100% with expected results. I agree, though, unless you offered to do this as a condition of the sale, I would transfer the Wordpress database and let the new owner deal with it. I can't see why they would want to. Wordpress is free and pretty easy to use. Joomla may be what they are used to, but the switch could have unintended consequences.
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  • Profile picture of the author pawandave
    No idea man if it was wordpress duplicator is best option
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  • Profile picture of the author salegurus
    Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.

    ― George Carlin
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  • Profile picture of the author Valdor Kiebach
    Why would you do that? If you sold the site as a WP site then just make a backup of the site and database and send the buyer this then transfer the domain to them, its up to the buyer to adapt the site to joomla if they want.
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  • Profile picture of the author Carsten Tiensuu
    I´m not sure why you agreed to make your site a Joomla page for your client, when it was created on WP, now you´ll have to work your ass of to do it... I would contact the buyer and say...you bought a WP site and you´ll get a WP site.

    I think you should try to Clone the site and see if it can be set up on the Joomla platform. I´m not sure if it works that way.

    It´s easy to transfer a site to a new owner. Can be found on Youtube.

    I have sold many sites on Flippa, but never met a client that made a request like this.
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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    Are you actually saying that you agreed to convert a Wordpress site to Joomla for the buyer? If so, I hope you're charging him a lot of extra dough for that. I would never agree to do that. I know of no easy transference from WP to Joomla.

    If you want to just give him the Wordpress site that he bought, http://domainingdiva.com/transfer.pdf will give you instructions. Otherwise ... good luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author Innovator3
    I did not mention or say I'd do a conversion or anything like that. He just mentioned he's using Joomla and I want to see if there's an easy way to make this transfer since I didn't find anything worthwhile in Google.

    If I'm transferring the domain and everything to him, wouldn't it be easier if I gave him WP creds and he could do what he wants with it?
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    • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
      Originally Posted by Innovator3 View Post

      I did not mention or say I'd do a conversion or anything like that. He just mentioned he's using Joomla and I want to see if there's an easy way to make this transfer since I didn't find anything worthwhile in Google.

      If I'm transferring the domain and everything to him, wouldn't it be easier if I gave him WP creds and he could do what he wants with it?
      You should either use my guide to transfer the files to him or use something like Duplicator to build the site on his own server. That's what I do. Giving him access to the backend of Wordpress does not give him the files and database, which he should have.
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    • Profile picture of the author onSubie
      Originally Posted by Innovator3 View Post

      I did not mention or say I'd do a conversion or anything like that. He just mentioned he's using Joomla and I want to see if there's an easy way to make this transfer since I didn't find anything worthwhile in Google.

      If I'm transferring the domain and everything to him, wouldn't it be easier if I gave him WP creds and he could do what he wants with it?
      All you are doing is zipping up your WP site and sending the file to him and pushing the domain.

      What does Joomla have to do with it?

      As Suzanne said, just use an easy guide to back-up and transfer. It is the buyer's problem if he wants to switch to a Joomla CMS or not.

      You are selling a working site as a product. You are not selling yourself as a technical consultant.

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  • Profile picture of the author vishwa
    Here is the plugin in joomla CMS2CMS: Automated WordPress to J! Migration - Joomla! Extensions Directory which can easily move or import contents from WordPress to joomla. Hope thats help you.
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