Newbie affiliate seeking help

13 replies
Hi Guys,

Being a newbie and a firm believer that "the money is in the list" I am planning to use lead pages to build my list using squeeze pages. What I need to know is where do I bring my subscribers to after they download the free software or report if I don't have a product myself? Appreciate any recommendations.
#affiliate #lead pages #list building #newbie #seeking #squeeze page
  • Profile picture of the author Joseph Villanueva
    You should have a thank you page where your leads can download the free product. You should focus on giving value and building relationship with your leads so you get loyal followers with your brand and building long term networks and buyers.

    I would focus on having an authority blog while building list so your business
    Becomes more long term.

    Need a Coach to generate leads and TRIPLE your online business income?
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  • Profile picture of the author Esteban Gomez
    What I do is that I lead them to a page there I thank you them for downloading the product and tell them to connect with me in social media.

    I mostly use this page to build relationships and grown my social media base.

    Not trying to promote myself but if you want to see my thank you page you can after you opt-in to get my ebook on my blog.

    Most people hate being sold to so even if you had a product I wouldn't recommend selling it just after the person opt-ins because this will not make a good first impression on your lead.

    Esteban Gomez
    Visit My Blog To Fast Track Your Internet Marketing Success:
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  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Originally Posted by Aplutus View Post

    What I need to know is where do I bring my subscribers to after they download the free software or report if I don't have a product myself?
    You host somewhere the "free report" or whatever you're using, and send them the download link by automated email.

    Don't make the mistake of giving them the download link on the "thank you page": if you do it that way, you're failing to verify that they can receive emails from you in their in-boxes before you give it to them (and that's a huge and increasing issue in list-building - if you do it the wrong way, you'll have significantly lower open-rates for your emails, and you'll be devaluing the list you're building).

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    • Profile picture of the author Joseph Villanueva
      Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

      You host somewhere the "free report" or whatever you're using, and send them the download link by automated email.

      Don't make the mistake of giving them the download link on the "thank you page": if you do it that way, you're failing to verify that they can receive emails from you in their in-boxes before you give it to them (and that's a huge and increasing issue in list-building - if you do it the wrong way, you'll have significantly lower open-rates for your emails, and you'll be devaluing the list you're building).

      This is true and a feature on your autoresponder like aweber and getresponse which is why my autoresponder sends 2 automatic mails. One is the free product (which is in different hosting so it doesn't clog up my site) and the second is another link for more value links within my site (tutorials).

      Depending whether the traffic comes from solo ads squeeze page then I will have OTO free bonus pages to break even from investment.

      If the traffic is organic, then they get redirected to my thank you page.

      Regardless, they will receive my link and free product value while getting in my funnel system.

      Need a Coach to generate leads and TRIPLE your online business income?
      Let me Inspire and Empower You!
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    • Profile picture of the author IvoryPearl
      Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

      You host somewhere the "free report" or whatever you're using, and send them the download link by automated email.

      Don't make the mistake of giving them the download link on the "thank you page": if you do it that way, you're failing to verify that they can receive emails from you in their in-boxes before you give it to them (and that's a huge and increasing issue in list-building - if you do it the wrong way, you'll have significantly lower open-rates for your emails, and you'll be devaluing the list you're building).

      Alexa, you always have the "Best Practices" ideas...thanks for sharing!
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    • Profile picture of the author talfighel
      Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

      Don't make the mistake of giving them the download link on the "thank you page": if you do it that way, you're failing to verify that they can receive emails from you in their in-boxes
      It is perfectly OK to give people the free report on the THANK YOU page.

      You would be surprised that people do open your emails even after they got the free report. That is what I do.

      Just make sure that on the thank you page, you tell them that you will also give them a lot of great advice in future emails. This helps too.
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  • Profile picture of the author cianci1129
    I have had better luck bringing people who opt in to my list to a thank you page where they are told that the free report is emailed to them, and to check out an offer while they wait.

    You can make this offer an affiliate offer or your own product. I do recommend creating your own product in time because it's an instant authority builder compared with affiliate products.
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  • Profile picture of the author discrat
    Originally Posted by Aplutus View Post

    Hi Guys,

    Being a newbie and a firm believer that "the money is in the list" I am planning to use lead pages to build my list using squeeze pages. What I need to know is where do I bring my subscribers to after they download the free software or report if I don't have a product myself? Appreciate any recommendations.
    They should be going to your first intro. email that is automatically sent ( if you have a proper AR service) when they submit address in your Sq. Page.

    Make sure that Intro email Follow Up explains what you will be sending your Subs and how often and what they should expect overall from you.

    Also, you might want to tell a little bit about yourself and your Story. Either now or second email.

    - Robert Andrew
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  • Profile picture of the author elcidofaguy
    One of the techniques which has worked for me is to offer bonus incentives as part of the affiliate offer... The bonuses should be highly relevant for it to work... Through that mechanism it's real easy to build a list... I've now managed to automate this process with even linking to the direct to sales check out which really is a game changer... Affiliate now becomes the vendor!
    Clickbank Affiliates. Are You One Of The 95% That Struggle To Make An Online Income? Introducing The Game Changing Strategy That You Need to Know About... Click Here!
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  • Profile picture of the author Nightengale
    Alexa and cianci1129 are absolutely right: do NOT give your download away on the thank you page. People are hoping or thinking you will and submit bogus e-mail addresses and you end up building a worthless list.

    Once they've submitted their e-mail address, redirect them to a Thank You page which thanks/welcomes/congratulates them and let them know that the goodie is being sent to the e-mail address they provided. Head off complaints by letting them know it can take up to 15-20 min. to arrive and remind them to check their spam folder.

    Invite them to check out your offer while they wait. Or ask them to submit a comment on a launch page. Or take whatever action it is that you want them to take. Just invite them to take action to get and keep them engaged.

    This starts training them from the beginning:

    1. You're training them to check their e-mail for goodies from you


    2. You're training them to expect offers from you.

    Both are VERY important.

    Hope that helps!

    "You can't market here. This is a marketing discussion forum!"
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  • Profile picture of the author Angshuman Dutta
    Originally Posted by Aplutus View Post

    Hi Guys,

    Being a newbie and a firm believer that "the money is in the list" I am planning to use lead pages to build my list using squeeze pages. What I need to know is where do I bring my subscribers to after they download the free software or report if I don't have a product myself? Appreciate any recommendations.
    Of course you will bring them over to your thank you page, but don't stop experimenting. Frankly your subscribers probably know too what to expect when submitting info into an autoresponder don't be afraid to try something different to build relationships with your customers too.
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  • Profile picture of the author regulardan
    You bring them to your intial offer. At this point your leads are red hot because you would have peaked their interest. So now is your time to wow them before they become cold again.
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    • Profile picture of the author Souhail
      You need to set up at least 3 pages:

      1. Your Leadpages "Squeeze page". The prospect enters their email and gets redirected to your...

      2. Thanks for Subscribing page. This page can have a variety of uses as described in previous responses. You can set up Leadpages to display a Thank You page or set up one on your own domain.

      3. Download Page. You need to set up your Autoresponder Service to send them to your download page AFTER they confirm they have subscribed to your email list.

      After they download your Report you could redirect them to an Affiliate Offer, or to your Blog (if you have one). You should then set up your autoresponder to build a relationship with them to get to know, like and trust you. Provide lots of value to help them get closer to their goals. Once you've built up that trust you'll get a better respone when you send out offers to them.

      Hope that helps and clarifies your question
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