Focus: 1 niche market only for beginner?

11 replies
Hi all,
About a couple days ago, I attended an affiliate marketing meetup around my area. It was a good experience because the speaker is a veteran in the industry. He said that beginners must focus on 1 or 2 niche markets at most instead of getting involved in many niche markets (such as eight niche markets). He mentioned that the affiliates that make money are experts in their fields of interest. I currently have several affiliate websites in niche markets such in guitar, dating, bbq, iPhone accessories, and Paleo diet. Do you think I should sell most of my websites and focus on guitar only for now? Any advices will be appreciated. Thanks
#beginner #focus #market #niche
  • Profile picture of the author jaudet
    I think that going nuts with any affiliate program that you find online is not the way to go. Yes imo you should focus to implement one or two program and go deep into these. I mean implementing to its full potential.

    In short, have a 100% effort into 1 program instead of 10% effort into 10...
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  • Profile picture of the author Omane Fowler
    Originally Posted by Affiliatestrading View Post

    Hi all,
    About a couple days ago, I attended an affiliate marketing meetup around my area. It was a good experience because the speaker is a veteran in the industry. He said that beginners must focus on 1 or 2 niche markets at most instead of getting involved in many niche markets (such as eight niche markets). He mentioned that the affiliates that make money are experts in their fields of interest. I currently have several affiliate websites in niche markets such in guitar, dating, bbq, iPhone accessories, and Paleo diet. Do you think I should sell most of my websites and focus on guitar only for now? Any advices will be appreciated. Thanks
    Hey affiliatestrading,

    If if was me I wouldn't sell my dating, BBQ, iPhone accessories and pale o diet sites just yet. Instead I suggest you just focus on the guitar sites and as it grows then you can build each other sites one at a time.

    I have quite a number of sites when I just started in variety of niches and this is what I do. I place my focus on the one that will generate the most revenue in the shortest amount of time possible so I can reinvest then expand in the other niches.

    Hope this helps.
    Be productive,

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  • Profile picture of the author Anteros
    It depends, if your strategy is making 100 different niches micro sites and it's giving results, keep doing it. However, if you are just starting, it's better to focus, although I must recognize I made my first money online by experimenting diverse methods at the same time.

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    • Profile picture of the author savidge4
      Just because some guy says YOU CAN ONLY HAVE 1 or 2 NICHE SITES! does not mean you messed up. it just means you keep what you have.. and for right now place all of your attention to ONE of them, and get the process down, get results. THEN you start back with the other sites and replicate the success from your first success!
      Success is an ACT not an idea
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  • Profile picture of the author svetod
    I normally recommend starting with one niche and testing all kinds of keywords until you maximise profits. Anyways, if you're making profits of all those sites, don't sell them, but try to concentrate on the one that works best until you see really good profits. Then later you could reinvest in another niche.

    Hope that helps

    Want To Know How I Make Money Online? Read my story
    Follow me on Instagram for Daily Inspiration & Free Tips: svetlintodd
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  • Profile picture of the author drewfioravanti
    It's best to master one niche on one traffic source. Then you can start testing either other niches with the same source, or other sources for the same niche.

    There are two parts to this business: traffic and conversions. You must master them both. The best way is to just go as deep into one niche as you can...learn everything about it. Be the #1 resource. And then do the same for a traffic source. Become a master of that one source.

    After that you can start scaling.
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  • Profile picture of the author Affiliatestrading
    Thanks for the advice all. I just reduced my activities on several websites except the guitar and dating related websites. I may get active again after I am able to generate enough revenue from at least one niche market.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sebastian Gomez
    It is much better to focus on 1 niche and make it successful. I you focus on multiple ones then they will be very superficial and will not be entirely "polished".

    Go for that guitar niche, master it, and you will get much more money than if you were to focus on multiple ones.
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  • Profile picture of the author hardworker2013
    It all depends on the time you have to devote to managing these websites. If you are
    in Internet Marketing full time, i do not see anything wrong with the few websites you have.
    Having live 50-100 websites in various niches would be too overwhelming. It is good
    to diversify your niches as you can pool your earnings that way. As a beginner, i do not suggest
    you take up niches that are new and untested.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Me personally i would start with 1 site. If i cant monetize 1 site, how am i going to monetize 8? Impossible (not really), but close to it. Plus it just sounds like common sense. Feel me? Focus on 1 niche, make money, see if you can develop some recurring backend income from it, then do the same in another niche. May take a while, but you'll reach success eventually.
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