35 replies

I am looking to buy a domain but the .com is a premium one and VERY costly. It is for sale though.

The .net is cheap.

If I purchased the .net and built a website for affiliate marketing and list building, would it matter?

What are the differences in reality between .com and .net?


  • Profile picture of the author Barry Cross
    Personally I feel it is always best to go for .com as it has universal appeal. Unless you are targeting your own country so for UK clients I would purchase a co.uk domain.

    If you put a hyphen or hyphens into the domain or add in an extra word then usually it comes down massively in price & becomes affordable.

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  • Profile picture of the author goodfuture
    Originally Posted by AdamPayne View Post


    I am looking to buy a domain but the .com is a premium one and VERY costly. It is for sale though.

    The .net is cheap.

    If I purchased the .net and built a website for affiliate marketing and list building, would it matter?

    What are the differences in reality between .com and .net?


    As per Google, no differences.

    I have a .info domain that ranks better than .com ones (without backlinks )

    It doesn't matter in the long-run what tld you are using.

    In fact, as I have seen .NETs are the mostly sold domain names after .COMs. So my suggestion is go for it.
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    • Profile picture of the author Pdomain
      Originally Posted by goodfuture View Post

      As per Google, no differences.

      I have a .info domain that ranks better than .com ones (without backlinks )

      It doesn't matter in the long-run what tld you are using.

      In fact, as I have seen .NETs are the mostly sold domain names after .COMs. So my suggestion is go for it.
      Really, a .com ranks better than a .info?

      Please don't miss-lead people..

      Anything search in Google, and find out how many .coms and .infos are in top 100....

      You will hardly find 5% .info sites....

      Also, .info has lower ranking compared to .com, just create tow sites, one on .com and one on .info and compare the result....
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      • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
        Originally Posted by Pdomain View Post

        Anything search in Google, and find out how many .coms and .infos are in top 100....

        You will hardly find 5% .info sites....
        There are two rather obvious reasons for that.

        1. There are far more .com domain-names registered and in use than .info domains.

        2. Marketers generally prefer to use .com domains, and marketers are the people who want their sites to rank, so they're the people who do SEO. Therefore there are more high-ranking .com's. If they wanted to rank .info's instead, there's be more of those, wouldn't there?

        Google has been saying openly ever since I've been online that all international TLD's are exactly the same for all SEO/ranking purposes. They've been saying it on websites and on their own blogs. They've been saying it on their staff blogs. They've been saying it on videos. They've been saying it in interviews on SEO websites, and in print media web magazines, too. And it's true.

        You can believe whatever you like, though. But if you state it here as if it's factual, expect to be challenged on it, when you're as wrong as this.

        Originally Posted by Pdomain View Post

        Also, .info has lower ranking compared to .com
        Completely wrong.

        Originally Posted by Pdomain View Post

        just create tow sites, one on .com and one on .info and compare the result....
        It's been done loads and loads of times, and reported on and discussed on SEO sites and in magazines. It's very well known and well researched. There's no difference. (Nor is there any understandable reason why there ever would/should/could be a difference. Why on Earth would Google want to give one particular domain-extension ranking precedence over others?? That would make no sense at all!).

        There's a large number of reasons for wanting to own the .com domain-name. SEO isn't one of them.

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  • Profile picture of the author rendesr
    Just choose a .com domain that isn't premium mate, choose a brandable domain name and you'll get a decent one for $10
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  • Profile picture of the author dewalds86
    Personally I think it is the name in name.com or name.net that makes the difference. If you can put your targeted keyword into your domain name it will help allot with your SEO
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  • Profile picture of the author AdamPayne
    Thanks all.

    For the keyword I want, it is about $880 for the .com and about $10 for the .net


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    • Profile picture of the author twler
      Originally Posted by AdamPayne View Post

      For the keyword I want, it is about $880 for the .com and about $10 for the .net
      If you're making money on the order of hundreds of dollars each week/month, I'd go ahead and get the .com domain.
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  • Profile picture of the author mrrightme
    save money is very important at the beginning.
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  • Profile picture of the author molsted
    .Com looks better IMO and seems more professional and it is easier to remember.

    If someone tries to remember your address they will always try .com first.

    However, I see you are going to buy an already established domain...? Is it important that it must be this EXACT domain name? For 880 bucks for a domain name it ought to be a pretty short and neat name with maybe some ranking or so already...
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  • Profile picture of the author aishaaiyana
    I think nowadays the .com domain is not costly. You can take a look on the godaddy. Though its rate is high than the .net, hence I would like to suggest you to use the .com extension. such as if you want to use the .com features by typing your domain name without any extension, press the CTRL & Enter button. it will take the .com extension automatically. So I like the .com than the .net

    Happy mood

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  • Go for it and one day you might get the .com as well. Look at leadpages.net then go to .com and see what's there? They did it and are doing well!

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  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Originally Posted by AdamPayne View Post

    If I purchased the .net and built a website for affiliate marketing and list building, would it matter?
    The fact that you're using the .net instead of the .com wouldn't matter at all, Adam.

    What would matter would be that you'd be choosing to build a business on a domain-name of which the .com variant already belongs to someone else. That's unwise. It's all downside-potential. And from the perspective of resale value (and that is part of the value of any business, whether you start it intending to sell it, or not) it's typically a huge downside.

    Contrary to what some of the responses above are suggesting, I wouldn't dream of doing this, myself.

    The more successful your business is, the more the price of the .com will rise. Don't imagine that you can necessarily "start with one and buy the other later". Very often, it doesn't work that way - and of course there are reasons for that! While you build a decent business on the .net, you're effectively also increasing the value of the .com and making it less affordable to the one person who most wants it - yourself.

    I run some parts of my business on .info domain-names (which my customers like, prefer, and trust, and say so). It doesn't matter at all as long as you also own the .com yourself, so that nobody else ever can.

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  • Profile picture of the author Joseph Villanueva
    .com is definitely more popular but ask yourself is the $880 investment should be prioritized for the name or for jumpstarting traffic through paid ads?

    If you ask me .net and .org which is what i use was the wiser choice because .com was 1200$ and I much rather invest it on traffic where I can gain subscribers and make profits.

    If you have your brand well known and you have budget you can go .com as you wish.

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  • Profile picture of the author Jeffery Moss
    If you're thinking that an exact match domain will help in Google, it won't as there is a number of other factors that go into ranking an EMD website. Will it help? Yes, I think an EMD would help but you would need a lot of other factors to make that site rank. So with that being said, you could easily choose a similar EMD (not premium price) that is a .com, rather than .net. The .com is still the internet standard for professionalism. Though really any .com/.net/.info could rank just as well in Google as Google doesn't discriminate or discern between those designations.
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  • Profile picture of the author pluto1
    Go for .com but $880 is too expensive in my opinion.

    Having said that, I have seen many popular domains with .net. If I were you though, I would go for .com with a variable name so that it can come little less costly!
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    • Profile picture of the author Jeffery Moss
      Originally Posted by pluto1 View Post

      Go for .com but $880 is too expensive in my opinion.

      Having said that, I have seen many popular domains with .net. If I were you though, I would go for .com with a variable name so that it can come little less costly!
      You would really have to know there was going to be a huge pay off to want to pay so much money for a TLD. Maybe if there were 100 really amazing .gov backlinks to that domain, it would be worth buying.
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  • Profile picture of the author salegurus
    How many freaking times ???
    Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.

    ― George Carlin
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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel

    I always like to go for the DOT COM domain name. People do recognize it more then any other extensions like .NET, .GOV, .CA.

    If the domain name that you are trying to get is too expensive, get another one.

    What are you trying to get anyway?
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  • Profile picture of the author smartren25
    .com seems to be better for resale as most people prefer .com - Depends on what benefits the particular .com & .net both give? If you can afford the $800 .com & is a better fit for your business & the Domain is independently valued at $800 - Then in theory you should be able to resell the .com at $800 or more later
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  • Profile picture of the author DINS
    It completely depends on your business model, search volume, what you want to do with your site. and how much effort you put in. For "normal" user a .com simply looks better.

    While I know plenty of .net .org pages ranking for niches, simply look at search results and most of them are .com . IF another sneaks in it is usually a real authority site.

    I recently split with a partner. We were running a regional tourist information site for 7 years. It was a unpleasant end and I was pissed off, as he kept domain and everything.

    As a kind of revenge I bought 5 month ago the perfect .com domain, which was priced US$2,500. Invested another 500US$ in article rewriting and proofreading (as I am obvious no native english). add to that a premium theme and 2 additional premium plug-in 100US$. so all together. 3,100US$

    I host it on a VPS 70US$/month as running costs.

    I did no link building whatsoever and the site climbed very quick in Search engines. I developed a interesting advertising concept for local businesses, which is in place since 2 month. My original business plan was to sell these ads from Jan 2015 on. ( I was estimating to hit page 1 on google at that time, but it goes faster). 5 test approaches to local businesses were successful and the site is making right now already 600$/month. I believe it has potential of minimum1.500/month.

    Already now my investment would be paid back in 7 month. Websites with .net .org and country ending of this domain are existing since quite some years, and I outrank them already. (to repeat myself, without any link-building).

    I just wanted to show with this lengthy example, that it really depends on your concept, niche and business plan. In my case, and for personal satisfaction there was no other way than getting the perfect .com domain. My former partner is already pissed off, I am smiling, and the ROI is in sight, after that it is profit :-)

    Best Regards
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  • Profile picture of the author elcidofaguy
    Don't forget that these days the number of TLD domain extensions has exploded...There are so many e.g. .zone, .club. .ninja, .... It's really surprising!!! If I was you I would consider these as you can still get some super domain names which work really well with the extension...

    Here is a link to Namecheap where you can see such a massive list of new TLDs:

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  • Profile picture of the author Esteban Gomez
    It doesn't make a difference whether you choose a .com or a .net for doing business. The only difference is that .com looks "nicer" that the .net but it won't affect you in rankings or anything else.

    There are many ultra successful sites with a .net domain while there are unsuccessful .com sites. It all depends on what you do inside your site and how you market it.

    If you are on a low budget and really want that domain I would suggest you get the .net because there is a very big price difference between the two.

    There really isn't a big deal on which one you choose it all depends on what you do with it.

    Good luck,
    Esteban Gomez
    Visit My Blog To Fast Track Your Internet Marketing Success:
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  • Profile picture of the author Yankabilly
    I agree with Pdomain
    .com is the way to go even if you have to modify your domain name.
    A lot of people look for dot com, some don't even know the others even exist.

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  • Profile picture of the author EPoltrack77
    Really there is none. They are both authority extensions. They both show up in google if that is what you are going for.

    It's just that they were like the first two extensions and are trustworthy in peoples eyes.
    Working to achieve higher results...
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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    If I'm going to use it for affiliate marketing or to put some sales pages up, I go for the .net if the .com is for sale and expensive. It's always worked out fine for me.

    If I'm going to build a big site on it and possibly flip it, I'll find another domain that the .com is available.
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  • Profile picture of the author gmarklin
    The ,com is what you want, and I don't see it's that much more.
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  • Profile picture of the author AdamPayne
    Thanks all. I can afford the .com, I just wasn't completely sure if it made a huge diff or not.

    It was more for a side project.

    Lots of iteresting replies. Thanks again.

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  • Profile picture of the author juk123
    If you have a brand name always, always, always, always, ALWAYS use .com

    If this is a keyword rich domain then .net is fine. No need to spend $800 when you can get just as good results SEO-wise with a .net.
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  • Profile picture of the author ezexclusive
    If its for online marketing it really doesnt make a difference. The only real benefit that .com has is that it's the go to extention. If I had an offline business that depended on people remembering my domain in order for me to bring in business then definitely i would want .com. But internet marketing allows people just to follow a link or a banner that leads to your page so no real need to spend too much extra money for the .com
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  • Profile picture of the author aishaaiyana
    Here someone write the .com's domain rate $880 I would like to say them, please check the rate in another domain seller. I hope the rate $880 is very very expensive. there are some seller who sell the .com domain under $20 per year , I hope you will be helpful if you recheck with the domain seller.

    Happy mood

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  • Profile picture of the author Nathan Fortune
    You have to use the best that gives you back the money you spend.

    So if .com is expensive for you, take the .net for now and if you have profits you can take the other too.
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  • Profile picture of the author sggl
    .com is best with no doubt.
    try find something similar but .com, not .net.
    .com looks more trusty for your customers.

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