Just Starting Out With $1000 to Work With, What Would You Do?

32 replies
So I've been a long time lurker on this and a few other IM forums for awhile now. I've begun to have a pretty good understanding of Affiliate marketing from various free online articles, videos and training, as well as hours spent reading through a ton of different threads. I've also come across many different means of making money online such as drop shipping, product creation and most recently selling private label items through Amazon fba (as seen in the ASM promotion).

This forum seems to be stacked with very successful people, making money in all of these different ways and many more I'm sure that I'm not even aware of. Hopefully I can get some good advice on where to start as newcomer in IM. Which leads to my question: Knowing what you know now, if you were just starting out with $1000 to invest, what would you do? Where would you start?

A few of the things that have really peaked my interest are Mark Ling's Affilojetpack and selling private label through Amazon. Although reading through various threads I've heard startup costs for going private label to be more in the $2500 range. Are there any good programs out there you would recommend? There is plenty of free info on the internet for everything but I wouldn't mind paying for something that lays things out step by step.

About me: I work fulltime and have a family so the time I could invest daily would be 2-3 hrs tops. Although I've read alot on all of the methods of making money, I have no experience and would consider myself a beginner.

If anyone is willing to share their experience and make a suggestion I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.
#starting #work
  • Profile picture of the author Big Blue Planet
    I am new also and what I am told time and time again is to pick one method and stick with it for 90 days or more. internet marketing friends that have done this for years told me to spend time looking at ideas and methods and reviews and pick something then stop looking. they call it shiny syndrome. Have you decided on what type of internet marketing looks good to you? I've always liked what adsense offers but I need a good course.
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    • Profile picture of the author Niterider
      I've heard the same and it definitely makes a lot of sense. Thats really the main reason that I'm asking. I want to be steered in the right direction and then whatever I start I will focus myself exclusively on that and that alone.

      Ive developed an interest in affiliate marketing, building a website with an opt in list, writing articles, getting it ranked and getting traffic. Once that site is doing really well rinse and reprat. I've also been looking into selling on amazon, which seems to me a way to make a lot of money if done correctly but the start up costs seem to high for me right now.

      I've read a little on ad sense but heard that you really don't make that much money unless your site is getting a ton of traffic.

      I should also add that my first goal is to make $500 profit a month. I make decent money at my job as it is but have a decent stack of bills every month. So an extra $500 would be great to have in the bank.
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  • Profile picture of the author ZephyrIon
    Get into mobile app installs. It's something new we're getting into. It's complicated, it will test every aspect of your knowledge and if you can successfully promote non-incentive mobile than I feel like you know what your doing.

    Buy new book and be entered to win $100 to your Zelle, PayPal or CashApp! Plus, check out the free sample on https://Amazon.com/dp/B0BPL5VQ34. Thank you for your support! Contest ends at 1,000 purchases.

    See the life of a real affiliate on Instagram https://instagram.com/ckrecicki

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  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    Set up a sales funnel and start driving traffic to it. You can do it for a lot less then $1000, less then $100 to get started. Check out http://www.warriorforum.com/main-int...step-step.html to get started.

    No matter which method or niche you choose, you will need to know about sales funnels.
    Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
    All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
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  • Profile picture of the author jimvol

    Thats Easy for me..consider this on a 30 day time line

    1) Pick your niche - Free
    2) Get a Domain - $10.00
    3) Get Website Hosting - $10.00
    4) Load Wordpress onto the site and add some pics, bio, etc
    5) Get monthly autoresponder service from GetResponse
    6) Purchase PLR content for your site if you don't want to make your own content and Publish... $5-100 depending on quality
    7) get familiar with the INCLUDED landing page service that GetResponse Provides
    8) Purchase GOOD PLR content to give away for your opt in, or even better, create it.
    9) Make an opt in in your auto responder service for your website and install it
    10) Create you landing page with GetResponse, give away something for your users opting in
    11) Buy Traffic on Facebook to your landing page and get people opt in
    12) focus all of your efforts on getting people ON your landing page
    13) Build relationships with your subscribers through your EMAIL campaigns.
    14) SELL to your list

    I think that about covers it


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    • Profile picture of the author Niterider
      Originally Posted by jimvol View Post


      Thats Easy for me..consider this on a 30 day time line

      1) Pick your niche - Free
      2) Get a Domain - $10.00
      3) Get Website Hosting - $10.00
      4) Load Wordpress onto the site and add some pics, bio, etc
      5) Get monthly autoresponder service from GetResponse
      6) Purchase PLR content for your site if you don't want to make your own content and Publish... $5-100 depending on quality
      7) get familiar with the INCLUDED landing page service that GetResponse Provides
      8) Purchase GOOD PLR content to give away for your opt in, or even better, create it.
      9) Make an opt in in your auto responder service for your website and install it
      10) Create you landing page with GetResponse, give away something for your users opting in
      11) Buy Traffic on Facebook to your landing page and get people opt in
      12) focus all of your efforts on getting people ON your landing page
      13) Build relationships with your subscribers through your EMAIL campaigns.
      14) SELL to your list

      I think that about covers it


      Thanks for the suggestions.

      Although I understand the structure of how affiliate marketing works, its more the details that I'm unsure of. For example:

      Whats the best way to lay out your website?

      How do you know youll even be able to compete in the niche you've chosen?

      How do you write/find good plr articles?

      How do you write good auto responder messages that will convert?

      How do you get your website ranking highly in google and get traffic? Etc.

      I realize there's a lot of trial and error involved, research, testing etc. And I don't expect to get things right the first time. I was just hoping to find something that would at least lay these details out for me so that I'm not just grasping at everything hoping it works.
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    • Profile picture of the author Stephanie L
      Originally Posted by jimvol View Post


      Thats Easy for me..consider this on a 30 day time line

      1) Pick your niche - Free
      2) Get a Domain - $10.00
      3) Get Website Hosting - $10.00
      4) Load Wordpress onto the site and add some pics, bio, etc
      5) Get monthly autoresponder service from GetResponse
      6) Purchase PLR content for your site if you don't want to make your own content and Publish... $5-100 depending on quality
      7) get familiar with the INCLUDED landing page service that GetResponse Provides
      8) Purchase GOOD PLR content to give away for your opt in, or even better, create it.
      9) Make an opt in in your auto responder service for your website and install it
      10) Create you landing page with GetResponse, give away something for your users opting in
      11) Buy Traffic on Facebook to your landing page and get people opt in
      12) focus all of your efforts on getting people ON your landing page
      13) Build relationships with your subscribers through your EMAIL campaigns.
      14) SELL to your list

      I think that about covers it


      Interesting, but how would this work with Amazon FBA? Which steps would be tailored to Amazon FBA product pages?
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris-
    I'd definitely advise not spending much of the $1000 until you have got an IM method working reliably yourself. It shouldn't take more than a domain or two, hosting and membership of the War Room to test some methods . . . if some of them don't work for you, don't worry (that's normal!) just learn from each and keep testing and learning.

    At some point you will either have learned enough bits and pieces from lots of different methods, to know enough to make something work, or you will have come across a method which does work as described (there are some in IM, but less than most newbies might imagine). Once you have got a method working reliably, THEN is the time to invest in up-scaling and outsourcing etc. which is where you can spend the majority of your $1000.

    Common mistakes by newbies include expecting every IM method to actually work as described (there are certainly some that do, but equally certainly those that do not), expecting to have a reliable long-term business outsourcing something they haven't tested themselves and don't really understand, assuming that the more costly methods will work better (some of the very best methods I've found have been ones described here entirely free), and assuming that one good result means doing anything similar to that will always work (you need to really test ALL your assumptions, sometimes people get lucky and then go crazy putting money into something that only worked accidentally once and doesn't work much again).

    Hope that helps

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    • Profile picture of the author Niterider
      Originally Posted by Chris- View Post

      I'd definitely advise not spending much of the $1000 until you have got an IM method working reliably yourself. It shouldn't take more than a domain or two, hosting and membership of the War Room to test some methods . . . if some of them don't work for you, don't worry (that's normal!) just learn from each and keep testing and learning.

      At some point you will either have learned enough bits and pieces from lots of different methods, to know enough to make something work, or you will have come across a method which does work as described (there are some in IM, but less than most newbies might imagine). Once you have got a method working reliably, THEN is the time to invest in up-scaling and outsourcing etc. which is where you can spend the majority of your $1000.

      Common mistakes by newbies include expecting every IM method to actually work as described (there are certainly some that do, but equally certainly those that do not), expecting to have a reliable long-term business outsourcing something they haven't tested themselves and don't really understand, assuming that the more costly methods will work better (some of the very best methods I've found have been ones described here entirely free), and assuming that one good result means doing anything similar to that will always work (you need to really test ALL your assumptions, sometimes people get lucky and then go crazy putting money into something that only worked accidentally once and doesn't work much again).

      Hope that helps

      Those are all really good points. I guess my goal is to eliminate as much trial and error as possible before starting and find a sort of path to follow until I'm experienced enough to do my own thing. It seems failing, at least at first, is the norm though.

      That being said, how long would you test a given method/strategy before making adjustments and/or going a different way entirely?

      Just out of curiosity what does the war room offer that you can't get for free elsewhere?
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  • Profile picture of the author agmccall
    I would start and or run my business and not advise others as to what to do with their money


    "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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    • Profile picture of the author Niterider
      Originally Posted by agmccall View Post

      I would start and or run my business and not advise others as to what to do with their money

      Then go run your business.
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  • Profile picture of the author Trey Morgan
    I would use that money to build a list in a profitable niche and develop a high-converting sales funnel. You can find some good info on list building and sales funnels on this forum and in the war room.
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  • Profile picture of the author gcbmark20

    Seeing as though you have 2-3 hours per day you could:

    1. Create content for 30 minutes a day in your chosen niche.

    2. By the end of the month you'll have a nice stack of content you can turn into
    products you can sell online.

    3. Then you can build buyers lists that can be marketed to again and again.

    4. Then you can support other peoples product launches.

    5. They can then support yours too.

    6. Now you have BIG list owners sending you proven buyers to your launches.

    7. Your buyers list continues to grow.

    8. Your incomes continue to grow.

    Now you own a REAL asset that can be leveraged in more ways than one.

    All the best,

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  • Profile picture of the author borsaronero
    Originally Posted by Niterider View Post

    So I've been a long time lurker on this and a few other IM forums for awhile now. I've begun to have a pretty good understanding of Affiliate marketing from various free online articles, videos and training, as well as hours spent reading through a ton of different threads. I've also come across many different means of making money online such as drop shipping, product creation and most recently selling private label items through Amazon fba (as seen in the ASM promotion).

    This forum seems to be stacked with very successful people, making money in all of these different ways and many more I'm sure that I'm not even aware of. Hopefully I can get some good advice on where to start as newcomer in IM. Which leads to my question: Knowing what you know now, if you were just starting out with $1000 to invest, what would you do? Where would you start?

    A few of the things that have really peaked my interest are Mark Ling's Affilojetpack and selling private label through Amazon. Although reading through various threads I've heard startup costs for going private label to be more in the $2500 range. Are there any good programs out there you would recommend? There is plenty of free info on the internet for everything but I wouldn't mind paying for something that lays things out step by step.

    About me: I work fulltime and have a family so the time I could invest daily would be 2-3 hrs tops. Although I've read alot on all of the methods of making money, I have no experience and would consider myself a beginner.

    If anyone is willing to share their experience and make a suggestion I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.
    As a father you have lot responsibility and time is something that it is not only what you need. Being focused on this world with kids around is not so simple.

    With $1000 dollars you cannot get enough to use money as path to success in my opinion.

    If you are trying to increase your income you can write articles for bloggers. I wrote a tutorial on my website on how to make money fast with it, check my signature.

    But if you want to create a stable income I would recommend to setup a blog and start your blogger career. In this way you will spend less than $1000 and you can use them to buy some professional tools, maybe when the blog is online setup some adv to improve visits and subscriptions.

    the rule is to be consistent and got stuck on a good marketing plan without thinking SEO, but sharing without any fear your contents.

    As a father this is the best advice I can give you. I have done it with my italian blog and now I am moving on the english market and I see in this new blog the same path as my italian blog. Only it earn more money
    Learn how to start a Blog in less than 5 minutes? Check it now!

    Improve your selling with the right email signature

    Discover How To Take Control Of Your Lifestyle With: LifeStyleUltimatum.com
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  • Profile picture of the author ACandi
    Originally Posted by Niterider View Post

    Knowing what you know now, if you were just starting out with $1000 to invest, what would you do? Where would you start?

    About me: I work fulltime and have a family so the time I could invest daily would be 2-3 hrs tops. Although I've read alot on all of the methods of making money, I have no experience and would consider myself a beginner.

    If anyone is willing to share their experience and make a suggestion I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.

    You've gotten a number of recommendations.

    They may all seem simple, but if you are a beginner it could take years - 5, 10, or more to become an expert for everything to work together for you to really make money online.

    In addition to time you may end up spending thousands or tens of thousands of dollars before you start seeing profits.

    One shortcut to online marketing success is to access a full system that's already working. A system where real people with little or no previous experience are guided step by step to online success.

    Be sure to verify recommendations and claims by doing Google checks before taking action.

    Turn $50 into $500!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9637270].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Niterider
      Originally Posted by gcbmark20 View Post


      Seeing as though you have 2-3 hours per day you could:

      1. Create content for 30 minutes a day in your chosen niche.

      2. By the end of the month you'll have a nice stack of content you can turn into
      products you can sell online.

      3. Then you can build buyers lists that can be marketed to again and again.

      4. Then you can support other peoples product launches.

      5. They can then support yours too.

      6. Now you have BIG list owners sending you proven buyers to your launches.

      7. Your buyers list continues to grow.

      8. Your incomes continue to grow.

      Now you own a REAL asset that can be leveraged in more ways than one.

      All the best,

      Thanks Gavin. This sounds interesting to me. When you say create content for a product are you referring to creating a digital info product? Is the idea to do research and create an ebook around it?

      Originally Posted by borsaronero View Post

      As a father you have lot responsibility and time is something that it is not only what you need. Being focused on this world with kids around is not so simple.

      With $1000 dollars you cannot get enough to use money as path to success in my opinion.

      If you are trying to increase your income you can write articles for bloggers. I wrote a tutorial on my website on how to make money fast with it, check my signature.

      But if you want to create a stable income I would recommend to setup a blog and start your blogger career. In this way you will spend less than $1000 and you can use them to buy some professional tools, maybe when the blog is online setup some adv to improve visits and subscriptions.

      the rule is to be consistent and got stuck on a good marketing plan without thinking SEO, but sharing without any fear your contents.

      As a father this is the best advice I can give you. I have done it with my italian blog and now I am moving on the english market and I see in this new blog the same path as my italian blog. Only it earn more money
      Agreed. What do you blog about? (not you personally, unless you want to reveal that). Do you choose a topic you already know a lot about? Do you use a blog hosting service or do you have your own website? I don't think I quite understand how to monetize a blog yet. I'm sure I could figure it out.

      Originally Posted by ACandi View Post


      You've gotten a number of recommendations.

      They may all seem simple, but if you are a beginner it could take years - 5, 10, or more to become an expert for everything to work together for you to really make money online.

      In addition to time you may end up spending thousands or tens of thousands of dollars before you start seeing profits.

      One shortcut to online marketing success is to access a full system that's already working. A system where real people with little or no previous experience are guided step by step to online success.

      Be sure to verify recommendations and claims by doing Google checks before taking action.

      I definitely agree with it not being as simple as it may seem. A lot of programs and teachers seem to make it out to be so simple but the more I learn the more I realize there is ALOT more to it than just creating a website and kicking back and letting the money roll in. Which is why I'm looking for a system like the one you describe, that's part of the reason I started this thread. I also realize it takes a lot of work and some original thinking to really succeed. Just kicking back and doing nothing once your website is done seems (to me at least) to be a fantasy promoted to make sales of a money making product.

      I don't know if I agree with the 5-10 years part though. Maybe if your talking about earning a full time income or something like that. But my first goal is $500 a month. I know of a ton of people on this and other forums who started making $1000 a month in less than a year (in affiliate marketing). I also realize a good majority of people don't make anything. But I would attribute that to being half assed, getting discouraged, quitting when something doesn't work or just really not having the skills to succeed to begin with.
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  • Profile picture of the author CurtisSWN
    You DEFINITELY should sign up for my Super Duper Sizzling Internet marketing course. It's only $997.00! I have 6 yachts, a fleet of cars, and four houses (one for each season). You cant go wrong with me!

    Actually, save your money, reinvest your profits from free advertising methods. Learn the business first before throwing your money away.
    Simple Two Step Formula
    Earns Me Over $146.72 in 12 Hours. This is Weird, But it Works!
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  • Profile picture of the author KelvinN
    With $1,000 to invest in internet business, well for me; affiliate marketing, I'd probably buy a really nice template for my sales page and pay two people on Fiverr to read out a sales script for a video, and pay someone to make an animation. Then I'd put it on my site and it would lead to the "Get Now!" button which would be my affiliate link.

    For advertising, I would try to rank a Youtube video with SEO methods that would lead to my sales page. I would attempt to wisely pick keywords that I think might get lots of sales, and I would do this through Bing, Google, or Facebook. I would invest $200 in my PPC campaign on those sites starting with Bing and Facebook and create a convincing & luring ad and pay someone $5 on Fiverr to make a picture for the ad. I would also pay independent Youtube users with lots of subscribers or a video with lots of views to post my video or post my website link in their description. I would pay for Youtube views, likes, subs, and comments on Fiverr and similar sites to get my reputation higher.

    Those would be my main methods
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  • Profile picture of the author stackzilla
    I've been usinghttps://www.clickadpays.com/index.php?ref=20576 its Click Ad Pays...pretty simple revshare program you pay $5 per ad pack and you get a return of $6.25 after your share matures. All I do is everyday I log on surf 10 sites for 10 secs. Then I repurchase more shares (ad packs). No recruiting required, you get paid every 30 mins. Probably on the the easiest ways I've learned to make money online. I've been on the site close to a month and have already made my initial payment back and now I'm just collecting all profit.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dec Mc
    Stay away from 'Shiney Objects' i.e. don't go out and buy everything that you read about or see a sales copy of . Pick a niche you have an interest in because if you don't it will get boring to you down the line and when you want to crank it up after a few months --- Get a Mentor ! This is the best advice I ever got ,
    Good Luck
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  • Profile picture of the author Mindy Squillace
    Start with the end in mind.

    How much money per month are you trying to make?

    Then choose a business opportunity/product/service to sell.

    Find a mentor that will help you get there.

    Then invest you money.

    Also, I would not let the $1,000 dictate what you choose. I didn't have the money I needed to join what i really wanted to, so I sold all of the stuff I could to get it together.

    Best decision.

    Good luck!

    Mindy Bartlett Squillace
    Marketing Solutions Mama
    Phone: 757-510-6158
    Blog: www.MarketingSolutionsMama.com
    Free Training: http://successwithmindy.com/4-step-formula

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  • Profile picture of the author Jay Bradley
    You could get a mentor to understand IM, you need to educate yourself on everything before you start.

    A good starting point IMO would be to look at list building. Building a list is something you 100% own and you can market to them however you want. You would build a sales funnel and drive traffic to that funnel. Now you could do this with a mentor but you don't need to, you can look through this forum or ask questions about it yourself.

    Whatever you do is up to you, this is just advice. Just remember to keep educating yourself and don't stretch yourself too thin.

    Best of luck.
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    • Profile picture of the author jayeye
      Don't be in a rush with your money.

      Look around for an area of IM that interests you.

      Follow some of the successful warriors doing what you
      would like to be doing.

      Sign up for one of their Facebook groups.

      Join the War Room.

      Get a mentor to learn more quickly and avoid a lot of mistakes.

      Once you have something solid working, you can scale up with
      some advertising spend.
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      • Profile picture of the author nik0
        What I'm into these days is software / platform development.

        Research costs nothing or a few bucks, for example I had a programmer do a feasability report for me for just $40,- as I had some real specific wishes for the software I want to create.

        This can turn out very profitable in the long run, especially when it's subscription based.

        Though $1000,- is not enough so I advise to save till you have at least few thousand, you'll be amazed what you can get for say $3000-$4000 if you find the right people.

        You can also go into affiliate marketing, personally I prefer Amazon but once again I think $1k is little, I'm going to launch dozens if not hundreds of sites at a cost of $500-$1000 per site. If you have just $1k you could easily pick the wrong niche and make very little money.

        To increase your starting capital you could consider offering a service, that's real cheap to get started with and that's exactly how I started years ago.

        Then I follow up with free trials for x days/weeks and advertise it here at the forum, the money I make from that will be invested in paid traffic. I'd also try to get affiliates in with high commissions to build my list and spread the word around the web, eg create some brand awareness. That should get the ball rolling.
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  • Profile picture of the author ninosem
    I will suggest you the next very simple and tested model...

    All you need to do to make money in this business.

    1.) Pick/generate a hot converting offer

    2.) Stick with that offer until you make it successful.

    3.) Drive traffic (blog, videomarketing, paid traffic....) to a squeeze page and build your list.

    4.) Build relationship with that list, market to it, share helpful tips and focus on 80% value 20% promotions.

    5.) Take profits, reinvest, scale up

    Thats it!!

    Make it simple and don't complicate too much...

    You can master process or outsource anything (copywriting, webinars, technical stuff) you hate doing along the way.
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  • Profile picture of the author SamiurBD
    With that amount of money and time, you can easily build an amazon affiliate site.
    I hope you already heard about Spencer@nichepursuits. He has two public case studies on building an amazon affiliate site from idea to reality. Just find and read his blog. Then take your decision.
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  • Profile picture of the author paul1365
    I would use a small amount of your $1000 to learn to Code (HTML, CSS, php,JS. There are some great tutorial paid or free. I went for the paid option and cost about $25 pm. This will serve you well later in your IM career.
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  • Profile picture of the author AlexSchneider
    Usually I would say find a mentor - but this will be hard to finance if you are starting from scratch. Also finding a good one is difficult in itself.

    when I would start over again I would focus on mastering FB PPC wo a high converting offer and master those areas:

    - FB Targeting
    - FB Ad graphics creation
    - FB Retargeting

    Then with a budget of $5-10 per day you could be testing for three months what works or not.

    If you have no sales after two weeks you should stop and rethink your complete process.

    Maybe you should have a look at a course from Andre Chaperon - Tiny Little Businesses.

    Let me help you with ranking your videos - introducing 'Tube Ranking Rocket' - http://tuberankingrocket.com

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  • Profile picture of the author Smhype
    I think the most import thing to do is to see if there's something you're passionate about before starting anything. But that's the typical morally right thing to say and if you're looking to turn $1000 into a new business then I would consider the season we're approaching and head in that direction. People spend money online this time of yeah. eBay is free to list items... You can buy from wholesale websites and get stock cheap! You can spend the $1000 on marketing alone if you get into drop shipping. Personally I think you could do it with less. This method is short term because it's seasonal but it's fast and easy and a great place to learn how it works and then you can move onto bigger things.
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    • Profile picture of the author oholymike
      Originally Posted by Smhype View Post

      eBay is free to list items... You can buy from wholesale websites and get stock cheap!
      Since when is listing on eBay free?
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  • Profile picture of the author newbieleoling
    1. Find an online income method you want or suitable to you

    2. Buy a course ( do your research before purchase )
    Recommend provide support if you have any questions

    3. Stick to it until you start see income come in

    4. Create a system for your online business

    5. Start outsource the job that you don't like or take most of your time

    6. Repeat what you do

    extra tip: paste a note in front of your computer to remind this is not a fast rich thing. It takes time to see your very first income.
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  • Profile picture of the author Salma08
    Hey..........I am also new to this Warrior forum and wanting to join more and more topics/ discussions to get more and more knowledge and ideas to achieve success and make my carrier bright.

    Salma Ali

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