Getting noticed by Fortune or Inc magazines

3 replies
Does anyone have techniques on getting their online business noticed by big name magazines such as Inc or Fortune magazine.
#fortune #magazines #noticed
  • Profile picture of the author skyro
    Maybe you can find out who are some of the publishers and editors of the magazines, and tell about your business by contacting them through email or Facebook.
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  • Profile picture of the author onSubie
    You can write up a press release that is suitable to be printed as an article.

    Many magazines (don't know about biggies like Fortune) will simply print your press release as an article or copy & paste most of it for article content.

    Magazines are always looking for cheap easy content asnd if you can provide it ready made it can often be published as you submitted it.
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  • Profile picture of the author MrSonic
    Write useful, but incomplete articles on something related to your product/biz that might require to use your product or biz. Then submit them to the magazines as an exclusive to that magazine. JD Publishing did this a few years ago and was extremely successful in getting his articles in Entrepreneur and other major income opp mags.
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