Make Money on Black Friday ?

12 replies
Have You Made some bucks on black friday ??
what is your methods ?
#black #friday #make #money
  • Profile picture of the author laurencewins
    I don't know when Black Friday is but I treat every day as a potential earning day and my "doors" are generally always open for business.

    Cheers, Laurence.

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    • Profile picture of the author allyssaallyson
      Originally Posted by laurencewins View Post

      I don't know when Black Friday is but I treat every day as a potential earning day and my "doors" are generally always open for business.
      Correct. Everyday is opened for business. Don't be a late person. Try daily. You will be able to reach to your destination.


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  • Profile picture of the author Work1099
    To be frank, you'd probably make more money overall by building a business yielding a steady income each month ... than trying to maximize your earnings on one day per year. Also, there is always the phenomenon of financial stability: "The more stable you are financially, the more likely you are to make more money."

    Even if you could make a bit more on black Friday over the previously mentioned approach, you'd probably still want a steady income that you can continue to grow over time ... over a single day income with a much lower ceiling and only one pay day.

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  • Profile picture of the author kevinmilan2014

    Pay attention to your affiliate emails.
    Set up Google Alerts for products you are an affiliate for with Black Friday / Cyber Monday.
    Promote the ish out of your Black Friday / Cyber Monday deals page.
    Discount your own products.
    Recruit new affiliates prior to Black Friday / Cyber Monday.
    Reach out to bloggers who posted about Black Friday

    This is the strategy I’m following as both an affiliate marketer and course creator.
    Like to share informations related to web solutions, professionally provide web application development services.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tom Addams
    There are two ways to take advantage of Black Friday.

    1. Use it to buy tools.

    Software, laptops, you name it. I'm a tools junkie. If something can help me make money money, I want the sucker. I actually don't wait for Black Friday, but I know many who do take advantage of the day.

    2. Promote Black Friday Offers

    Give you an example. One sponsor I promote is Host Gator. You can earn $125 a signup and they're quite likely going to do another BF deal. Even if the deal only lasts 1 hours, that's fine by me. So find out which aff programs will be giving BF deals, which ones used to and thus most likely will again, and get yourself prepared. Whatever people say, it is an easy way to boost your earnings.

    Overall though...

    The chap who recommended a consistent business model is absolutely right. However! One should never look a gift horse in the mouth, right?


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    • Profile picture of the author JakeStatler
      Originally Posted by Get Rich Methods View Post

      There are two ways to take advantage of Black Friday.

      1. Use it to buy tools.

      Software, laptops, you name it. I'm a tools junkie. If something can help me make money money, I want the sucker. I actually don't wait for Black Friday, but I know many who do take advantage of the day.

      2. Promote Black Friday Offers

      Give you an example. One sponsor I promote is Host Gator. You can earn $125 a signup and they're quite likely going to do another BF deal. Even if the deal only lasts 1 hours, that's fine by me. So find out which aff programs will be giving BF deals, which ones used to and thus most likely will again, and get yourself prepared. Whatever people say, it is an easy way to boost your earnings.

      Overall though...

      The chap who recommended a consistent business model is absolutely right. However! One should never look a gift horse in the mouth, right?

      Yes.. honestly I would have to agree by saying that the big benefit of black friday for us marketers isn't making more money, but the fact we can use the sales on black friday and cyber monday to get the tools we need at a discounted price

      Good call!
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  • Profile picture of the author redacris
    Thank You So Much
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  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    Omar Martin is launching a product on a Black Friday sale. I will promote it.

    I don't know when Black Friday is
    It's the day after American "Thanksgiving Day" Holiday which is the last Thursday of November. It is the biggest retail shopping day of the year.
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  • Profile picture of the author ericando12
    Black Friday is a shopping day,money is spend like crazy,if you are an amazon affiliate,you can pick an offer in your niche and start promote it on your blog,on Your Facebook page,on Twitter,People love saving

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  • Profile picture of the author redacris
    Last Year I made just 220$ in 3 working days, but this year I have a deal of making up to 1000$
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