inconsistency and flakiness

by Zodiax
13 replies

I jump from one thing to the next and never stick to any of them.

A weird compulsion of some sort, driving me to believe that the next big thing will be quick and easy.

I don't even know why I am still here?

Anyone else struggle in this manner?

Does anyone sympathize empathize?
#flakiness #inconsistency
  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    The solution? Pick one thing and GIVE IT ALL YOU'VE GOT. Don't stop until you're TAPPED OUT.

    Life is a test of our character. Are you up to the challenge?
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  • Profile picture of the author Edwin Torres
    You jumping from thing to thing could mean you're overwhelmed with one thing and find something that looks easier and it becomes a never-ending cycle.

    Try to focus on one thing at a time. Eliminate distractions. Focus.
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  • Profile picture of the author cassihl
    Yes, I think this is a really common issue. Here's what I do:
    - Pick your goal for what you want to do
    - Break that down into an outline of how you will achieve that goal
    - Create small to-do lists for each step in your outline
    - Commit to completing all of your to-do items

    If your goal didn't work out how you imagined it would, then move on to the next goal or strategy. But at least you followed through and completed what you set out to do.
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  • Profile picture of the author cpaonfire
    I agree with this train of thought from above. The thing is that with IM it is so easy to follow another 'shiny' object as the barrier to entry is usually low, and the the hoopla everyone always hears about $300/day with this - 4,000 with this, etc. etc. Well it's hard not to discount oneself and starting looking for other vehicles to carry you to success.
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  • Profile picture of the author daryn
    As the others have said. You need to stick with one system and follow it to completion.

    Forget all the fluffy crap that marketers are trying to sell you as the next big thing.

    Look for something with proper reviews and proven system and keep with it
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  • Profile picture of the author Stilliwander
    Originally Posted by Zodiax View Post


    I jump from one thing to the next and never stick to any of them.

    A weird compulsion of some sort, driving me to believe that the next big thing will be quick and easy.

    I don't even know why I am still here?

    Anyone else struggle in this manner?

    Does anyone sympathize empathize?
    That was me, for 4 years. The result? A godaddy account with 20 domains, none with an actual website. A log book filled with business idea after business idea yet not one followed through. 4 years of lost time, oppertunity and life.

    At the begining of this year i decided ive had enough! Heres how, trust me :

    1. Collected all my ideas ive ever had onto one list, gave myself a 2 month deadline to research each and then choose one idea to implement

    2. Opened up a seperate bank account, put $5000 (half my savings at the time) and promised i would never touch that money, never take it back and never use it except for a business, that way it was as good as lost if i didnt use it for business, theres no going back

    3.Create a timeline/project plan, stick to it as much as possible, use a log book, write everything down with dates so you can see where you were, where you are and where your supposed to be

    4. Find one person who is successfull, preferably at what your trying to do. Ask them to be your mentor even if you dont know them. You can learn about the things you know you dont know. But you cant learn about things you dont know you dont know.

    5.Tell everyone your close to the brief explanation of your idea, give them updates now and then, let the social pressure force you to do something, else your just a shit talker to everyone

    The chances of failure are high, but my failure will be my best teacher. This is my project

    I wish everyone luck.

    In 100 years the maggots that decomposed us would have died as well, your failure will mean nothing, dont live life just working in someone elses dream.
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  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    It's called opportunity seeking. Most newbies do it. So long as you believe you are still learning then you don't feel bad about not taking action. The cycle continues and you are here one year down the track having wasted a ton of money and nothing to show for it.

    The first step is recognizing you are caught in the cycle. You've done that. Now it's time to pull the finger out, stick with one method, and do it until you make it work.

    Also don't forget to unsubscribe from most of the marketing lists you are on. They only serve to distract and tempt you into buying the next greatest thing. You don't need that/ All you need is focus.
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  • Profile picture of the author Work1099
    It is usually where a person starts out when trying to improve their life; seeking the latest thing. Then over time they either give up or gravitate towards realizing it's a longer-term commitment and taking the steps necessary to gain and maintain a successful lifestyle.

    Often, having a coach, whether online, face-to-face, or via their books, courses, and other materials helps a person stay in the game until they succeed.

    Work1099 Simplifies Self-Employment.

    Get 600+ Proven Business Models and Money-Making Ideas at:
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    • Profile picture of the author steveh45
      You have identified your problem, as one that I think a great deal of wannabe marketers (including myself) have suffered from, and that itself is a positive step forward.
      Now you understand the problem, you have the opportunity to make changes in the way you think and act.
      Good Luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author Carter Boatright
    I've been guilty of this too but it's true, you need to focus on one thing you know will make you money and keep hammering it and educating yourself on the topic each day.

    The mind is an amazing tool. The more you focus on one area the deeper the connections your brain makes, great ideas will eventually just pop in your head. You just have to remember to put what you are learning into practice.

    The law of belief: If you absolutely and positively believe you can learn this stuff, it will become your reality. Having a positive expectation is a very powerful tool. If you expect to succeed you ultimately will.

    On the other hand, if you're like most people: plagued by fear and doubt, it will become a road block and hold you back and cause you to sell yourself short.

    Once you have found a focus, just try to keep yourself from venturing back into the WSO section until you have developed a system that produces results! I have been extremely guilty of this in the past.

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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    It's called shiny object syndrome and you'll never really see any success if you continue along that path. If you want to do the hard work necessary to build an online business, read the forum, learn and then pick a path that you're interested in and that match your skillset. If you have no skills, spend the time getting some. By now you probably have numerous courses that are sitting on your hard drive doing nothing. Quite honestly, not all of them will work, if you're like most who are afflicted with shiny object syndrome. You choose the ones that look easy, make huge promises and don't require much time or skills. Forget about those. Decide what you want to do.

    Affiliate Marketing
    Build your own product to sell
    Selling a service
    Writing Kindle books

    There are hundreds of ways people make money online, but pursuing shiny objects isn't one of them.
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    • Profile picture of the author BenZhao
      1) Underneath those feelings, (a) what are you feeling most worried about?

      I don't even know why I am still here?
      Anyone else struggle in this manner?
      Does anyone sympathize empathize?

      Ask yourself with 'what if' and 'why' questions. So, those would be:

      b) What if you know why you are here?
      c) Why do you want to you know that you are still here?
      d) Why do you want to know if anyone else struggling here?

      This is to help you discover on what is unseen under such feeling.

      2) Rearranging by completing your least interesting tasks first.

      You might intend to do the interesting tasks first and delay the more boring work until
      later. So, rearranging the order in reverse would help you to accomplish the full task.

      3) Spend your time to do something relaxing while reflecting and paying attention to your
      feelings and thought process. This will allow you to access far more of your inner

      4) Slow down your speed of action. The easiest way to do this is to take more time

      These are all the techniques used to explore more into yourself by your own. In fact, the answer is within you.
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  • Profile picture of the author discrat
    Originally Posted by Zodiax View Post


    I jump from one thing to the next and never stick to any of them.

    A weird compulsion of some sort, driving me to believe that the next big thing will be quick and easy.

    I don't even know why I am still here?

    Anyone else struggle in this manner?

    Does anyone sympathize empathize?
    Hey Zodiax,
    Thank you for being so honest and straight forward. This is a huge problem many newbies and also many broke experienced IMers have.

    This is a large obstacle but anyone can overcome it.

    Just find a proven model like Email Marketing and stick with it and work it prudently and with a plan.

    - Robert Andrew
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