Marketing a coupon/deal website

by feedia
1 replies
Hey all.
I have quite a bit of experience marketing e-commerce products, but I have a coupon/deals website and was wondering if you have any suggestions on how to market it with little to no money. The site is feedia (dot) us
#coupon or deal #marketing #website
  • Profile picture of the author Jack Sarlo
    Perhaps then fb ads however you need to know who your targeted prospects are (that use coupons often you know that thing, some Google search may give some clues).

    Or perhaps on fb once again you can promote specific coupons (say game coupons), since you can target your ads better/easier than the entire site, they're probably 15-27 I don't really know exactly.

    Pinterest too perhaps since you have pictures... a coupon board.

    Something more...

    Writing a free ebook. How To Get 200 FREE Coupons... I can imagine on social sites that might get some attention. You already have 15,000+ on fb, so you try it see what happens maybe they share it. But not until you have lots of coupons, there's too little I see on your site.

    An ebook that shows you how to get daily coupons on different items isn't a bad idea... course put links to your site where to get the coupons.

    Then you can perhaps make it slideshare as well to post to slideshare sites like

    An infographic teaching people that they can get coupons to get discounts on products isn't bad either, then of course recommended them where to get them...sure they already know about coupons but if they see the infographic in their face they take action, read and go visit site.

    I tried my best sry if too much stuff at once
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