"The Judge Movie" with Duval and Downey Jr - I owned that .com A Lesson and story!
I then later listed it for $1500 thinking maybe something was up. I get an email again a yr later from the same guy offering $1000. I took it via SEDO so I didn't have contact with the guy really. 6 months or so later I see it was registered to Warner brothers, a few months later (now!), a movie with Robert Duvall and Robert Downey Jr called the The Judge is out with those 2 actors on my little $10 domain.
$10 into $1000 is a return we'd all love all day and I try not to speculate what could have or could not have regarding $$$, but I learned something from it. Either these studios do this privately so you don't soak them for big bucks or this guy just heard something was up. I don't know. The time gap between emails was strange though. I'm not big into domain speculation but sometimes I get a hunch. Just figured I share this, since it's topical as the movie is out now and if anyone ever encounters something like that in the future, maybe this will help you with some diligence. Some private little yahoo email inquiry may not be what it seems....
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