Traffic audit and click fraud protection

by 3 replies
Dear friends, we want to create a thread, which is dedicated to click fraud protection service and traffic audit -
The service has the following modules:

Traffick audit - helps to analyze the incoming traffic and evaluates its quality (target click-throughs or clickfraud), by means of which the user makes a decision on whether to leave this source (platform) or IP to show them the advertising, or ban it. The price is 0,002 Euro for Traffic Audit.

Google Adwords Audit - all you need to do is to connect your accounts in Google.Adwords systems with Service in order to analyze the incoming traffic and automatically ban further advertising view for unfair users and/or on the low grade platforms.

"For Affiliates" module allows not to install Scroogefrog codes on Landing page (which is difficult to do for CPA offers) uploading it through i-frame. Thus, it is possible to make an assessment of traffic quality on the third party platforms, but collecting less number of parameters. It is free of charge for the user.

We are glad to receive your comments and proposals on our service
#main internet marketing discussion forum #audit #click #fraud #protection #traffic
  • Hello everybody!

    Now we've created new module in our solution. It's called "AdWare protection". If you buy a lot of traffic with bad quality some part of this traffic is infected by viruses. When these visitors come to you site they'll see on it a lot of ads/banners/popups. And your site will work very slowly for these people.

    Our solution can detect these visitors and delete bad ads from their browsers in your site. You can see how your site is seen in similar situation here
  • I don't think you allowed to create this kind of post on this forum for free. I think this post needs to be in the Classified Ad section because you are promoting your product.

    the price for a classified ad is $20
    • [1] reply

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