Looking for someone to provide constructive criticism?
This is my first post on WF, so excuse me if I'm not supposed to be doing this (the rules didn't to say anything against this), but I would like people to help me out with the design of my squeeze page: Internet Millionaire Mindset - Discover The True Mentality of Making Money Online
This is my first time creating one myself on Photoshop, and I recognize it's poorly done (before this, I've always been doing other things in IM, nothing that required squeeze pages).
It's launching on Nov. 21st, so I'm trying to edit whatever I can for a higher conversion rate...any help from the IM experts would be highly appreciated!
Thanks in advance
Terrance01 -
Thanks - 2 replies
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Raydal -
SignatureThe most powerful and concentrated copywriting training online today bar none! Autoresponder Writing Email SECRETS{{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9678702].message }} -
aaaa33030 -
Thanks - 1 reply
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chilly731 -
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jezter6 -
Thanks - 2 replies
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