Most successful or popular WSOs ever?

7 replies
Is there a place on Warrior Forum to find most successful or most popular WSOs?

#popular #successful #wsos
  • Profile picture of the author Stevie C
    Warrior Plus - Affiliates - Offers- sort by sales

    Hook Pigeon Live 9999+ sales seems to be the top seller of all time.

    It is also interesting to see that 2011 was the biggest seller for WSO's with over 40 of the top 100 being released in that year. I'm guessing with the low barrier entry now and the sheer amount being released sales are somewhat diluted.
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    • Profile picture of the author alsenyseck8
      Originally Posted by Stevie C View Post

      Warrior Plus - Affiliates - Offers- sort by sales

      Hook Pigeon Live 9999+ sales seems to be the top seller of all time.

      It is also interesting to see that 2011 was the biggest seller for WSO's with over 40 of the top 100 being released in that year. I'm guessing with the low barrier entry now and the sheer amount being released sales are somewhat diluted.
      Not agree. If you buy those type of products then It might me guides with outdated techniques. not any technique work even after years. A product need time to reach 5000+ sales.

      I think you look to products of the day at Warriorplus or Jvzoo!
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      • Profile picture of the author Stevie C
        Originally Posted by alsenyseck8 View Post

        Not agree. If you buy those type of products then It might me guides with outdated techniques. not any technique work even after years. A product need time to reach 5000+ sales.

        I think you look to products of the day at Warriorplus or Jvzoo!
        The question asked was Is there a place on Warrior Forum to find most successful or most popular WSOs? not products of the day otherwise I would have directed him to 'Products of the day'

        A Product doesn't need any time to reach 5,000+ sales it is likely to make most of the sales in the first few days of launch.
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      • Profile picture of the author Terrance01
        Originally Posted by alsenyseck8 View Post

        If you buy those type of products then It might me guides with outdated techniques. not any technique work even after years.
        Some techniques are timeless.

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  • Profile picture of the author Corey Taylor
    I would say five minute formula. It sold pretty well, it's old and offers some good info in there. You must need lots of coffee and time to digest all this though!
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  • Profile picture of the author internetmarketer1
    You know a WSO is extremely successful if you go to the Warrior Special Offer part of the Forum and you check out how many views it has. Of course, you could always just check out the WarriorPlus System.

    It's hard to say what is the most successful simply because they are all in multiple niches and topics.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tsnyder
    The subject line asked what were the most popular WSO "ever"

    Well... "ever" around here is a lot longer than JVZoo or Warrior Plus
    have been around. Giants of the profession once posted here on a
    daily basis and offered their wisdom through the WSO forum.

    I haven't seen much to compare with them in many years.... in quality or volume.
    If you knew what I know you'd be doing what I do...
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