Affiliate Marketing Coach

by vontox
6 replies

I was wondering where I can find some experienced affiliate marketing coaches. I have some experience with Amazon and was able to make $200 per month and like to expand and hopefully a coach would help me do that.

#affiliate #coach #marketing
  • Profile picture of the author Mrvm2
    Do you have any experience of Pay Per Click ( PPC ) Advertising on google and microsoft Bing. If you want to learn have a small budget to start and willing to give it a go, i can mentor you all free. I left a good job years ago and now run PPC financial campaigns whilst travelling. We have lots of newbies who have gone on to be great marketeers.

    Contact me at if you are interested.

    Good luck

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  • Profile picture of the author Derrickmiller
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    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Hey Vontox,
      I know Jan Roos is a fellow Warrior who could help you out.

      He is the real deal when it comes to Amazon. I know he has some WSOs

      You could do a search here and find him that way

      - Robert Andrew
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  • Profile picture of the author AndrewHansen
    There are two questions you should answer before proceeding:

    1. What kind of affiliate marketing are you trying to do? Paid traffic? SEO? Email marketing? Integration deals? Etc etc Whichever it is, you're better off finding a coach to guide you on that part of the strategy. General "affiliate marketing" coaches don't really exist.

    2. What are you willing to give a coach? A decent coach isn't just going to take you under his wing for nothing. And it's quite unlikely that a decent coach will be lurking in the warrior forum, ready to spam you with their "buy now" link. They'll either want a big fee for personal guidance, or a share of your business/profits. Are you able to offer that? If not, you might find getting a good coach difficult.

    When you've answered those two questions, you should try to find a coach that can be personally recommended by someone you know/trust who has worked with them and achieved a tangible result. There are far too many scammers in this business to go trusting people without full due diligence.

    I hope this is helpful mate. Good luck with it.

    More Affiliate Marketing & SEO Strategy For Free Than Most Courses Will Give You If You Pay...

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  • Profile picture of the author kj1010
    Decide on what side of the internet marketing world you prefer to stay on (info marketing, tangible items, affiliate marketing) then ask around for referrals to experts or coaching in that specific area. That is the best way to narrow down the list of internet marketing coaches.
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