Ridiculous: Can You Really Make Money With Internet Marketing?

68 replies
I just came across this article on the Telegraph that claims it is not possible (or unlikely) for people to make money online:

'You can make six figures' - we test internet marketing claims - Telegraph

To me - this is so ridiculous. Even before I created my own info-products, my husband and I were supporting our family purely from our internet income. You don't support 7 kids out of thin air...

And I have so many friends and students who are doing the same thing.

But I wonder if newbies read this kind of thing and give up hope.

So as a counter-measure, here are some of the ways people I PERSONALLY know make money online:

Affiliate sites
Creating and selling your own info-products (including outside the IM niche)
Membership sites
Writing for others
Freelancing and client work
Kindle books
Selling physical products on Amazon
Selling software (you outsource the programming and sell it as a product)
Creating viral video sites
Drop shipping

I'm sure I missed some. But any newbie should get the point :-)
#internet #make #marketing #money #ridiculous
  • Profile picture of the author krnekdo
    Been doing it for the last 6 years as well so I am another proof it is possible

    But, it does require actual work. Six figure incomes don't just come out of thin air, which is what most courses and ads try to convince you.. It is all about where you turn for information. There is more info on forums then there is in any paid product, but to find it on forums you need a lot of time and patience.

    But when you do find it, you need to start doing. Just finding it, won't give you an income.
    Want to build quality links? Tired of Google penalties and spammy links?

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  • Profile picture of the author surfville
    I had bought my car and started so many traditional business open up my dream gamefarm with Online fueled income, Mlm. So I can attest to a proof that you can make real income online. This is coming from someone who started out with virtually nothing.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ardral
    Apparently the Telegraph are pushing the "British Dream" of not trying anything new and "just getting by".
    Where the money is on Facebook (and how to get it) >> CLICK HERE NOW
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    • Profile picture of the author 4thMarshall
      Originally Posted by Ardral View Post

      Apparently the Telegraph are pushing the "British Dream" of not trying anything new and "just getting by".
      That's so obvious! They know there are a lot of success stories popping up everywhere and the game is slowly changing hands.
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  • Profile picture of the author RachelTravels
    As a newbie, I TRULY appreciate this particular thread!
    I know it'll take A LOT of work, but at this point all I have is time and motivation!
    Journey On,

    ~ Rach
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    • Profile picture of the author Mindy Squillace
      Originally Posted by RachelTravels View Post

      As a newbie, I TRULY appreciate this particular thread!
      I know it'll take A LOT of work, but at this point all I have is time and motivation!
      Hey Rachel,

      Here's my unsolicited advice:

      1. Know exactly what you are trying to accomplish (Have a plan)
      2. Get a mentor
      3. Listen to the mentor and block out all others
      4. Get to work. Treat it like a business.
      5. Don't expect results for a bit.
      6. Only promote awesome products you truly believe in.
      7. Build a tribe.
      8. Focus on "Learn. Do. Teach"
      9. Become a mentor

      Mindy Bartlett Squillace
      Marketing Solutions Mama
      Phone: 757-510-6158
      Blog: www.MarketingSolutionsMama.com
      Free Training: http://successwithmindy.com/4-step-formula

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      • Profile picture of the author onSubie
        Originally Posted by Mindy Squillace View Post

        2. Get a mentor
        9. Become a mentor
        This is one of the reason that Internet Marketing seems like such a scam.

        If I want to be a fireman I take fire training, try out and qualify to become a fireman. My goal is to fight fires and eventually become a captain or a chief.

        If want to be a lawyer, I go to university then law school then pass the bar and become a lawyer. My goal is to become a lawyer, then maybe a judge.

        If I want to be a teacher I go to university then teacher's college. Then I intern or substitute and try and to gain experience to find a full-time teaching position. My goal is to teach and become a department head or principal.

        If I want to start making money online I need a "mentor" or "guru" to teach the "secrets". My goal is to become a "guru" and teach those secrets to others.
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      • Profile picture of the author Anish Khandelwal
        Originally Posted by Mindy Squillace View Post

        Hey Rachel,

        Here's my unsolicited advice:

        1. Know exactly what you are trying to accomplish (Have a plan)
        2. Get a mentor
        3. Listen to the mentor and block out all others
        4. Get to work. Treat it like a business.
        5. Don't expect results for a bit.
        6. Only promote awesome products you truly believe in.
        7. Build a tribe.
        8. Focus on "Learn. Do. Teach"
        9. Become a mentor
        For me this seems to be perfect plan
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    • Profile picture of the author treyton
      Originally Posted by RachelTravels View Post

      As a newbie, I TRULY appreciate this particular thread!
      I know it'll take A LOT of work, but at this point all I have is time and motivation!
      That makes two of us. Learning a new skill, such as Internet Marketing, looks like a pretty steep climb when at the bottom of the hill/mountain. So trying then failing at the beginning is a bit discouraging. That's why reading of you guys success stories is so important and encouraging to keep us newbies getting back up and pushing forward regardless of the outcome.
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    • Profile picture of the author rcla67
      Originally Posted by RachelTravels View Post

      As a newbie, I TRULY appreciate this particular thread!
      I know it'll take A LOT of work, but at this point all I have is time and motivation!
      That's a great attitude to have...Keep your eye on the prize and it will happen for you
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  • Profile picture of the author Diana Lane
    'The term "internet marketing" can be confusing. On the one hand it refers to the legitimate promotion of products and services on the web as done by thousands of companies every day. However, it also refers to a sprawling unregulated industry that offers to help ordinary people start online enterprises and make money.'

    Yet it's the 'however' that the article gives weight to. It's mildly amusing to see the paper imply that internet marketing is for mugs when the whole page is so weighed down by adverts that Firefox struggles to haul it from the bowels of the internet, after which you get clobbered by a pop-up while you're trying to read it.

    Plot short fiction, long fiction, even outline non-fiction * Edit the question prompts to suit your genre * Easily export text and image files for use with your word processor or Scrivener.
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  • Profile picture of the author onSubie
    The ironic thing about these articles is that in order to bolder their case that you "can't make money online" they interview people who make their living online.

    I think it's hilarious that they say making money online is not possible then quote Jason Jones from Salty Droid:

    "The people making money in internet marketing are selling courses and other add-ons. The whole thing is fake." - Jason Jones, Salty Droid

    The whole thing is fake? Making money running a blog (like Salty Droid) is a scam?

    "It is a scam and you can't make money online. Just ask Jason Jones who, um, makes his living running a blog online... never mind."
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    • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
      Originally Posted by onSubie View Post

      "The people making money in internet marketing are selling courses and other add-ons. The whole thing is fake." - Jason Jones, Salty Droid
      That guy doesn't know what he's talking about. I'm really surprised his comments made it into the newspaper.
      "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Originally Posted by Sara Young View Post

    I just came across this article on the Telegraph that claims it is not possible (or unlikely) for people to make money online:

    'You can make six figures' - we test internet marketing claims - Telegraph

    To me - this is so ridiculous.
    Please excuse the dissenting tone, Sarah, but to me it isn't at all.

    The key word, there, is "claims".

    This issue isn't about whether you can make money online. We all know that you can. It's about the integrity, legality and acceptability of internet marketing advertising that rests on income claims.

    Industries which are as bad, collectively, as ours has been, over the years and decades, at regulating themselves, inevitably incur adverse media attention and increasing external regulation of the kind which tends to be bad for all of us.

    The media are right , in my opinion, to highlight this largely illegal, largely misleading, unethical, deceptive kind of internet marketing. The sooner we get rid of the income claims, the better it will be for all of us who aren't trying to deceive others.

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    • Profile picture of the author vickybabe
      Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

      The sooner we get rid of the income claims, the better it will be for all of us who aren't trying to deceive others.
      The problem is though mate, that the income claims are what these guys want to see(as sad as it is)

      Look at it this way, two headlines for the same training:

      How i work every day of the week for long hours to make a full time income

      How i make $300 per day

      The unfortunate thing is, in this niche, the latter is the one that people want to purchase
      Free Wso: Watch As We Rank A Video On The First Page In 4 Minutes Flat - Get Access Here
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      • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
        Originally Posted by vickybabe View Post

        The problem is though mate, that the income claims are what these guys want to see(as sad as it is)
        I agree.

        But that doesn't make them any more acceptable, legal, ethical or decent. Eventually they're all going to be illegal, anyway. We're inexorably moving in that direction, nationally and internationally, on almost all regulatory and legal fronts. It's just a little too slow for some of us. The sooner we get rid of all that crap, the sooner our collective public esteem and image, as "internet marketers", will start improving a little from all the years of damage done to them by the people (nearly used another word, there! ) making the income claims.

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        • Profile picture of the author Lucian Lada
          Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

          The sooner we get rid of all that crap, the sooner our collective public esteem and image, as "internet marketers", will start improving a little from all the years of damage done to them by the people (nearly used another word, there! ) making the income claims.
          While I agree with the rest of your post, I don't think our image will change significantly very soon. It will probably never improve because the entry barrier is so low that every kindergarten drop-outs () can get into IM.

          That means...

          ... people who think making up stories to sell Amazon products is okay. (There is actually one guy here (from Asia, I think) who finds that "totally acceptable", and with him, a few other people, too.)

          ... ClickBank vendors who when emailed where they can ask for a refund, refuse to reply to confuse the customer and hope they'll never find ClickBank's support desk. (I know such a guy.)

          ... people who openly admit trying to game Google to get higher rankings.

          ... people who do annoying things to keep people on their lists, such as hiding the unsubscribe button, inserting lots of paragraphs breaks to push the unsubscribe button further down, etc. (And don't even get me started on video sales letter tricks.)

          ... people who focus on the atypical results of a product, making it sound like their typical, and then when asked why they don't see the promised results, they point to the fine print (think weight loss, for example).

          And this is just from the top of my head.

          Sadly, our image will never be good, not even decent, as long as this type of people are allowed to do business online.
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      • Profile picture of the author nik0
        Originally Posted by vickybabe View Post

        The problem is though mate, that the income claims are what these guys want to see(as sad as it is)

        Look at it this way, two headlines for the same training:

        How i work every day of the week for long hours to make a full time income

        How i make $300 per day

        The unfortunate thing is, in this niche, the latter is the one that people want to purchase
        You know what a realistic price is for $300/day profit or $9000/month profit actually, without lifting a finger?

        $108.000 up until $216.000

        So people who want that should sell their house and hop over to Flippa / Empire Flippers / Freemarket.com

        I had this little crappy site that's good for $500/month and used Empire Flippers website valuation tool, it said I could ask $10.000 for it, OH MY GOD

        I just posted another thread where I had my first $250 day yesterday.

        Well I tell you, if someone offers me $40.000,- for the whole bunch I sell RIGHT NOW.
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        • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
          'The term "internet marketing" can be confusing. On the one hand it refers to the legitimate promotion of products and services on the web as done by thousands of companies every day. However, it also refers to a sprawling unregulated industry that offers to help ordinary people start online enterprises and make money.'
          Actually, the article refers to a subset of internet marketing - MMO - in which most of these income claims abound, and calling that an "industry" is to lend it far too much respect. You don't usually see income claims from software sellers or service providers.

          The other point to remember is that journalists, or anyone else who feels stuck in a job, are invested in disproving claims from those who've successfully rejected that lifestyle.


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        • Profile picture of the author Kay King
          There's truth and hype in the article. Just like a standard IM product.
          The term "internet marketing" can be confusing. On the one hand it refers to the legitimate promotion of products and services on the web as done by thousands of companies every day. However, it also refers to a sprawling unregulated industry that offers to help ordinary people start online enterprises and make money.
          People are often delusional when it comes to their own abilities. We see people posting about their "goal to make $XXX a day" who say they can't get a job - didn't finish school - haven't done any work yet, etc.

          There is no magic button you can press to become wealthy, but it can be done," said Mr Coulson. "A lot of the time it comes down to mindset - you need to have a can-do attitude.
          The key word is "wealthy". It often seems the least capable people online expect to make the most money. It is not unusual on this forum to see someone posting about 5 figure a month potential....when they have yet to earn their first hundred.

          "The two main reasons people don't make money online are that they haven't done enough to attract traffic to their website or that they are trying to sell something that nobody wants. The real trick is finding that unique idea to establish a business around.
          I would hold the idea does not have to be "unique" - only interesting with compelling copy. Online you can reinvent the wheel and people will buy it. You do have to ESTABLISH a business, though, and that's what many people fail to do. They want income now - wealth now - and also want to "live the (imaginary) internet lifestyle" from the getgo. Again - delusional.


          "The people making money in internet marketing are selling courses and other add-ons," said US-based blogger Jason Jones, who runs a website called Salty Droid, which seeks to expose what he claims to be the many falsehoods perpetuated by the industry. "The whole thing is fake."
          When it comes to the MMO 'niche' (the Make-Money-Online-You-Can-Do-It-No-Matter-Who-You-Are-What-You-Know-or-How-Little-You-Work), it IS delusional. It's filled with people willing to buy dreams and sellers willing to sell possibilities.


          One of the reasons I've done well is because I'm quite driven
          Ambition, work ethic, common sense applications to problem solving....will succeed time after time online or offline.
          Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
          One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
          what it is instead of what you think it should be.
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      • Profile picture of the author anwar001
        Originally Posted by vickybabe View Post

        The problem is though mate, that the income claims are what these guys want to see(as sad as it is)

        Look at it this way, two headlines for the same training:

        How i work every day of the week for long hours to make a full time income

        How i make $300 per day

        The unfortunate thing is, in this niche, the latter is the one that people want to purchase
        Haha nice example. It is what people want. If you lay out the truth in plain, simple words no one will buy your product. But for the sake of integrity, you have to mention somewhere on the salespage that what you are going to teach them will take effort, time and patient persistence in order to succeed with it. This is to set the expectations of the buyers on the right path. They have a right to know what they are going to purchase and what it entails.
        Get Hundreds of Super Targeted Traffic in Any Niche from Facebook - 3 Step Organic FB Marketing

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  • Profile picture of the author Diana Lane
    I agree that the media are right to highlight how people are being misled by these claims, but this article used exactly the same sensationalism to promise something that it didn't deliver, only without the figures.

    'You Can Make Six Figures' - We Test Internet Marketing Claims
    . There was no testing going on in that piece whatsoever, and so the quotes used in the article lent it about as much authority as the average testimonial does to a sales page. Not much, if you know how easily these things can be faked, but the Telegraph is counting on a big audience that doesn't know a lot and hopes it's going to make them savvy.

    Not too unlike newbies who encounter the sales page of an unscrupulous marketer.

    An actual investigation would have impressed me more, whatever the conclusion. Instead it's all just filler, designed to capitalise on a popular interest in the same way as UK newspaper the Daily Mail draws eyeballs by printing endless guff about Kim Kardashian even though most people over here have never heard of her and would have been happy for it to stay that way.

    I hear what you're saying Lexy, honestly. I wish this industry and the reputation that it's got for itself would get cleaned up sooner rather than later, but it makes me just as uncomfortable to see people being manipulated by the media. I want to see these wild claims tested and proven to be a pile of bull, but just stringing a few quotes into an article falls a long way short.

    Plot short fiction, long fiction, even outline non-fiction * Edit the question prompts to suit your genre * Easily export text and image files for use with your word processor or Scrivener.
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    • Profile picture of the author nik0
      I agree wholeheartly with this final conclusion:

      "But for the most part the internet marketing industry is selling little more than dreams."

      Though maybe he should replace "internet marketing" with "online forum marketing".

      Disagree? Take a look at the WSO section and don't forget he added the word MOST, there are obvious exceptions like myself and others that offer an actual service and/or that do make money from affiliate marketing, eg selling real products instead of a dream.
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  • Profile picture of the author rodonet
    An insightful comment on that page:
    PurpleRinse Working Nomad • 8 months ago

    Affiliate marketing is a pyramid scheme relying on an endless supply of suckers to come in at the bottom.
    I didn't know affiliate marketing was a "pyramid scheme"! - Does that mean Clickbank's days are numbered?
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  • Profile picture of the author kilgore
    Originally Posted by Sara Young View Post

    I just came across this article on the Telegraph that claims it is not possible (or unlikely) for people to make money online:
    Did anyone even read the article? The author didn't make any assertions at all about whether you can make money online. What he did do was this:
    1. Cherry pick an anecdote from someone who was successful making money online
    2. Cherry pick another anecdote from someone who wasn't able to make money online

    I agree that the article wasn't particularly well written, but the only difference between that author and the vast majority of people in the MMO niche only cherry pick their anecdotes from group #1 above.

    The fact is that there are no good data on success rates for people trying to make money online. On the one hand you have people in the MMO niche saying anyone can make money online. On the other hand, I've seen people claim failure rates as high as 98%. What's the truth? Nobody knows. And sorry, but the fact that you have friends, uncles, cousins, and granddaughters who made money online doesn't prove that it's easy. All it proves is that some people were successful. But "some" is very different than "many" and it's very, very different than "most".

    One thing we do have is data on other types of businesses. For instance, one article I recently read found that 60% of restaurants fail within three years (Source: The Restaurant-Failure Myth - Businessweek). My guess is that most of the restaurants in the study didn't fail because their owners were lazy or didn't "take action". They failed because starting a business -- any business -- is hard.

    My guess -- and it's only a guess -- is that except for the lower barriers to entry, succeeding in online business is no easier than succeeding in the restaurant business. And even these low barriers to entry are a mixed blessing. After all a business that has low costs for you to start also has low costs for potential competitors.

    So congratulations on having found definitive anecdotal evidence that proves that making money online is possible. Of course in 1978, a couple of kids found a Ferrari buried in their back yard proving just as definitively that it's possible to find luxury vehicles buried on your property. But again, just because something is possible doesn't mean it's probable...

    P.S. Do you want to buy a shovel?
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  • Profile picture of the author 2014leon
    For sure SEO service is missed...
    How to Make Money Online;
    Geld Verdienen im Internet;
    Tips For Making Money Online By - Liming Wu
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    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      "But to learn their secrets you'll need to splash out on workshops, DVD sets and courses. "

      What the hell does 'splash' mean ??

      - Robert Andrew

      Nothing to see here including a Sig so just move on :)

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  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    The other point to remember is that journalists, or anyone else who feels stuck in a job, are invested in disproving claims from those who've successfully rejected that lifestyle.
    Even though I make significantly more then my five siblings, I still get the "Get a haircut and get a real job" speech.

    It bothers them to no end that I am free and they are someone's "slave."
    Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
    All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9712152].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Intrepreneur
      Skim read until this paragraph:

      "Internet money making is the great delusion of our time," Mr Jones said. "No one is making money online with the exception of the corporate behemoths - Amazon, eBay, Google etc - that cornered the market early, as well as a few porn sites. How is it then possible for a workat-home mum to become a millionaire?

      THEN I decided some numpty wrote this.
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  • Profile picture of the author Roth
    Originally Posted by Sara Young View Post

    To me - this is so ridiculous.

    But I wonder if newbies read this kind of thing and give up hope.
    1. The article is from April 2014...was this thread really necessary?
    2. Is this thread just to get exposure to your sig link? It appears so.
    3. I thought the article was well written and laid out nothing but good info.
    4. I HOPE many noobs read the article and give up. IM isn't for everyone.
    5. The article in question did a thorough expose on how the Biz Opp industry works online. Not as good as the Verge's expose...but still pretty good.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9712291].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author kilgore
      Originally Posted by Roth View Post

      5. The article in question did a thorough expose on how the Biz Opp industry works online. Not as good as the Verge's expose...but still pretty good.
      Just read the Verge article you referenced -- thanks for the recommendation. Definitely worth a read!
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  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    2. Get a mentor
    3. Listen to the mentor and block out all others
    This is good advice.

    7. Build a tribe.
    Totally not required and not desired by as many as some would have you think. In some of my most profitable niches, customers have no idea who I am and couldn't care less.

    9. Become a mentor
    Same as above.

    Give people what they need and/or desire. Do it in a professional manner, offering only quality products and provide excellent CS.

    You don't have to be a gooroo to succeed.
    Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
    All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9712369].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author hardworker2013
    It is said 95% of internet marketers fail, within the other 5% are those who are
    truly making a 6 figure income from internet marketing. However do not expect
    these gurus to teach you all there methods, they are holding the most profitable ones
    close to there chest.
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  • Profile picture of the author steffanmax
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    • Profile picture of the author treyton
      Well, yes and no: I think a mentor or teacher is useful at the beginning to get you "up to speed" in a new environment. Else you end up repeating the same errors everyone has/is making while reinventing the IM wheel, so the mentor just saves you time. And you can make more money, but you will never make "more time" that you lost learning not to do that IM mistake ...

      Originally Posted by steffanmax View Post

      never have a mentor, he does earn more money on you, than you earn on him.

      If you seek a mentor, you wil always, look up to another..

      Don't get fooled by those scammers, their steal your soul.. and money


      If you are out there, seeking a mentor, are you either, 1.. not making a lot of money. 2. also the type there go in and think your bank is "your friend"
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      • Profile picture of the author steffanmax
        Originally Posted by treyton View Post

        Well, yes and no: I think a mentor or teacher is useful at the beginning to get you "up to speed" in a new environment. Else you end up repeating the same errors everyone has/is making while reinventing the IM wheel, so the mentor just saves you time. And you can make more money, but you will never make "more time" that you lost learning not to do that IM mistake ...
        No.. you have a bigger chance to get scammed, than get "a good coach".. a good coach.. would never suggest another coach..

        There is no mistake, and no right.. but the mentor will tell you.. i know how it is done..

        I have been in the computer industry for 24 years, i have had a pc for 20 years, and i have done internet marketing for 10 years.. every mentor is a scammer.. how do i know?

        I am not better.. Your way, is your way.. you can never teach it to anybody.

        But if you wanna buy coaching, buy it from me.. a least you get the truth.. don't like it.. find another coach.. there wanna play "the good music" for your ears.

        If you have a friend/student there got scammed for $20.000 in coaching, you will never recommend coaching again..

        And if you don't have that friend..

        You are not making money

        There are only 2 people there recommend coaching
        1. The coach
        2. The student
        (Yes the coach are also cought on in the wheel, many does not even know it, because they started as "students")
        Don't get scammed.. You have a better chance to reach enlightenment, than earn money.

        Never look up to anybody, stay selfish, stay hungry.

        "All gurus are welfare organizations providing petty experiences to their followers. The guru game is a profitable industry; try and make two million dollars a year any other way." Ug Krishnamurti
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        • Profile picture of the author Sara Young
          This is a fascinating discussion and it's great to see different opinions. Thanks everyone for your comments.

          Regarding the mentor/coach issue - I would have never gotten to where I am now without my mentor and coach, so I totally recommend having one.

          However, I agree that it's a risky matter. You better do your homework well before forking over the money. Too many scammers out there - I agree.
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  • Profile picture of the author steffanmax
    Many people think that "internet Marketing" is easy, and falling for the trap "lets make a million within 6 hours"..

    Internet marketing i hard..
    A lot harder than most of things.

    People think that they can just come in and make money(Thanks you are the reason that "internet marketing gurus" are rich).. i have done internet marketing for ******* 10+ years..

    I can only say good luck to you, you gonna need it.

    the truth is 99.5% of the people in here will never make anything like 6 figure. So don't even talk about it..

    I made 6 figure before i even thought about it.. that is have it is done.. not the other way around
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  • Profile picture of the author ninosem
    I make living online more than one year... Yes as lot of marketers said before
    it isn't push button money. You must work hard and solve other problems. Don't worry about the money.
    If you solve a problem and seek out ways to serve more people, money will find you.
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  • Profile picture of the author DubDubDubDot
    There is confusion in this thread over their use of the "internet marketing" term.

    The article is not bashing the concept of operating an internet-based business. Nobody is going to do that. They were warning potential victims about the fake guru industry. When they say there is no money in internet marketing, they are speaking in the sense of the bubble that these fake gurus and their buyers reside in.

    Of course, it probably doesn't matter. There is a high level of cult-like behavior on this forum in regards to fake guru worshiping. You say anything bad about the gooroos and WarriorForum is going to pounce.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
      Originally Posted by DubDubDubDot View Post

      The article is not bashing the concept of operating an internet-based business. Nobody is going to do that. They were warning potential victims about the fake guru industry. When they say there is no money in internet marketing, they are speaking in the sense of the bubble that these fake gurus and their buyers reside in.
      In terms of marketing (etc.) there's an "overlap" between the Good Guys and the Bad Guys. And, if they wanted the newspaper article to be impartial (and accurate), they should have addressed that "overlap" and told it like it is.

      (There's plenty of decent, honest, and ethical Teachers/Gurus involved with IM.)
      "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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      • Profile picture of the author DubDubDubDot
        Originally Posted by Jonathan 2.0 View Post

        In terms of marketing (etc.) there's an "overlap" between the Good Guys and the Bad Guys. And, if they wanted the newspaper article to be impartial (and accurate), they should have addressed that "overlap" and told it like it is. (There's plenty of decent, honest, and ethical Teachers/Gurus involved with IM.)
        They could have talked about the other side, but it wouldn't have mattered. The buyers who respond well to the stupid income claims and "dead simple" plans are interested in that specific type of gooroo and nothing else.
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        • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
          Originally Posted by DubDubDubDot View Post

          They could have talked about the other side, but it wouldn't have mattered. The buyers who respond well to the stupid income claims and "dead simple" plans are interested in that specific type of gooroo and nothing else.
          Well maybe it's just me, but being interested in those claims is what got me interested in Internet Marketing to begin with. Sure, I learned how to separate the wheat from the chaff, however that's what got me interested.
          "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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  • Profile picture of the author andrewkar
    Some time ago I would say all "gurus" are con artists. However, being a part of a few coaching programs in my carrier and looking at all of this from distance, today I can say that not all "gurus" are scam artists.

    Actually from each program I was involved in I took a new set of skills and experience that I wouldn't get anywhere else (at least not at the price I have paid for it). Majority of people will not make big $ in any coaching program in few first months. Even if the coach/mentor or "guru" is legit most people will fail. And the reason is simple, not everyone is cut out to make business. And when it comes to newbies they are often desperate to make money fast and that is the biggest problem they have (both mentors and newbies).

    How can they execute ideas properly and go through the process if they can't focus on the process because they are thinking about money? They just can't.

    In my view many coaches/mentors have a lot of value to offer but, too many don't know how to take care of that person once in the program. This is true especially in big coaching programs consisting of many people. The coach won't be able to handle that many people effectively. I was in program like that and have experienced it personally (There was around 130 people in our group). Should people designing the coaching program make it limited to a smaller number of individuals I bet our results would be much much better. Still, I learned a lot and would go for it again.

    There were also some free coaching programs that helped me a lot. The whole point is to follow the process (I know... many people just can't do it...).

    Also, there is saying "Those who can, do; those who can't, teach".

    Is Dan Kennedy worthless wannabe guru who can't DO and only can teach? (and many other great marketers and sales people with less known names)?

    It really doesn't hurt to use brain from time to time but, many people act like it does.

    The best advice I can give to people who are looking for a mentor or just coach is to calm down and think about actual process and what must be done to make $. Certainly, if there is a guy with 15 posts and he is claiming some big $ than he is a high risk investment and it's better to give up on him.
    Do what you want to do!
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    • Profile picture of the author DubDubDubDot
      Originally Posted by andrewkar View Post

      Is Dan Kennedy worthless wannabe guru who can't DO and only can teach?
      Maybe, maybe not.

      Kennedy is an accomplished publisher of marketing books. That however does not necessarily make him an expert in the marketing field.

      You will need to take a look at his professional history down in the trenches to determine who he is and if he is worth following. Unfortunately he has not made that information readily available. Perhaps it is within some of his books. No idea....
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      • Profile picture of the author andrewkar
        Originally Posted by DubDubDubDot View Post

        Maybe, maybe not.

        Kennedy is an accomplished publisher of marketing books. That however does not necessarily make him an expert in the marketing field.

        You will need to take a look at his professional history down in the trenches to determine who he is and if he is worth following. Unfortunately he has not made that information readily available. Perhaps it is within some of his books. No idea....
        He is legit. I have read his books etc. He is working a lot with regular business and help them with setting up sales funnels, improving customer service, looking for profit leaks etc.
        Do what you want to do!
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  • Profile picture of the author SaeedKhan
    This is just one reporter with their own experience, their opinion and that's what they think. It's not a fact, in fact the its been proven everyday that's its possible to make money online, so I would'nt bother with such articles even it is from some big time newspaper.
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  • Profile picture of the author Terrance01
    Every industry has a "barrier to entry" ...overcoming this type of thing is the barrier that so many are unable to climb.

    To Your Success,
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  • Profile picture of the author dstarr
    As someone who has been online marketing since 2006, I have made my living online and I've seen many people go on to amass fortunes online.
    I don't think it is an easy thing, it never is, and sure, there are snake oil salesmen, there always are, but with a good understanding of basic business sense, supply and demand, and a good bit of determination, anyone can find their way through to becoming successful online.
    There are so many different ways to make money online these days, and the opportunities are growing, it's a case of chosing a path/vehicle that suits you and going for it.
    You will make adaptions and diversions along the way, but if you truly want it, and are committed to it, you will find a way.

    So I too disagree with this article.

    My Regards,

    Darren Starr
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  • Profile picture of the author hometutor
    Oh good now everyone with employee minds can have the excuse it's internet marketing that doesn't work not them. IT'S A BUSINESS! Just like any other business knowledge, experience, action, repeat. If you're not willing to do these four things you will not make it in business, brick and mortar offline business, "internet marketing" online business. PERIOD!

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    • Profile picture of the author MeenaBhattacharya
      Originally Posted by hometutor View Post

      Oh good now everyone with employee minds can have the excuse it's internet marketing that doesn't work not them. IT'S A BUSINESS! Just like any other business knowledge, experience, action, repeat. If you're not willing to do these four things you will not make it in business, brick and mortar offline business, "internet marketing" online business. PERIOD!

      Yup bro, I completely agree with you. The internet marketing is nothing but a way by which you can earn huge money. But make a sure, you have to do internet marketing with some rules and regulation. You can also take an assist from SEO, which is really playing a crucial role to increase the ranking of a particular website. If you follow all the rules and algorithm, I assure you, you will make huge money with online marketing.
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  • Anything is possible if you work hard. I literally had nothing when i started. Now i'm living very comfortable. Hard work and determination always pays off in the end. Also if you want to be successful all you need to do is HELP people. If you really care about your business and you clients everything will come around full circle.
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  • Profile picture of the author fxstay
    in my opinion its not ridicules at all as currently i am making good amount of money with my forex sites i am looking or investor to devalop my sites to make 6 figure per month .

    you must know just what to do and be in the right place in the right time
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  • Profile picture of the author jayden1981
    wow! really im living proof you can make money online
    my first 8k was made selling a clickbank product
    so it is possible...

    Read my article What is Affiliate Marketing?

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  • Profile picture of the author tobiascharles
    Just look around the forum there are people making that much and more!
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  • Profile picture of the author Karol Tworek
    I am also a beginner in IM and my question is: do not you think that the internet is already satureted with internet marketers ? You tells that you have earn 6 figures bills but you are already in the business for a long time. I think it is harder to start now what do you think ? Any advices ?


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    • Profile picture of the author hometutor
      Originally Posted by Karol Tworek View Post

      I am also a beginner in IM and my question is: do not you think that the internet is already satureted with internet marketers ? You tells that you have earn 6 figures bills but you are already in the business for a long time. I think it is harder to start now what do you think ? Any advices ?


      Only because of spammers and scammers. Really for a business-minded person it's actually easier to make money with the systems in place.

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  • Profile picture of the author Karol Tworek
    yes people making money but they are in this business for ages. What about people whe are starting ? Do they have such bigg opportunity like people who started few long time ago ?
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  • Profile picture of the author abuziyad3
    any one can earn money with internet marketing .. The important point is internet marketing need to serious person , make a plan and work hard .. It is not easy !
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  • Profile picture of the author brutecky
    My house, my car, my motorcycle, the computer Im trying on and the food my family had for breakfast all strongly suggest that you can make a living online. Oh and so does the fat ass check I have to write the IRS next month.
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    • Profile picture of the author Karol Tworek
      Originally Posted by brutecky View Post

      My house, my car, my motorcycle, the computer Im trying on and the food my family had for breakfast all strongly suggest that you can make a living online. Oh and so does the fat ass check I have to write the IRS next month.
      For how long are you in the business if i can ask you ?

      I am determined person. I always wanted to earn money via internet - i used to for some time but never in mlm or affiliate programs where i would like to statr now. Now i have a lot of time to invest and some basic skills how to build websites and stuff.
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  • Profile picture of the author axus_auto
    Not possible at all. Except that time I was making 4 figures per month totally passive income for more than a year with niche sites. Didn't even login to any of those sites during that time
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  • Profile picture of the author fast2net
    It's all a big lie. The only people who make money are in a secret IM society lol
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  • Profile picture of the author NeedBucksNow
    I would say it is totally possible to make money online if you have the right niche/right audience. I think they were trying to point out all the "get rich quick" sites out there that are basically scams & usually sucker people that are still new to the internet marketing world. It's sad that there are still people out there that actually believe they can make $5000 their very 1st week of being online & are probably the people that are desperate to find a way to make money in the 1st place. I had to learn the hard way as well but after years of failure, I've learned the only thing that truly works online is making your own website/sales funnel then branding yourself over and over with advertising. With hard work & dedication you could be making that in about 6 months though


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  • Profile picture of the author cupcakemonster
    Yea, but the mainstream media says a lot of things that just aren't true. People who're going to read and believe that without trying it themselves probably aren't going to be very successful at making their own money anyway.
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  • Profile picture of the author pintara3
    If you believe you can you can...and if only one other person has that is all the proof you need.It's so easy for the dream stealers to bag anything
    Go For It
    Vision and belief and action and you will suceed
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