Squeeze Page Question

10 replies
Lets say I have a squeeze page that once registers lets them view my blog, my question is if a viewer visits the site later will they see the squeeze page again even if they already registered?
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  • Profile picture of the author Marketing Fool
    Generally speaking yes...though you could set up a cookie and finagle the squeeze page to not show up to past registered users etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Originally Posted by SteveSilver View Post

    Lets say I have a squeeze page that once registers lets them view my blog
    If you'll excuse a slight digression from what you asked, I find - in all my niches - that to get the email addresses of the ones I most want to opt in (i.e. the ones who go on to become the best customers), I have to show them some content before asking them for their email addresses. "Just saying".

    (And there's more here, if you want it ).

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    • Profile picture of the author Life Naturally
      Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

      If you'll excuse a slight digression from what you asked, I find - in all my niches - that to get the email addresses of the ones I most want to opt in (i.e. the ones who go on to become the best customers), I have to show them some content before asking them for their email addresses. "Just saying".

      (And there's more here, if you want it ).

      Thanks Alexa great post! I learned a lot from it. I am having trouble getting good conversions on my squeeze page, and have been considering building a bigger site to capture email address's.
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  • Profile picture of the author SteveSilver
    More please

    Just started a new FB profile for my warrior moniker, please add me as a friend if you have time thanks, https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100006362328049

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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      Originally Posted by SteveSilver View Post

      More please
      It was a link, to the post with more (information and links): the stuff in blue, like that, you can click on, and it takes you there.
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      • Profile picture of the author SteveSilver
        Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

        It was a link, to the post with more (information and links): the stuff in blue, like that, you can click on, and it takes you there.
        whoops was on my mobile couldn't tell thanks

        Just started a new FB profile for my warrior moniker, please add me as a friend if you have time thanks, https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100006362328049

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  • Profile picture of the author benjamenjuan
    send them a link in your follow up to your blog once they opt in. that way they even have access to both pages, but probably wouldn't care to go back to the squeeze page yet now have a direct link to your blog.
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  • Profile picture of the author Andre Slater
    Just put a link on the squeeze page saying "if you already registered click here" and just give people a reason to register... Something of value free
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    • Profile picture of the author tobiascharles
      I agree with the above post - just add some text to say if you have already click this link or up here.
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