(Be Honest) - Funnel Questions/Setup

1 replies
If you were honest...

Not the what you "know" you "should" do, or what you've learned on a webinar type of response...

But truly honest about what your funnel looks like now...

Not what you're trying/going to implement...

But what you have going now... and implementing now...

What does it look like?

Preferably from people engaging in paid traffic buys (solos, fb, contextual, ect)


Traffic > Opt-In > Thank You -- (sell on back end)
Traffic > Opt-In > Main Sales Page
Traffic > Opt-In > Trip Wire > Sales Page
Traffic > Opt-In > Trip Wire > Sales Page > Down-sale Page
Traffic > Opt-In > Trip Wire > Sales Page > Down-sale Page > Membership Site

There's a lot of could-of, would-of, should-of advise going on right now, and I'm
trying to narrow it down to what MOST people are actually using good or bad.

It seams that the majority of funnel products out there, doesn't actually use the funnel they are teaching for the funnel product that are promoting. (Hmmm... makes you wonder)

And from my observation most funnels I'm seeing are Traffic > Opt-In > Sales Page then using the AR sequences to try and resell sales page, or move to affiliate offers.

Again looking for real, honest answers... not just a rehash of a training webinar theory... from people who are actually in the trenches.

Thanks guys!
#funnel #honest #questions or setup
  • Profile picture of the author TakenAction
    I'l give you a tried and tested funnel right now that is proven to work.

    optin> $10 product [or less (converts freebie seekers into buyers)] > $47 Main [core] product > $97 up-sell or cross-sell > $997 High ticket (program or Done 4-U template based product based on your core product

    Then the "return path" which would the be the AR series.

    The best thing you can do is put yourself out there.

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