My 2,000 th Post here at Warrior Forum

18 replies
First of all I would like to thank my Mom who stood by my side all these years and really believed in me. You gave me the courage and inspiration to keep going. And Mom, you are the beacon of light in my Life. I Love you and i couldn't have done it without your Support.

And Dad , well you said I wouldn't amount to anything. When I came home from school with all those D's on my Report Card you told me to be proud of that because nobody on Mom's side of the family ever got anything better than F's.

When I said I wanted to attend Penn State you just patted me on the back and told me I would be lucky to stay out of the State Pen .

Well, how do you effing like me now, Dad ?

hehehehehe ( btw, j/k with all this nonsense above )

Anyway, seriously I know a lot of you guys out there have been around here a lot longer than me. And some of you guys have literally 10 times the amount of Posts I have.
So 2K is really nothing.

But I just wanted to say how much I have appreciated the Warrior Forum the last almost 7 years now.

I have grown a whole helluva a lot from being here. Not just business wise but I think also grown as a human being in a very positive and even spiritual way (yeah believe it or not ). Many of you guys are in a different league than me. Really !! I consider myself reasonably intelligent but some of you guys are just so damn smart and more knowledgeable than I could ever imagine myself. I just hope I maybe added a little bit here to the Community in my own mundane and rather plain way

Well, Iam not going to make this a long, long dissertation. And bore you anymore with all this mushy stuff.
Makes me a little nauseous to be honest lol

But One thing I ALWAYS have loved about the Warrior Forum is when some of the great Ones would come on here and Post not just informative and helpful Posts
...but Posts that were centered around great storytelling and through these Stories be able to engage and captivate many of us warriors reading them in just such a really productive and cool way

So I am going to do something a little different right about now.

In the spirit of great Storytelling at Warrior Forum ( and also because its the Holiday Season) I want to ask that some of you Newbies out there write a paragraph or two describing your Life as it relates to your journey in IM. Maybe something funny that happened to you or some of the obstacles and small triumphs you have had in this business or how your dog peed all over your PC after you just paid $1,500 at Best Buy for it ( nope, because of technological advances you can't use 'how my dog hate my homework' excuse anymore like I used when I was a kid lol)

Just something fun or humorous or even inspirational or introspective that tells a little story about yourself or your Life in a interesting way as it relates to IM

The first 5 Posts that do this ( relatively well, doesn't have to be Shakespeare) I will give you $5 for your Contribution. (Just have your Email at bottom of Post so I can Paypal it to you)

I know its nothing big. But its just a token to show you that contributing good stuff here at Warrior is still very much appreciated

- Robert Andrew
#forum #post #warrior
  • Profile picture of the author Delboy Trotter
    thanks for your contribution and I believe that your donation will help many here, I was like you bt none of my parents approved what I'm doing, sadly I started my adventure without their permission, and until today my parents don't know that i'm making money on internet, I just want to figure a way to let them know, even IF I'm making a nice monthly income they will disapprove it cause for them the work is in real life an not in the"imaginary world of internet"
    excuse my english and good luck with your journey
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    • Profile picture of the author grandstar
      whats important is that you are making it. Better when your parents are proud of you!!!
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      • Profile picture of the author nik0
        I'm not a newbie, neither do I want 5 bucks.

        My whole family didn't believe a thing I made a killing online till I took my car, travelled through Europe, stayed a month in Cyprus and settled in Thailand. After seeing all the photo's along the road and my house with large swimming pool on Facebook they finally started to realize I made it

        Ok I ain't no millionaire yet but that's just a matter of time

        Always think positive and keep chasing your dreams!
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  • Profile picture of the author eac113
    Congrats on making your life your own!
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  • Profile picture of the author pin9211
    I am here from one year and still I didn't make money. I don't want just 5$ free bucks . I want work or help,so that I will be able to generate at least 5 $ a day by working. I tried too many extra things but didn't succeed .My exam year be over At 30the Jan. After that I will again start to try earning some bucks from online source.

    Let see till what time and for how many year I will fail. At last the success will come to me that time I will share my experience here.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
    Congrats discrat: You're a great addition to WF. : )
    "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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  • Profile picture of the author laurencewins
    I don't want your gift....perhaps there are those more deserving.
    But 2000 posts is a great milestone. I just hit 3000 and I felt like it was a great personal achievement.
    I certainly believe in giving where I can and have also received a lot of good advice, help and support form the members here. You have been a great contributor and I hope that you hang around for at least another 7 years.

    Cheers, Laurence.

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  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    Just something fun or humerus or even inspirational or introspective that tells a little story about yourself or your Life in a interesting way as it relates to IM
    Does making stupid newbie mistakes count?

    Last night, while list cleaning, I accidentally deleted half the subs from a solo that just finished!

    Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
    All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9735396].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author laurencewins
    Hey Brent. Pinch yourself..... did you feel it?
    I assume so. That means you are human. Humans make mistakes.
    Did you learn from it? Will you put steps in place to prevent it from happening again?

    If so, then you have benefited and shouldn't complain.
    We all make mistakes and that's how we learn. Einstein made mistakes. He learned lots of ways that things couldn't be done.
    Michael Jordan didn't always get his balls in that hoop.
    He persisted and that's why his name is known today.

    End of story.

    Cheers, Laurence.

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  • Profile picture of the author TommyMTran
    Congrats man!
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  • Profile picture of the author Dennis Seymour
    LOL! Your dad is hilarious! Congratulations!
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  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    Will you put steps in place to prevent it from happening again?
    It was just a small test so only lost about 24...just not paying attention I guess.
    Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
    All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9736035].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Rory Singh
    You and I have some thing in common. I had a Dad like that too. He still pees me off. He was a mechanic who owned his own shop.

    Sometimes he would look at a transmission and say something stupid like - "You can't take that out by yourself, so wait til I get back".

    Then before he came back, I would have the tranny out.

    You know, even though he was an ass, he kind of silently pushed me to be a more improved version of myself, little by little.

    They say that the people who give us a hard time are our best 'teachers'.

    I agree but still think he was an ass.

    Congratulations on your 2000th post!

    My mother is awesome too!
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    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Originally Posted by Rory Singh View Post

      You and I have some thing in common. I had a Dad like that too. He still pees me off. He was a mechanic who owned his own shop.

      Sometimes he would look at a transmission and say something stupid like - "You can't take that out by yourself, so wait til I get back".

      Then before he came back, I would have the tranny out.

      You know, even though he was an ass, he kind of silently pushed me to be a more improved version of myself, little by little.

      They say that the people who give us a hard time are our best 'teachers'.

      I agree but still think he was an ass.

      Congratulations on your 2000th post!

      My mother is awesome too!
      Thanks I appreciate it.

      Btw, guys I was just joking about my Father and the satirical ,melodramatic intro. at the top of my Post.

      I was kind of poking fun of myself .Just pretending I was given a huge speech like I had just won an Academy Award or something
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  • Profile picture of the author O0o0O
    Great post and congratulations! Some of the most successful people struggled in school, and the thing that separates us from the others is that we never quit!
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  • Profile picture of the author Ladylavender
    Wow!! what an inspirational post. You didn't let any kind of negativity get in the way of your dreams. It's a blessing when someone tell you that you can't do something and instead of listening to them you prove that anything is possible. Good for you.

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    • Profile picture of the author MissTerraK
      Congrats, Robert!

      I see you now have reached a total of 2,021 posts....

      So with no further ado, the lounge awaits you.

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  • Profile picture of the author nizamkhan
    That's awesome! Congrats and Thanks for your contribution.
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