Cutting Through The BS. You Don't Need To Reinvent The Wheel! I Think I Will
I was buying course after course and just never got anywhere close to the dreams that were being sold.
However something steered me back to IM after all those years to give another look at it. After just browsing around I have started to notice a few things.
Here is what I mean.
Lets say I want to learn about a particular topic in Internet Marketing. I start to research information and products and probably end up even buying a few after being led through the persuasive sales copy only to find out that the guide/course is simply:
A 'WHAT' to do guide yet doesn't show the steps of 'HOW' to do it.
I guess the simple explanation for it is, the product creator has simple gathered together information from various sources and put it together to package it as a product and sell it to make cash, build a list and then make more sales selling more stuff.
Sure I know that there are probably many people out there that do this when they are first starting out or to simply make some quick cash and not actually implementing the information themselves just to see if it actually works or not.
As I said at the start of this rant, I am just getting started again with Internet Marketing and my focus has seriously shifted in the last few days, I hear it more now than ever.
Internet Marketing should be treated as a business.
Yes I totally agree!
I never thought about it like that before to be honest, I just thought of it as a way to supplement my income threw online wizardry.
So with that said doing a quick Google search for what makes a good business and the top 2 that stand out are, yup you probably guessed these anyway
1. Great customer service
2. Value
As I now begin my new journey into IM through 2015 I will be focusing on those top 2.
Also another thing I don't get is affiliate marketing and review products, something else i will be aiming to be different on.
I get soooooo!!!! many promotional emails from other marketers about new products being released. I get it I really do they are either sending emails because they think the product would be beneficial to their own customers or that the new products seller emailed their list last time round to a reciprocal mailing in essence.
The one thing I don't get is, how do I actually know that the products that are being promoted actually work have they used them?
In some instances they have been used or they have witnessed something similar and therefore know its a good fit for their customers but others just throw out an affiliate link without ever really knowing anything about the product.
As I stated in my thread title: Cutting Through The BS. You Don't Need To Reinvent The Wheel! I Think I Will
I think its time that people started to do things differently and that the same things aren't being used over and over again and new methods and approaches are undertaken.
I don't want to be the same as everyone else, I WANT TO BE AN INDIVIDUAL.
My new steps in becoming a success are to go against everything,
well..... almost everything that everyone is saying and doing and starting my own business on an entirely different foot.
Here are some questions I've been asking myself:
Why do I need to use a squeeze page to make a freebie list if its clear at the start they only want free information.
How can I help others cut through all this BS.
Why do I need 500 OTO's after a customer has bought that initial product they wanted, I should prove myself first, I don't want to just take their money I want them to achieve the outcome first.
How can I make my customers into friends and not just people who i milk for cash.
Just some general things there really, but I could go on and on. So to cut a long rant short, my intentions are all good. My idea and strategy for the coming year is to;
Learn, Implement, Help
While changing everything that I read into my own methods and completely reinventing the wheel.
It could fail but who really knows without testing as I go.
I've already made a little progress so far by registering my new domain for my business, I might also document like a little journal kind of thing on my goings on.
Ok enough said :-)
I'll finish with a quote that I love from Zig ziglar that will stick with me through 2015 and beyond:
"You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough people get what they want"
DaleRodge -
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Victor Roy -
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