What are the most popular WSOs?

18 replies
Is there any way of viewing the best selling/most popular WSOs in a list somewhere?

I'd love it for research purposes, to study what IM tools people are most interested in and why.

Otherwise, could people post a few of the most successful ones they know of?

EDIT: Here Are The Best WSO Tips From This Thread :

How To Find Most Popular WSOs: Brendan Mace says to go to https://warriorplus.com/ , register, go to Affiliates, click offers, and filter the offers according quantity of sales.

How To Find Most Popular WSOs: Mark Hess says to also check out the Best Sellers on CodeCanyon.

Phil says he did an analysis and found the following most popular WSO topics included (in this order):

#1: "Traffic"
#2: "PLR"
#3: "Video"
#4: "Video" with "Youtube"
#5: "Wordpress"
#6: "Plugin"
#7: "Google"
#8: "SEO"
#9: "Facebook"
#popular #research #tools #wsos
  • Profile picture of the author Brendan Mace
    WSO's are usually either published through Jvzoo or WarriorPlus. If you Google search those websites, there are statistics at each site that share the results of each product. Sort by most popular and you will have a large list that includes many extremely successful WSO's.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mike Thomson
    you can find the most popular wso on warriorplus and on wsoscout these are the websites I know
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  • Profile picture of the author Phil
    I recently did a textual analysis of the most recent 500
    WSO pages - I was thinking of releasing it as a report,
    but wasn't sure if anyone (except me) would find it

    I also ordered them according to popularity, based upon
    number of views and posts, then did a separate analysis
    of those for the sake of comparison.

    One of the top terms, by a long shot was 'traffic': not only
    is 'traffic' a popular topic for WSO's but traffic WSO's are
    among the most viewed and posted WSOs.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9740903].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author JPaston
      Originally Posted by Phil View Post

      I recently did a textual analysis of the most recent 500
      WSO pages - I was thinking of releasing it as a report,
      but wasn't sure if anyone (except me) would find it

      I also ordered them according to popularity, based upon
      number of views and posts, the did a separate analysis
      of those for the sake of comparison.

      One of the top terms, by a long shot was 'traffic': not only
      is 'traffic' a popular topic for WSO's but traffic WSO's are
      among the most viewed and posted WSOs.
      Well, we can all do our own research, but you might find that Warriors want to save time and just access your report - a free WSO might be ideal?

      Anyway, thanks for the little insight you've just given us.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9740931].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Phil
        Originally Posted by JPaston View Post

        Well, we can all do our own research, but you might find that Warriors want to save time and just access your report - a free WSO might be ideal?

        Anyway, thanks for the little insight you've just given us.
        Well, that's two of us, now. It's not a bad idea, to release as a free
        report, although it'll take a bit of work - I'll give it some thought.
        It's only raw data right now, so in it's present format it wouldn't
        mean much to anyone without at least an explanation.

        Thanks for your comment.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9741743].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author nik0
      Originally Posted by Phil View Post

      I recently did a textual analysis of the most recent 500
      WSO pages - I was thinking of releasing it as a report,
      but wasn't sure if anyone (except me) would find it

      I also ordered them according to popularity, based upon
      number of views and posts, then did a separate analysis
      of those for the sake of comparison.

      One of the top terms, by a long shot was 'traffic': not only
      is 'traffic' a popular topic for WSO's but traffic WSO's are
      among the most viewed and posted WSOs.
      And they all suck big time

      But yes I can imagine it's traffic and thanks for revealing that, I didn't notice it and assumed it would be something like Make $3k in 3 days.

      I do SEO, which results in more traffic, so I put more focus on that then in my thread titles and body.
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  • Profile picture of the author Shaolinsteve
    Originally Posted by smartdept View Post

    Is there any way of viewing the best selling/most popular WSOs in a list somewhere?

    I'd love it for research purposes, to study what IM tools people are most interested in and why.

    Otherwise, could people post a few of the most successful ones they know of?
    As Brendan said... say for example you went to JVZoo. Sign up for an account and check the market place. You can filter by X amount of sales which is probably along the right lines of what you're looking for.
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  • Profile picture of the author chaksmiths
    search on warriorplus and filter it with sales
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  • Profile picture of the author Tom Addams
    Simple way: filter results by views and replies.


    I Coach: Learn More | My Latest WF Thread: Dead Domains/ Passive Traffic

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    • Profile picture of the author Delboy Trotter
      Originally Posted by Get Rich Methods View Post

      Simple way: filter results by views and replies.

      Having more views and replies doesn't mean the wso is successful
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9741779].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Tom Addams
        Originally Posted by Delboy Trotter View Post

        Having more views and replies doesn't mean the wso is successful
        In that case, Delboy, buy the WSOs with low views and replies. See how that works out and report back.


        I Coach: Learn More | My Latest WF Thread: Dead Domains/ Passive Traffic

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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Hess
    Originally Posted by smartdept View Post

    I'd love it for research purposes, to study what IM tools people are most interested in and why.
    This doesn't only apply to software or tools, but infoproducts as well.

    One thing to keep in mind when doing this method of research in JVZoo and W+ it can be a little deceiving as affiliates create a lot of demand that may not otherwise be there if a ton of affiliates weren't onboard to promote and manipulate people into buying. (by manipulate, I'm not talking about being deceiving just "encourage").

    CodeCanyon, ThemeForest, and GraphicRiver are also good places to search for best sellers.... (there have been MANY best selling products recently where their "inspiration" came from one of those places.)

    Some methods to research using the Warrior Forum...

    Go to the Reviews and Ratings section of the forum. You can see not only what products people are interested in, but if you read between the lines, you can also see the reasons they purchased, and what features/knowledge is lacking in the product or things they would like to see in a product.

    The War Room is another good place to research. Take notice of the number of views a thread receives and number of replies to the thread. It will show you how interested people are in a particular idea/subject.

    If you have an idea for a product and that topic has a subsection on the forum such as mobile marketing, email marketing, or even offline. Take time to go through the threads for questions being asked, comments being made, or sort the subsection according to thread views to get a feel for what might be "hot". Doing this can give you a some ideas of what to include in your product and make for good bullet points.

    Always pay attention to the number views a thread gets in any section of the forum and pay attention to the "hook" (thread title) that pulls people in and generated those views.
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    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      Number of views counts more than numbers of replies in my opinion. In some threads, half of the posts are by the seller running the WSO. But when counting views, remember to look at dates - some WSOs have been running for months or even years.

      Filtering sales on WarriorPlus is probably one of the best indicators when you combine it with other measures such as views and activity in the thread.

      I agree with Mark you can get a lot of info by looking at what people ASK ABOUT in the reviews section...and also by threads started in various sections as those threads are often repetitive which indicates interest in a certain area.
      Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
      My ducks are absolutely not in a row. I don't even know where some of them are...
      ...and I'm pretty sure one of them is a pigeon.
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    • Profile picture of the author blogmarketer
      Originally Posted by Mark Hess View Post

      This doesn't only apply to software or tools, but infoproducts as well.


      CodeCanyon, ThemeForest, and GraphicRiver are also good places to search for best sellers.... (there have been MANY best selling products recently where their "inspiration" came from one of those places.)


      Great advice; not only can you find inspiration, but actual products that you can modify, repackage, etc. and sell.

      My very first IM success was a screen-capture video product similar to Camtasia - for which I was able to get the base code for on SourceForge (no cost open source), then pay a couple of hundred bucks to a programmer and designer to refine, polish, and package up.

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  • Profile picture of the author Phil
    Since there's been a little bit of interest expressed in this thread,
    I've gone back to have a look at my research file again and can
    tell you all a bit more - I don't want to fill this thread with data, so
    here are the very top terms I found being used in WSOs:

    The 2nd most popular word was 'Free' (who'd of thought it?)

    But thinking in terms of popular WSO topics, 'Traffic' appeared
    as one of the most popular closely followed by PLR. Video
    was also close to the top, but with Youtube also quite high,
    together they'd be up with 'traffic' and 'PLR'. Wordpress is also
    popular, as is 'plugin' which, again, put together would place them
    higher. 'Google' and SEO also appeared high in frequency.
    As did Facebook.

    I don't think there are any surprises there, though, and it's not
    a 'scientific' process - I'm a copywriter and I was interested in
    word frequency, so my focus may not be the same as yours.
    I find it interesting to assess vocabularies and popular word
    combinations in different user groups. I've been doing this in
    a number of different markets and platforms as a personal
    project and I'm not yet sure of it's usefulness beyond my own
    personal curiosity.
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    • Profile picture of the author nik0
      Originally Posted by Phil View Post

      Since there's been a little bit of interest expressed in this thread,
      I've gone back to have a look at my research file again and can
      tell you all a bit more - I don't want to fill this thread with data, so
      here are the very top terms I found being used in WSOs:

      The 2nd most popular word was 'Free' (who'd of thought it?)
      So that's what people want.... FREE TRAFFIC.

      My new WSO:

      "Free Targeted Traffic Without Spending A Dime or Any Of Your Time"

      Now if that could be true, bet it would sell though
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  • Profile picture of the author smartdept
    Thanks everyone! I've put the best tips in the original post. So much good stuff in here!
    I've made something genuinely revolutionary...

    It's A Database For Your Content With SERIOUS Distribution Power...

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