Would you pay the new Fiverr Processing Fee? (charged to buyers)

98 replies
So I guess sometime early in Nov the powers that be over at Fiverr decided to start charging buyers 50 cents for any orders under $10 and 10% for anything over $10. This is a non-refundable processing fee charged to buyers not sellers.

Many of the Fiverr sellers have been complaining that their sales have dropped.

Would you feel comfortable paying this extra fee? Or would you shop elsewhere?

#buyers #charged #fee #fiverr #pay #processing
  • Profile picture of the author AlexSchneider
    Rashell, what choice do I have?

    I gladly pay that amount so that this service will be available in the future.

    And this is chump change to the value a lot of people provide on this platform.

    I cannot think of a reason that sales would drop just because of 50 cents.

    Maybe it has to do that there was more competition that provided more value.

    I noticed that on SEO services - there are new guys on the block that absolutely crush it. I switched to them after testing it out and never looked back.

    So for me the 50 cents is no hurdle. Most of the gigs I tested out are far more valuable to me than 5 bucks or 5.50 bucks.


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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      I don't mind paying it at all.

      I've bought Fiverr gigs maybe 35 times over the last 5 years, and have been very satisfied on all but about three occasions. And given the prices there, you can't really complain about that, can you?

      I've never been a service-provider there, but have kind of "felt for them", over the years, with fiver charging them a 20% commission on a $5 transaction.

      (I would never dream of buying SEO services there: just my perspective.)

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    • Profile picture of the author kiwilx
      Originally Posted by AlexSchneider View Post

      Rashell, what choice do I have?

      I gladly pay that amount so that this service will be available in the future.

      And this is chump change to the value a lot of people provide on this platform.

      I cannot think of a reason that sales would drop just because of 50 cents.

      Maybe it has to do that there was more competition that provided more value.

      I noticed that on SEO services - there are new guys on the block that absolutely crush it. I switched to them after testing it out and never looked back.

      So for me the 50 cents is no hurdle. Most of the gigs I tested out are far more valuable to me than 5 bucks or 5.50 bucks.


      Would you like to share some of the SEO Gigs?
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      • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
        The best approach is to get used to spending in your business and more importantly get used to inflation, growth in business (Fiverr) and their reflective costs in making that growth possible through increased brand awareness.

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      • Profile picture of the author Kay King
        And it's NOT 50 cents I told everyone, it's $1 now.
        No - it was 10% - and now it's 20%.

        I don't use Fiverr - at all - but found that quickly in the TOS.

        Would you order something for $100 if you were told you had to pay 20% just for the privilege of paying for the item? Fiverr could double the fee because people gripe but they still use the site and pay the fee.
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        One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
        what it is instead of what you think it should be.
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        • Profile picture of the author PPG19
          Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

          No - it was 10% - and now it's 20%.

          I don't use Fiverr - at all - but found that quickly in the TOS.

          Would you order something for $100 if you were told you had to pay 20% just for the privilege of paying for the item? Fiverr could double the fee because people gripe but they still use the site and pay the fee.
          It's 1$ commission from 5$ to 20$ amounts.
          It's 1.25$ commission for 25$ amounts.
          It's 1.50$ commission for 30$ amounts.
          It's 1.75$ commission for 35$ amounts.
          It's 2$ commission for 40$ amounts.
          It's 2.25$ commission for 45$ amounts.
          It's 2.50$ commission for 50$ amounts.

          And so on...

          So basically it's a 20% commission for amounts between 5$ and 20$

          For amounts of 40$ and more the commission is 5%
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      • Profile picture of the author Kay King
        Are you assuming people here can't deduce what 20% is? Sometimes I am truly amazed here now....
        Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
        One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
        what it is instead of what you think it should be.
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      • Profile picture of the author PPG19
        Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

        Are you assuming people here can't deduce what 20% is? Sometimes I am truly amazed here now....
        Again, the commission is 20% for 5$ to 20$ amounts.
        For 40$ amounts and more is 5%.
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        • Profile picture of the author aizaku
          Originally Posted by PPG19 View Post

          Again, the commission is 20% for 5$ to 20$ amounts.
          For 40$ amounts and more is 5%.


          that's not the case with me..

          ..i charged $70 for my gig, and was only paid $56.. 20% To Fiverr!

          -Ike Paz
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          • Profile picture of the author ep2002
            Originally Posted by aizaku View Post


            that's not the case with me..

            ..i charged $70 for my gig, and was only paid $56.. 20% To Fiverr!

            -Ike Paz
            I believe it's always been 20%. No one ever mentioned that to me though, they always told me they were only getting $4, so I took that to mean they take $1.

            When they started allowing people to raise their prices above $5, then obviously it switched to a percentage. I didn't think about it though as I'm not a seller.

            Now I get the formula.

            I knew they were trying to make money on both ends when they started the processing fee, but let's see if they raise it NEXT YEAR.

            And to the other poster who said something...no, it's only worth it if the seller is a professional, speaks English & is actually skilled, & it doesn't take 10 days to find someone to do the job properly.

            Since I rarely ever have positive experiences both while looking for someone & when hiring someone, while I still use them b/c I don't have the funds to hire elsewhere, it's not worth it for me.

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  • Profile picture of the author onSubie
    Originally Posted by Rashell View Post

    So I guess sometime early in Nov the powers that be over at Fiverr decided to start charging buyers 50 cents for any orders under $10 and 10% for anything over $10. This is a non-refundable processing fee charged to buyers not sellers.

    Many of the Fiverr sellers have been complaining that their sales have dropped.

    Would you feel comfortable paying this extra fee? Or would you shop elsewhere?

    No, I would not pay this increase.

    Fiverr has already changed for the worse over the past couple of years.

    It used to be you could search around and find good gigs to get a logo made or website built for $5.

    Now you can get very little for $5. Most $5 gigs are crappy loss-leaders and you need to add a bunch of "upgrades" to get anything worthwhile.

    This makes most fiverr jobs no cheaper than going to ODesk or Elance.

    The appeal of fiverr was you could find very specific gigs and get simple tasks done for a quick $5.

    It's not like that any more.

    Fiverr is losing it's 'micro-job' appeal and I bet a bunch of clients are frustrated at the unexpected upgrades required and changing costs.

    Many probably skip fiverr now and just go straight to a more reputable service provider.
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  • Profile picture of the author jbode
    It's the cost of doing business... other outsourcing sites charge higher fees, so you have to do it no other option for good outsourcing.
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    • Profile picture of the author Ron C Farrow
      I buy Fiverr gigs most days and to be honest another 50 cents is neither here nor there if I get the quality I'm looking for. The $5 gig price is only a starting point anyway.

      It does, however, mean that I visit other sites like Five Squids more often as the price gap is closing. Also, as has been alluded to here already, the other free lance sites like Elance and Odesk are becoming more and more competitive.

      Making it with Online Arbitrage

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  • Profile picture of the author SEO Power
    I paid the fees without hesitation and don't mind paying them even if Fiverr raised the price to $6 per gig ($1 processing fee). What I get on Fiverr is worth more than the $5.50 I pay most of the time. As for the sellers complaining about less sales since the fees kicked in, they probably get less sales as a result of other factors, not the new fees.
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  • Profile picture of the author travlinguy
    I recently had an extensive web form created. I paid $5.50 for something others would have charged as much as ten times to do. One of my early mentors used to say, "Don't be tripping over pennies on your way to the big money."
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  • Profile picture of the author kingofthesouth
    Since it's only $0.50 why would anyone complain?
    Fiverr has some great gigs and some you should stay away from depending on what you are looking for. Just make sure you read the customer reviews before ordering from anyone

    Originally Posted by Rashell View Post

    So I guess sometime early in Nov the powers that be over at Fiverr decided to start charging buyers 50 cents for any orders under $10 and 10% for anything over $10. This is a non-refundable processing fee charged to buyers not sellers.

    Many of the Fiverr sellers have been complaining that their sales have dropped.

    Would you feel comfortable paying this extra fee? Or would you shop elsewhere?

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  • Profile picture of the author cooler1
    It's ridiculous. The site is called Fiverr so you're supposed to pay a Fiver for a gig. How can they call it Fiverr when they're charging buyers $5.50 per gig. It's not mainly about the cost, it's the principle.

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  • Profile picture of the author drem
    I'm completely comfortable paying the .50 fee when ordering. Most of the people I have worked with on Fiverr in the past have exceeded my expectations, and I will remain providing them with business.

    There are definitely some gigs that aren't worth the price, but I have found some very hard working individuals thanks to Fiverr.
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  • Profile picture of the author seoboyz01
    It's a tiny increase in cost. And, if you can't afford an extra $0.50, then you're not doing something right with your business.
    Google DOMINATION SEO service - Take your site 1st page of Google.
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  • Profile picture of the author eac113
    I have paid it but the rub was that is seemed to show up out of the blue one day. When it popped up the 1st time without warning (at least to me) it did piss me off. Having said that I have bought several gigs since then.
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  • Profile picture of the author domainscience
    I have probably spent over $500 on Fiverr and yes, I would pay for the fee.


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    • Profile picture of the author Michael Shook
      Often these types of fee increases mark the beginning of the end for a website or service. Not always, but I think it shows they are not making enough money to keep the site going. It could be, the Fiverr owners just want to make a bit more money, but a lot of times, it really says they are having financial woes.

      About time to look for an announcement that Fiverr is being sold.

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  • Profile picture of the author kindsvater
    The flat 50 cent fee was a surprise, but I've paid it figuring it amounts to the PayPal cost. No big deal. A 10 percent surcharge, on the other hand is different. The service provided by Fiverr does not change based on the price. It's not justifiable.

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  • Profile picture of the author Carlos Stratton
    Yeah, last month I bought two gigs in Fiverr and paid $11.00.
    I think now every gig cost $5.50
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    • Profile picture of the author Ardral
      Originally Posted by Carlos Stratton View Post

      Yeah, last month I bought two gigs in Fiverr and paid $11.00.
      I think now every gig cost $5.50
      Only if you pay via Paypal (most do of course). If you have money in your Fiverr account (from sales, refunds, etc) there is no surcharge.
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  • Profile picture of the author James McAllister
    There's only a very limited number of things I use Fiverr for, and a 50 cent increase in price isn't going to really influence my decision in anyway.

    It's not like there are many other places I can go to get the same work done for such a cheap price.
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  • Profile picture of the author Stevie C
    Of course we all hate paying more for cheap services but it was inevitable the prices would rise at some point. 50 cents is a drop in the ocean unless you are spending thousands a month at Fiverr. I have noticed that some gigs now with all the add ons are a lot more expensive though and I would certainly shop around if I was expected to pay $20-$30 for a gig.
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    • Profile picture of the author Ardral
      Originally Posted by Stevie C View Post

      Of course we all hate paying more for cheap services but it was inevitable the prices would rise at some point. 50 cents is a drop in the ocean unless you are spending thousands a month at Fiverr. I have noticed that some gigs now with all the add ons are a lot more expensive though and I would certainly shop around if I was expected to pay $20-$30 for a gig.
      It's a Paypal surcharge not an across the board price increase, as such.
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  • Profile picture of the author Amer123
    the fees make sense. I mean fiverr has to make money and sellers have to make something too right? If they put this up however, quality of fiverr gigs should also improve tremendously if possible.
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    • Profile picture of the author seoboyz01
      Originally Posted by Amer123 View Post

      the fees make sense. I mean fiverr has to make money and sellers have to make something too right? If they put this up however, quality of fiverr gigs should also improve tremendously if possible.
      Possibly Fiverr has been absorbing this cost since the start, since it's related to a site expense such as Paypal fee. So it would make sense they will now pass it along to the user. The quality of the Fiverr user is dependent on that person not the Fiverr site.
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  • Profile picture of the author owenlee
    I would not mind as long as the service standard is still good.
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  • Profile picture of the author arindamb
    I guess the biggest problem is Fiverr services are damn cheap! And, yes, if you are a careful buyer, you can get some good quality work done there. I don't mind paying the small amount as long as the my stuff gets done properly.

    Somehow we tend to start complaining (not saying you are complaining here) when we see a price hike in services that were really cheap (over the value they offer) to begin with. I've even seen people cribbing about the War Room membership prices here...so, as long as the job gets done, I don't mind Fiverr making some extra cash.
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  • Profile picture of the author Resource9
    I agree! Fiverr is cheal and Fiverr is the best. If I find something that will add value to my website or something that is beneficial for me, I will surely go ahead and pay the processing charges.
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  • Profile picture of the author onegoodman
    No, it is unacceptable. Not the manner of $0.5, it is a really a manner of concept.

    This is an increase of cost 10% over night for no good reason ( specially taking into consideration 99.99% of the gigs offered are crap.

    There are a great bunch of fiverr alternatives list, some of them getting as low as paypal fee and having a hard time to over their service, I would rather keep them in business over playing games with fiverr who DOESN'T offer any type of support ( they have ignored my tickets where seller wouldn't bother deliver the service )
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  • Profile picture of the author cooler1
    Have Paypal changed their fee structure? Why is there now a $0.50 surcharge, but hasn't been for years beforehand in all this time Fiverr has been in existence.

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    • Profile picture of the author JoeSeo
      The new processing fee is 10% and applies no matter what payment you select. So if you buy a $100 GIG, you must pay $10 for the "processing fee."

      The problem about going down this road is the same for states that sold the concept of "sales tax" at being only something like 2%. People said, "that's not bad." Then once people got used to it, states started raising the percentage of sales tax. That's what will happen here. When Fiverr decides they want to make more money, they will just raise the processing fee to 15% and so on.

      Two interesting things as a result of this "processing fee"...

      1) Fiverr was built on the concept that the GIG you buy costs a flat $5. That is no longer true. You can no longer buy a GIG on Fiverr for $5. The MINIMUM you will pay is $5.50. This hurts their branding and dilutes their mission/message.

      2) Most people aren't complaining to Fiverr (outside of the forums), but rather to the SELLERS. So Fiverr has put their sellers in an awkward position of having to explain a fee they were not given advanced notice of, that they don't support, and that they don't benefit from.

      Fiverr has a reputation for implementing controversial concepts without consulting their community (i.e. going from thumbs up / thumbs down to star ratings). And no matter how much sellers complain about these changes and the process, Fiverr ignores them. Why? Because they don't have any strong competitors.

      Until there is a strong competitor to take on Fiverr, they will continue to disregard the opinions of their sellers and buyers and do whatever they want to increase their revenue flow. But once a strong competitor emerges, that tune will have to change or they will be doomed. Until then... as long as people say "I don't mind the fee," Fiverr will continue to increase it. The question is, what is the "tipping point" for buyers?
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  • Profile picture of the author Kralj187
    I simply can't imagine that 50c will force anybody out of Fiverr. If you like those gigs before you won't complain about that extra fee Fiverr is charging now.
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  • Profile picture of the author miklanderson2
    I don't use Fiverr often, but when I do, an extra 10% or $0.50 charge isn't going to deter me. I can still get the tasks I need accomplished done for a lot less than what it would cost me most other places.

    "A bargain is something you don’t need at a price you can’t resist."
    -Franklin Jones

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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    Shop elsewhere to save a lousy .50 cents? Not likely. I still use fiverr for certain projects.
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  • Profile picture of the author bryan lillard
    I honestly didn't realize the extra charge for a while because it was still for what I need done.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chrisb720
    It depends how much you spend on there really. If you only buy a service now and again then it is not to much of a bother, but i know people who purchase 100's every month and it does add up!

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  • Profile picture of the author Paleruby
    I think if your business generates a guaranteed a 20% profit margin and your not making it on that you are a pi$$ poor businessman. Many companies are very successful only making razor thin profit margins and now you need another 10% to sustain your business model?

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  • Profile picture of the author Super Affiliate
    I guess it's almost inevitable. All the Dollar stores started with $1. But they have a lot of items that are over $3 now. Nonetheless, people flock to Dollar stores because they still pay A LOT LESS than most of other stores. I think it's same with Fiverr. They started their price at $5 which is indeed low. As you probably guessed, I don't think they will stay at $5.50 but increase slowly. We just have to make our own decision to shop their or not. As for me, I will continue. ^^

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  • Profile picture of the author redlady

    I would pay the extra .50 cents because of the quality of service they give. It is still good service for the money.

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    • Profile picture of the author Bronwyn and Keith
      Hi Rashell

      Paid the $0.50c today on 2 different gigs.

      It's a simple and miniscule cost of doing business.

      We actually figured that they would do that at some stage as all business do re-evaluate what things cost them and what profit is made as a normal part of running that business.

      Nothing is free in the IM world - you either pay with your Time or you pay with your wallet.


      Bronwyn and Keith
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  • Profile picture of the author thedark
    What type of services do you usually buy on twitter ? I can see that advertising related ones offer only redirected and probably iframed traffic, so real visitor never sees your ad.

    Automatically add affiliate links in your website content with Auto Affiliate Links

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  • Profile picture of the author marketingstatic
    I signed up for but not really tried using fourer which is a Fiverr knock off site

    Happy new Year 2019

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    • Profile picture of the author DenEdBiz
      Originally Posted by marketingstatic View Post

      I signed up for but not really tried using fourer which is a Fiverr knock off site
      Unfortunately there is no legit alternative to fiverr at this time. Fourer is similar but is way way smaller, so searching for or offering gigs there is pretty much pointless in my opinion.
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      • Profile picture of the author crackerez
        I have a small conflict. I did not mind the fees, but when you add these fees with the fees that your bank charges (International Processing Fee) this can add up. If Fiverr would create a US branch this would at least make the International Processing Fees go away
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        • Profile picture of the author sanj1110
          fiverr is already charging 20% from their order.. and this .5 processing fees i think they are collecting for new promotions.. so if you are a buyer create new accounts u get coupons like spend 5 get 5 that way you will be actually reduced your cost by 80%..
          i would not have revealed this if they had not introduced the processing fees .. when i earn in rupees and pay in dollars it hurts
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  • Profile picture of the author SunnyDays81
    Ugh, I pay it but I don't like it...But what alternative do I have?

    The fiverr knockoff sites that I've seen are too small so unfortunately, I will keep buying fiverr gigs (when necessary) to build and grow my business.
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  • Profile picture of the author ecualumnus
    Yeah, regardless of the small fee, I'm still going to be hitting Fiverr; even with the hike, you're still getting a deal.
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  • Profile picture of the author Divo
    Everybody just needs to get over their CHEAP selves.

    Lookit, every one of us Internet Marketers make a living, why would you piss and moan about another marketing company making some money???

    Everyone has a choice to use Fiverr or not to achieve certain projects on their list.
    Their fees are so unbelievably inexpensive already, why would you complain about a measly service fee.

    You certainly wouldn't find me performing such tasks for so so little money, I applaud them and their efforts.
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  • Profile picture of the author hardworker2013
    I think the 50 cents service charge is minimal to the results i am getting from the gigs purchased.
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  • Profile picture of the author samthewildone
    Yes & No

    I've purchase a lot of Gigs this year and trust me 50 cents adds up pretty
    quickly when doing massive orders. I'll still use Fiverr but, for the people who
    are really hard up for cash this is either gonna make em or brake em.

    Also this non-refundable bs is just a way for Fiverr to keep more money.
    All a sudden the Paypal transactions they've been using for so long needed
    a transaction fee attached to it ?
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  • Profile picture of the author Life Naturally
    .50 cent increase is a non issue. The good gigs there are dirt cheap and still well worth it.
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    • Profile picture of the author seoboyz01
      Originally Posted by Life Naturally View Post

      .50 cent increase is a non issue. The good gigs there are dirt cheap and still well worth it.
      And, that's why so many people keep coming back to that site. There are some good deals to be had if you look hard enough. Some sellers have just found a way to automate the process. And, the buyer gets what they are paying for.
      Google DOMINATION SEO service - Take your site 1st page of Google.
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      • Profile picture of the author CASHsystems
        I have not been a Fiverr fan for a lonnnnng time. They are a very narcissistic, paranoid and authoritarian operation who really do not care about its customers or sellers in the long run, only about themselves in my opinion. Which of course is their right.

        I try to use other similar micro-job sites when I can, and only go to Fiverr as a last resort when none of the many other micro-job sites can provide me with what I need.

        Many of the sellers on Fiverr are on other sites, so why pay more at Fiverr, when you can get the same results from the same seller on another site. I realize that we are only talking 50 cents, but this can become a slippery slope.

        Now as far as what I said in the beginning about them being paranoid. Right now, I am in "good graces" with them, and have made only a recent purchase with them in early December, it would not surprise me if they now terminated me because of this post. Hope not, I still like to use them as a backup on occasion.
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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    There's really no point in complaining about this... No other MICROOUTSOURCING platform comes close to Fiverr in terms of reach.
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  • Profile picture of the author Peter Kontango
    those *******s
    I'm a seller on fiverr but also a buyer
    now I know why my sales have dropped
    I haven't actually bought anything since this change...


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  • Profile picture of the author Andre Slater
    Why would you complain about paying $5.50 for something that should cost way more?

    When I first went to fiverr when it first opened and saw what people were doing for $5 bucks I was floored...

    I thought wow these people are crazy and let me hurry up and buy a bunch of stuff before they change their minds...

    I spend a bunch of money on fiverr and if 50 cents makes it work better and last longer I am for it...

    I know people right now that sell services for $40-50 bucks and get people on fiverr to do it.

    So I feel honored for the service not mad at 50 cents
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  • Profile picture of the author simonbee
    Fiverr is a fantastic marketplace and the reality is that gigs have multiple options now that put most over $5
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  • Profile picture of the author cybercast
    No I wouldn't pay it. I'll just use SEOClerks.
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  • Profile picture of the author Breinicke
    I am not fond of paying service fees. I do however understand there are operating expenses. On one hand I don't mind paying the fee, but on the other hand I think the 10% fee is a bit much. I don't see that it takes anymore resources to broker a $5 order thank it does a $20 order. So I guess you could say that I have mixed feelings about it. None the less, it is still a good deal. I get some amazing work done for a much lower price than I could anywhere in the United States.

    Thank you for the thought provoking topic and question.
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    • Profile picture of the author seoboyz01
      Originally Posted by Breinicke View Post

      I am not fond of paying service fees. I do however understand there are operating expenses. On one hand I don't mind paying the fee, but on the other hand I think the 10% fee is a bit much. I don't see that it takes anymore resources to broker a $5 order thank it does a $20 order. So I guess you could say that I have mixed feelings about it. None the less, it is still a good deal. I get some amazing work done for a much lower price than I could anywhere in the United States.

      Thank you for the thought provoking topic and question.
      For some people, its the principle that counts and having to pay even a nominal sum of money for a transaction (that was not required before), is considered offensive. You just have to decide how important it is for you to use that site, fee or not.
      Google DOMINATION SEO service - Take your site 1st page of Google.
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  • Profile picture of the author Matt Lee
    I've spent nearly $1000 on fiver gigs over the past couple years, and I can honestly say fiver is one of the best resources I have in my Rolodex for certain things.

    I will continue to use fiverr, and but the $.50 processing fee bugs me, and here's why.

    1. they are already charging a 20% commission to sellers. Could you imagine if ebay or freelancer sites charged their sellers or outsourcers 20%? At the end of the day, fiver had a really good thing going on.

    2. Now they are charging both buyers and sellers? They get paid both ways? Retail stores can't charge a "processing fee" in fact there is regulations against it. I don't know what the actual costs of processing payments are but just seems like they are getting a little greedy. Isn't a 20% commission across the board enough?

    It's not about $.50 per transaction - it's the feeling I'm getting nickle & dimed (literally) that i don't like. Will I continue to use fiver - you bet i will. Because at the end of the day you can still find incredible values if you know where to look.
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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9779818].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ep2002
      Originally Posted by Matt Lee View Post

      I've spent nearly $1000 on fiver gigs over the past couple years, and I can honestly say fiver is one of the best resources I have in my Rolodex for certain things.

      I will continue to use fiverr, and but the $.50 processing fee bugs me, and here's why.

      1. they are already charging a 20% commission to sellers. Could you imagine if ebay or freelancer sites charged their sellers or outsourcers 20%? At the end of the day, fiver had a really good thing going on.

      2. Now they are charging both buyers and sellers? They get paid both ways? Retail stores can't charge a "processing fee" in fact there is regulations against it. I don't know what the actual costs of processing payments are but just seems like they are getting a little greedy. Isn't a 20% commission across the board enough?

      It's not about $.50 per transaction - it's the feeling I'm getting nickle & dimed (literally) that i don't like. Will I continue to use fiver - you bet i will. Because at the end of the day you can still find incredible values if you know where to look.
      That's how I felt too & yes, it's against Visa regs, but ONLY if you say it's for credit card processing which they haven't said even though we know it's for that & for PP transactions.

      ***Professional Merchant Services Agent at your service. If you are a professional legit company, I'd like to help you get the best merchant account for your company. Please contact me for more details.

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  • Profile picture of the author Lightlysalted
    It's still cheaper to access services through fiverr compared with other sites. I love the graphic design services personally. I'd pay it
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    • Profile picture of the author seoboyz01
      Originally Posted by Lightlysalted View Post

      It's still cheaper to access services through fiverr compared with other sites. I love the graphic design services personally. I'd pay it
      Do they have any good infographic design services there? Having an infographic designed can be very costly.
      Google DOMINATION SEO service - Take your site 1st page of Google.
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  • Profile picture of the author Seemore25101
    Yepp, I've paid it maybe 4 or 5 times now. I've found some great services and a $0.50 increase isn't going to make me run scared.
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  • Profile picture of the author DavidPSmith
    I'm so glad that I stopped selling on Fiverr. I guess that 20% from sellers was not enough...
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  • Profile picture of the author webrookie
    I just bought 2 gigs and had no problem with the .50 fee.
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  • Profile picture of the author infear_takao87
    Fiverr make a lot of improvement today.. I know it would eat a lot of budget on their upgrade.b50 cent for each purchases would cover their monthly expanses to maintain their website quality. Some buyers will agree with this fee.. and some of them argue with it. It's all depend on your purpose in Fiverr.
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  • Profile picture of the author Matthew Trujillo
    I feel if you are a freelancer and you are using Fiverr's database to sell your services, you should be fully aware that Fiverr owns all rights to their website and can make any change at anytime without your permission as a seller. You are free to go elsewhere and Fiverr does not own the freelancer. There are a lot of similar sites to fiverr including the Warrior Forum where you can market your services just as well and won't have to pay any fees.
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  • Profile picture of the author Claire Koch
    yep i would pay it. 50 cents 10 % pfffffff
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  • Profile picture of the author reapr
    The gigs are worth the purchase. Perhaps they need a new a new domain name ... Fiverr&4bits.com
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    • Profile picture of the author CASHsystems
      Originally Posted by reapr View Post

      The gigs are worth the purchase. Perhaps they need a new a new domain name ... Fiverr&4bits.com
      LOL, that might just catch on...
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  • Profile picture of the author atlanta2008
    I just paid $75 for a multi gig and the fee was 5%.
    Planing on reordering with 100 gigs soon and thinking of Fiverr alternatives already. Mainly because of the buyers fee.

    Originally Posted by Rashell View Post

    So I guess sometime early in Nov the powers that be over at Fiverr decided to start charging buyers 50 cents for any orders under $10 and 10% for anything over $10. This is a non-refundable processing fee charged to buyers not sellers.

    Many of the Fiverr sellers have been complaining that their sales have dropped.

    Would you feel comfortable paying this extra fee? Or would you shop elsewhere?

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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10338398].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ep2002
    It's NOW upto $1 & once again, NO NOTICE.

    Poor Customer Service.

    Looks like it was implemented back in July, but b/c I had a balance running I didn't realize until now.

    And the only people who get the money is Fiverr, not the seller. Not that they shouldn't make money, I'm just saying.

    ***Professional Merchant Services Agent at your service. If you are a professional legit company, I'd like to help you get the best merchant account for your company. Please contact me for more details.

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  • Profile picture of the author WarriorWasim
    There is nothing to do if you want to outsource something from Fiverr. It has already grown up. Have you checked out SeoClearks.com? Thanks :-)
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    • Profile picture of the author ep2002
      Originally Posted by WarriorWasim View Post

      There is nothing to do if you want to outsource something from Fiverr. It has already grown up. Have you checked out SeoClearks.com? Thanks :-)
      No, never heard about it until just now, so I just joined, but I'd be leery about the people on there claiming they can get you onto page 1.

      ***Professional Merchant Services Agent at your service. If you are a professional legit company, I'd like to help you get the best merchant account for your company. Please contact me for more details.

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  • Profile picture of the author maxsi
    YES I will continue to pay the price because => I SAVE big $$$$$$ thanks to fiverr
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  • Profile picture of the author jinmin
    So far I am very satisfied with the service I got from Fiverr and therefore I am fine with the additional 0.50 processing fee. I would be spending more if I outsourced elsewhere. I only use Fiverr for certain services and I am sure they are good. Be mindful though, not all service are good and not all seller do a good job.
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  • Profile picture of the author psenjani81
    Actually I do not like the non-refundable processing fee. If anyway the project cancel, the processing fee should return also. Such as Upwork, there is non-refundable fee, on the Flip side the Freelancer will charge a non-refundable processing Fee.
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    • Profile picture of the author ep2002
      Well technically you do get it back b/c the next time you use that $5, you don't pay the fee again, but b/c of their screwed up payment system, I can't use a $5 or $10 credit on a job that is more than my credit. This I don't like.

      I also noticed that it costs us less in the processing fees to pay someone a larger amount, but now that it's $1, I don't know if that will be true.

      ***Professional Merchant Services Agent at your service. If you are a professional legit company, I'd like to help you get the best merchant account for your company. Please contact me for more details.

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      • Profile picture of the author PPG19
        Originally Posted by ep2002 View Post

        Well technically you do get it back b/c the next time you use that $5, you don't pay the fee again, but b/c of their screwed up payment system, I can't use a $5 or $10 credit on a job that is more than my credit. This I don't like.

        I also noticed that it costs us less in the processing fees to pay someone a larger amount, but now that it's $1, I don't know if that will be true.
        This is an old thread, they are discussing about 0.50 cent fee increase. Now they have increased it to 1$.
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  • Profile picture of the author bluemotion
    Originally Posted by Rashell View Post

    So I guess sometime early in Nov the powers that be over at Fiverr decided to start charging buyers 50 cents for any orders under $10 and 10% for anything over $10. This is a non-refundable processing fee charged to buyers not sellers.

    Many of the Fiverr sellers have been complaining that their sales have dropped.

    Would you feel comfortable paying this extra fee? Or would you shop elsewhere?

    As long as you are selective in choosing your sellers, I can't see 50 cents making any difference. If you get the results you want then it's worth it.

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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10856870].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ep2002
      There's no one to select, everyone lies about their skills, lies about speaking fluent English, & lies about living in the US.

      I'm on there a lot & I have yet to find anyone who's any good UNLESS they are new & from the US & even then it's difficult.

      I never know if the person is actually from the US or trying to scam so I have to get them to talk a lot so I can gauge. It's all VERY stressful.

      And it's NOT 50 cents I told everyone, it's $1 now.

      ***Professional Merchant Services Agent at your service. If you are a professional legit company, I'd like to help you get the best merchant account for your company. Please contact me for more details.

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  • Profile picture of the author jcmunoz
    Fiverr is honestly as cheap as it gets. I don't think that 50 cents make the difference. If it is a service that will benefit you then I will definitely keep outsourcing with them.

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  • Profile picture of the author tomako
    Then maybe, it shouldn't be called fiverr any more. I'm not using their services for some time,but it is not about money. It is, if you don't like a job and give 3 stars etc. the seller start to apply pressure on you, or start telling lies.

    Or some of them want to do the work again which usually takes another 2-3 days. Time is more valuable than the money, if I want to do a job on fiverr I already know what can be done for $5 but I do not want to chat with someone for hours for a simple task.

    I think it is a great place for short video and audio works but for other works going to professional freelance platform is the best. So they can charge even $10 for the gigs, but they must somehow correct their review system. I don't think people are voting as they want.
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  • Profile picture of the author zdivine
    Unfortunately there really is no other choice, especially if you're getting a lot of business and are reputable on Fiverr.
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  • Profile picture of the author nicheblogger75
    The concept was great when you could actually get a nice ecover or logo or a header done for $5. Now it basically costs you $5 just to walk in the door, and then if you want an actual ecover there are 2 or 3 extras you have to order and by the time you are done you have paid $20-$25 for what used to be $5.

    I understand inflation and all that, but that's ridiculous.

    I don't use Fiverr anymore because there is really nothing available for $5.

    Instead I taught myself how to do a lot of the stuff and as far as ecovers I purchased a fantastic software for a one-time fee of $27 and now I can make awesome ecovers myself that are better than the ones I used to get from Fiverr anyhow.

    The bottom line is you are better off taking the time to learn the skill yourself instead of paying through the nose at Fiverr.

    And the people who are saying that Fiverr is now on par with most freelancing sites are right. Some people want hundreds of dollars for their Gigs on Fiverr. The worst part is mos of the sellers on Fiverr are pretty crappy at what they are offering, too.

    The whole idea was you could spend a "fiverr" and get something cool done.

    That's done now, so as far as I'm concerned Fiverr should change their name.
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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    Fiverr is still a great deal if you know what you're buying and you know the right sellers to buy from.

    I buy covers there and they are still a bargain compared to other platforms.
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnVianny
    You can use HONEY extension for DISCOUNT CODE which lower the fee to zero.
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  • Profile picture of the author Cesar Sampaio
    A simple job like a new site can involve a dozen jobs from Fiverrs so every little thing added can end up being a lot of money in the end. Still it's a useful place and there are still $5 jobs that help us find good service providers!
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