Starting new?!? What would you DO!

29 replies

I am new to all of this! I have been searching the web up and down trying to learn how to make passive income. Can someone show me the way?!?

I have no idea on where to start. Any info would be helpful. p.s I will soon be leaving my current job and will have plenty of free time . I'd rather do something I'd love to do than live a life of a slave.

!Thank you!
  • Profile picture of the author Corey Taylor
    Originally Posted by crumbum88 View Post


    I am new to all of this! I have been searching the web up and down trying to learn how to make passive income. Can someone show me the way?!?

    I have no idea on where to start. Any info would be helpful. p.s I will soon be leaving my current job and will have plenty of free time . I'd rather do something I'd love to do than live a life of a slave.

    !Thank you!
    Don't leave your job for now. Your income will help your online journey.

    Keep your job, "study", take action, do both (online and offline jobs), profit and then quit your job.

    Plus, use the search button

    P.S: What are you willing to do?
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    • Profile picture of the author Rory Singh
      Originally Posted by Corey Taylor View Post

      Don't leave your job for now. Your income will help your online journey.

      Keep your job, "study", take action, do both (online and offline jobs), profit and then quit your job.

      Plus, use the search button

      P.S: What are you willing to do?
      Well Said Corey!

      "Don't leave your Job just yet CrumBum".

      Sounds like you are very new and it will take some time for you to get results being brand new.
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  • Profile picture of the author SEO Power
    You better make sure you have saved enough money to live off for at least 2 years before quitting your job. In fact, I recommend you don't until you've started achieving some success and making money. You need to purchase a guide to help you get started. I started with and it taught me the ropes and decreased the learning curve considerably.
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    • Profile picture of the author bostjan33
      Why purchase a guide, when there are zillions of free (and some of them even good) ones all over the web? N00bs don't need to buy expert guides, they're still learning the basics.
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    • Profile picture of the author talfighel
      Originally Posted by SEO Power View Post

      You better make sure you have saved enough money to live off for at least 2 years before quitting your job.

      Once you are making a comfortable income, then you can quit your job.

      The one thing you do need to know and realize is that you will have a lot of downs when you get started. You will question yourself. People will laugh at you. You will probably fail over and over and over again but just never give up.

      There are many very successful internet marketers out there that have failed for months and some even for a few years. Because they never gave up and moved forward no matter how bad thing were for them, they eventually "arrived" and are now succeeding.
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  • Profile picture of the author Edlund88
    I would recommend that you get yourself a mentor. That will be the fastest way for you to get any success. But getting a mentor will cost quite a bit of money, so I would recommend that you keep your job. Then you can also spend some money on traffic wich will speed up everything for you.
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    • Profile picture of the author Corey Taylor
      Originally Posted by Edlund88 View Post

      I would recommend that you get yourself a mentor. That will be the fastest way for you to get any success. But getting a mentor will cost quite a bit of money, so I would recommend that you keep your job. Then you can also spend some money on traffic wich will speed up everything for you.
      yeap. adwords for the win (IF used correctly), but he definitely needs the money, so he should not quit... yet!
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  • Profile picture of the author crumbum88
    I have means of making money beside's my job The time to quit is now for my current job.
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  • Profile picture of the author benjamenjuan
    start building your list
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Hopefully you're a young guy. You can either spend 5 years of trial and error, or simply hiring someone to show you the way quickly and easily. So it's simple. Take the blue pill, and hire a mentor, or take the red pill and learn all this stuff yourself.

    2 months from now, i dont want to hear you saying, "Why, oh why didn't i take the blue pill."


    You're in good shape. Get a paid consultant and they'll help you out. Be wary of a free consultant who wants to coach you for free. I wonder what Jay Abraham would say if you came up to him with that free coaching stuff. HAHA.
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  • Profile picture of the author salegurus
    Originally Posted by crumbum88 View Post

    I'd rather do something I'd love to do than live a life of a slave.

    If you enjoy being broke while "doing something you love" go ahead and quit your "slave job"...
    Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.

    ― George Carlin
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  • Profile picture of the author danieldesai
    There are many ways to make a passive income online. Perhaps the best advice I can give you is this:
    1. Choose an already proven business model.

    2. Follow someone else's proven blueprint in that business model.

    3. Outsource the parts you aren't good at (or anything else if you can afford it).

    4. Stick to that one method and don't jump to the next Shiny Object.

    5. Understand that setbacks/failures are normal. Almost all successful people have once failed at their craft; it's usually only after relentlessly pursuing their goals did they finally break through. (This is true of most things, not just business.)

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    • Profile picture of the author Rory Singh
      Originally Posted by danieldesai View Post

      There are many ways to make a passive income online. Perhaps the best advice I can give you is this:
      1. Choose an already proven business model.

      2. Follow someone else's proven blueprint in that business model.

      3. Outsource the parts you aren't good at (or anything else if you can afford it).

      4. Stick to that one method and don't jump to the next Shiny Object.

      5. Understand that setbacks/failures are normal. Almost all successful people have once failed at their craft; it's usually only after relentlessly pursuing their goals did they finally break through. (This is true of most things, not just business.)

      CrumBum, I couldn't have said this any better than Daniel.

      The only thing that I might add though is...

      While you are 'still' employed, leverage your job while you start something right now and do all those things that you were planning to do later.

      Implement what Daniel said above but find a real opportunity right now, role up your sleeves and get to work.
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    • Profile picture of the author pierra17
      Originally Posted by danieldesai View Post

      There are many ways to make a passive income online. Perhaps the best advice I can give you is this:
      1. Choose an already proven business model.

      2. Follow someone else's proven blueprint in that business model.

      3. Outsource the parts you aren't good at (or anything else if you can afford it).

      4. Stick to that one method and don't jump to the next Shiny Object.

      5. Understand that setbacks/failures are normal. Almost all successful people have once failed at their craft; it's usually only after relentlessly pursuing their goals did they finally break through. (This is true of most things, not just business.)

      Great Advice!!!!

      Also I just want to add to that:

      a) Remember you are building a business!! Don't just find one or two products! Research and choose your market! Then find as many affiliate products as you can for that market and promote them all from your money site. (Nobody ever went to the supermarket or the local it shop because they had just 5 items to choose from!)

      b) Start following Entrepreneur and Forbes blogs.

      c) Start networking with people who have already made money online.

      d) Always be an entrepreneur!! Find problems in your niche/market which you can try and solve. You can easily create info products, BUT ALWAYS keep it fresh! FYI people are sick and tired of eBooks so always mix it up with some Video courses, Audio courses, infographics etc.

      e) Start learning the fundamentals of business!!!!!!!!!! Admin, Marketing, Sales, Customer Relationship Management. ---> Plan everything out to the finest detail.

      The ONLY way you will ever make money online is if you run it as a business would. Run your bizz like you would run your own shop in a mall

      If you or anyone else reading this thread need some explaining or more details on what I just said send me a pm and I'll give you some advice and guidance. Don't worry no charge! I'll gladly try and help and guide you where I can
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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Loftis
    I agree with all the above. Don't quit your job - use the income to fuel your online journey. I would also recommend using that money to invest in a coach.
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  • Profile picture of the author seoboyz01
    It can take so long to build an online business that generates a full time income. Unless you are independently wealthy with a fat bank account to support you over the next few years as you struggle to learn the marketing concepts you will need to survive online, you will do better by leaving the internet marketing as a sideline hobby.
    Google DOMINATION SEO service - Take your site 1st page of Google.
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  • Profile picture of the author maximindpower
    In addition to all the great advice given by fellow warriors, I would suggest one more thing. Don't fall prey to the shiny object syndrome. I can't tell you how many projects I started and then abandoned because something better showed up a few weeks later. I did this for several years before I realized that if I wanted to succeed online, I had to stick to one project until it was profitable and running pretty much on it's own without too much input and time from me.

    I'd also suggest choosing one (or at the most two) traffic strategies and really mastering them instead of dabbling in too many and mastering none of them.

    Hope this helps.
    FREE Report - The One Hour Workday - How To Run A Profitable Online Business In Just 1 Hour a Day!
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    • Profile picture of the author seoboyz01
      Originally Posted by maximindpower View Post

      In addition to all the great advice given by fellow warriors, I would suggest one more thing. Don't fall prey to the shiny object syndrome. I can't tell you how many projects I started and then abandoned because something better showed up a few weeks later.
      When you're first starting out online, having never sold anything or affiliated or built a website, you might not really know what works for you. So, of course it will take experimentation. There's a difference between dabbling in various niches to find out what works best for you and the 'shiny object syndrome' that more experienced internet marketers face. As a newcomer, that kind of thing can be excused. Find what works for you, stick with it. Getting to that point might take a few tries though.
      Google DOMINATION SEO service - Take your site 1st page of Google.
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  • Profile picture of the author DavidFinn
    Stick to one thing, I spent and wasted almost four years going from one idea to the next.

    So pick a business and stick it out to the very end!
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  • Profile picture of the author jamescanz
    First thing I would do?

    Create a squeeze page and direct it to an affiliate offer

    (preferably that has a VSL, in a niche that I wanted to go in, of course).

    Yup. That's the very first thing I would do.

    But here's why.

    What I can do from there is create an email a day and throw them in the autoresponder...

    So they go out automatically.

    The first few would direct the person back to the VSL offer to get the sale...

    And might have a few bonuses here and there to help increase conversions.

    From there, the emails would focus on a new product / problem in the niche

    (which can continue for an endless amount of time).

    From there, I would focus on turning that initial affiliate offer into my own product.

    All I would need is the FE.

    I control the amount of money it costs, commissions, and money I make...

    And affiliates will help promote it, thus making more money.

    From there, I would focus on slowly adding to that product.

    Upsell #1, upsell #2, and so on and so forth.

    That's only scratching the surface, but as you can see, even if you are starting with nothing...

    You put up a squeeze page, and WHILE you are building your list...

    You are building upon your own little 'digital empire'.

    The most important aspect of making this happen...

    Not worrying about something being perfect before putting it out.

    "You don't have to get it perfect, you just have to get it done"

    And everything I mentioned above can basically be done in any niche, with any, single, offer.
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    • Profile picture of the author enterprisemind
      Originally Posted by jamescanz View Post

      First thing I would do?

      Create a squeeze page and direct it to an affiliate offer

      (preferably that has a VSL, in a niche that I wanted to go in, of course).

      Yup. That's the very first thing I would do.

      But here's why.

      What I can do from there is create an email a day and throw them in the autoresponder...

      So they go out automatically.

      The first few would direct the person back to the VSL offer to get the sale...

      And might have a few bonuses here and there to help increase conversions.

      From there, the emails would focus on a new product / problem in the niche

      (which can continue for an endless amount of time).

      From there, I would focus on turning that initial affiliate offer into my own product.

      All I would need is the FE.

      I control the amount of money it costs, commissions, and money I make...

      And affiliates will help promote it, thus making more money.

      From there, I would focus on slowly adding to that product.

      Upsell #1, upsell #2, and so on and so forth.

      That's only scratching the surface, but as you can see, even if you are starting with nothing...

      You put up a squeeze page, and WHILE you are building your list...

      You are building upon your own little 'digital empire'.

      The most important aspect of making this happen...

      Not worrying about something being perfect before putting it out.

      "You don't have to get it perfect, you just have to get it done"

      And everything I mentioned above can basically be done in any niche, with any, single, offer.
      Great post James. I agree that Video Sales Letters do have a strong influence on prospects. The best part of your solution is it can all be outsourced to be setup and optimized.

      Thanks for sharing.
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  • Profile picture of the author nizamkhan
    I would suggest you to get a mentor to help you get started the right way. It's even better if you have a clear vision of what you want to achieve right from the start. And if you already know it, then set a goal, get to work and be committed.

    - Nizam
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  • Profile picture of the author shmeeko69
    Originally Posted by crumbum88 View Post


    I am new to all of this! I have been searching the web up and down trying to learn how to make passive income. Can someone show me the way?!?

    I have no idea on where to start. Any info would be helpful. p.s I will soon be leaving my current job and will have plenty of free time . I'd rather do something I'd love to do than live a life of a slave.

    !Thank you!
    Yeh, Why be a wage servant when you can be it's master and all that kind of jazz?

    It's takes time, patience and a fair bit of trial and error before you start seeing results, so if you don't want to go through the above then, you will struggle. I've been involved in offline and online marketing for six years and still haven't reached the level I should be at!
    The Rock n Roll of Marketing Reviews
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  • Profile picture of the author crumbum88
    Thanks guys for all the post all the info will be taken in consideration !

    I just got done working 11 hour straight So I will def look into this more tom after I wake up and get some coffee in me. So far it looks like I have learn a bunch but that's okay I am willing to learn if Its for a goal worth getting !

    And for people wondering yes I am still young! So I do have time to learn but I am the kind of guy who knows when to change it up!

    I am shocked at how many posts this has gotten ! I am glad this forum is alive! I hope that I can learn and bring new outlooks on internet marketing and help you guys as much as possible! Thanks ALOT !

    Looking forward to hearing more !
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  • Profile picture of the author crumbum88
    bostjan33 Do you have any guides you would recommend to read?
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  • Profile picture of the author TaniasMoney
    Don't quit your job and do IM Part-Time or more until till you can cover at least 2 times what your job pays you in or from IM Earnings monthly. Scale up from there. I suggest not quitting your job at all actually unless you can guarantee your monthly income from IM will come or has consistently been coming in for a while and you're ready to scale up. Good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author Nathan Kruz
    I recommend that you join a coaching program. It is like a shortcut to success. Reduces alot of time and stress that people who try to make it on their own go through.

    If you want some recommendations for some good coaching programs to join, just let me know.

    Hope this helps

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  • Profile picture of the author Powermovesyou
    Just starting out i would offer a service.
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