How can I get traffic with infographics?

38 replies

is posting infographics on Instagram and Slideshare good source of traffic?
Are there other important websites where I can upload infographics?

Can I just take the pictures and text from my website and post it on Instagram or do I need to create new content for these websites? Is there any problem with the websites and with search engines if there is the same content?

I think Slideshare should be OK, if I make ppt file and post it there and on my website for download at the same time. But what about pictures and text on other websites?

I dont want to start new blogs there, I just want to bring traffic from there to my website, so I dont want to spend much time creating extra content for them, just copying or remaking the infographics I already have.

#infographics #traffic
  • Profile picture of the author Ghoster
    To be completely honest, if your infographic is effective you should get traffic from it no matter what if you are shopping it.

    Those sites can get you some random traffic, but you should really be actively targeting your infographic to the people who will care about it.

    People love infographics, so 90% of your job is creating one that presents in-demand data in an easy to digest format.

    On the whole, you get what you pay for.

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    • Profile picture of the author Prestonen
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    • Profile picture of the author hilhilginger
      Originally Posted by Ghoster View Post

      To be completely honest, if your infographic is effective you should get traffic from it no matter what if you are shopping it.

      Those sites can get you some random traffic, but you should really be actively targeting your infographic to the people who will care about it.

      People love infographics, so 90% of your job is creating one that presents in-demand data in an easy to digest format.

      I do not know this stuff so far. your post trigger me to create an account on infographic and let me witness a few traffic from there. I may more thankful to you for giving me this spike at right time as I am into a new project

      They have over 2300 Offers, Instant PayPal Payments and Free Training Articles.
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  • Profile picture of the author gm777
    better try pinterest on relevant (group) boards
    also there are special infographics related sites, like
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  • Profile picture of the author ut106
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  • Profile picture of the author seoboyz01
    The bad thing about posting your infographics on Pinterest and other sites is how the person viewing them has all they need to know once they view the infographic and have no need to click through. The infographic only serves it's purpose if it's hosted on your website and others come there to see it. Otherwise, they will view the infographic on Pinterest, learn what they need to know and just click away to another pretty picture.
    Google DOMINATION SEO service - Take your site 1st page of Google.
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    • Profile picture of the author John9586
      Thank you for the answers.
      Do you have any suggestions:
      1/ how to get targeted traffic to the infographics on my website?
      PPC is too expensive for this, I dont waste my time with SEO,
      maybe some cheap PPC from Facebook for seeding and hoping it will go viral or at least get some likes?
      2/ how to put link to my website in the infographics?, telling them there are more details on my website, or there are more infographics like this, or there is part 2? what else mighht be interesting for them to visit my website?
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      • Profile picture of the author savidge4
        without question you want to ensure your web address is on the infographic. Don't listen to the other folks here telling you the link back will not be effective. that is F A R from true. Infographics are in a world unto themselves right now, if they are creative and on point with a message, they can be rather share worthy and draw a good amount of traffic.

        A secret is NOT to place your web address on the bottom or side of the infographic that some moron can come along and crop it out. this: is a good exampleof making it not easy to simply remove the prior logo and tag.
        Success is an ACT not an idea
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    • Profile picture of the author WebScavenger
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      • Profile picture of the author Rembo
        Infographics work well but now that 'everybody' is using them you have to make yours stand out from the crowd.

        I think the guys from Neonam nailed it with their infographic because it says it all. The right way.

        The downside of their infograph is that it can not be pinned but once you've seen you'll want to link it. I just did.

        Cheers, Remco
        Smarter Affiliate Money. Work Smarter, Earn More.
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  • Profile picture of the author mariaejaz12
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  • Profile picture of the author Robert Brown1
    Infographics undoubtedly are a diverse strategy to put clean facts that is certainly trending. Right now, Google’s algorithms often index infographics swiftly, which can help with your page ranking. Nonetheless, Yahoo is always tweaking it is protocol, so that your finest method should be to find top-notch inform in a fashion that activates your audience. Infographics obtain, in which and much more.
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  • Profile picture of the author seobro
    I get a lot of traffic via GOOGLE images. Although not as much as before due to algo changes - say it ain't so.

    Try to make your info graphics stand out in a crowd to get you more exposure.
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  • Profile picture of the author postschiffeonline
    You can also use SMO techniques for this infographics.Facebook,twitter,Instagram are some effective social media sites for get traffic .
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  • Profile picture of the author gm777
    Here is one example:
    Why You Can’t Stop thinking About Tasty Food!
    it's not my site
    Do you see the embed code at the bottom of the page?
    So anyone can embed your infographic on their site with a backlink to your site.
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  • Profile picture of the author SocialEd
    Originally Posted by John9586 View Post


    is posting infographics on Instagram and Slideshare good source of traffic?
    Are there other important websites where I can upload infographics?

    Can I just take the pictures and text from my website and post it on Instagram or do I need to create new content for these websites? Is there any problem with the websites and with search engines if there is the same content?

    I think Slideshare should be OK, if I make ppt file and post it there and on my website for download at the same time. But what about pictures and text on other websites?

    I dont want to start new blogs there, I just want to bring traffic from there to my website, so I dont want to spend much time creating extra content for them, just copying or remaking the infographics I already have.

    Hi John,

    Does Infographic Marketing Still Work? A Data Driven Answer provided by Neil Patel of quicksprout blog, and goes on to write - "if it weren’t for infographics, I would have never generated links from sites like Forbes and Huffington Post" check it out and and come back to this forum to share your thoughts please >

    Does Infographic Marketing Still Work? A Data Driven Answer
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  • Profile picture of the author irfanmaverick
    Neil Patel has written an excellent post on his QuickSprout blog about how to get traffic & link juice via Infographics. Head over to his blog to read that.
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  • Profile picture of the author Arrow1
    Back in the summer I had a simple infographic pinned over 10,000 times. That drove 500 visitors a day to that post. I've also had other infographics "go well" and get pinned 2 or 300 times. The key is to pin the infographic to a keyword rich board so that it can easily be discovered and then repin into some group boards that you belong too. I've found that 5 repins this way is to enough to get the ball rolling. I also made a point of pinning the infographics at the weekend when the site was at maximum activity.

    With Slideshare I've only ever shared my slide decks, however, I did find posting at 10am on a Sunday (GMT) and then sharing in multiple LinkedIn groups enabled the slides to be promoted to the front page and that generated an extra 5-600 views. It may work for infographics, I've not tested it though.

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  • Profile picture of the author gsesoftsolutions
    According to me, we can get lots of traffic with infographics images, people do not want to read text. If we optimize our images with alt tags in our websites and many external website. It will rank organically too and can give you lot of traffic. People wants Visual content.
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  • Profile picture of the author EsTeh

    I'd read a post on Lisa Irby's blog about building traffic with infographics and Pinterest. I think you can learn a tip or two from her experiment:

    Good luck and Happy New Year!
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  • Profile picture of the author fern
    Once it is on instagram, you can share on pinterest. I would put a small watermark of your sites URL so if someone puts it on their site or instagram, you still get eyeballs on your site address. Also consider, posting to tumblr. Good luck
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  • Profile picture of the author beyond11
    You can upload your infographics to ' infographics sharing sites ' then those links can be shared on social media platforms for more traffic & engagement

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  • Profile picture of the author Lightlysalted
    I'd creat a Facebook group and post your info graphic there
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    • Profile picture of the author John9586
      I found also this article helpful
      Instagram as Content Marketing

      it looks like there is some good quality traffic on Instagram, not only teenagers looking for nice pictures.
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  • Profile picture of the author lancewan
    What do you use for creating your infographics. I want to use it but find there are some very overpriced solutions in the market. Which ones are the best and most economical ones out there??
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  • Profile picture of the author Lena Ruchko
    Hi guys! I have got a hack how to promote an infographic (no doubt. they do work for site promotion, if implemented well). So I started to promote infographics via Outbrain - content marketing tool that suggests your posts under other articles people read on different blogs throughout the Internet. If the title of your infographic is catching - you win half a battle. Your piece receives a large number of impressions and clicks. If the content of infographic appears to be relevant for the users, it is an awesome way to drive traffic to your site and convert it into sales.

    For instance, in my case, I advertised this infographic about Amazing Google Facts. In one month only it earned 306 000 impressions and over 300 clicks) Now I am going to add special links and offers to this page so that to engage more with the coming users.

    All the best!

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  • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
    Share it anywhere and everywhere.

    The most important factor is to give incentive to visit your site.

    Perhaps continuing the the infographic on your website is something to consider.
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  • Profile picture of the author Shirlyn
    Infographic with right information and color scheme can help your site to earn quality backlinks and traffic as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author manaskr
    Good source of traffic share the infographics on facebook , google plus and twitter , you will gain good traffic and try to engage with more people with sharing many useful topic

    Research and implement is the solution , think bigger do higher is the success of life my official website click here seo company india more .

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  • Infographic's are great..and can be posted on both, without effecting..

    Post to sites like Flickr & Photobucket + facebook + twitter aswell..

    Oh, and you can make the infogrpahic into a video & upload onto YT & vimeo.

    Then, make the video into an audio, and upload onto soundcloud, audiable.

    Hope this helps.. distribute content everywhere..

    Less creation, more distribution.

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  • Profile picture of the author anynewsbd
    Flickr & Photobucket + facebook + twitter should be best so you can try with them.
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  • Profile picture of the author JackLK
    When sharing on Twitter and Facebook, remember to include a thumbnail image and a hyperlink to your site.

    This is not only beneficial for SEO purposes but because of the size restrictions on social media, it looks a lot better to just have a thumbnail rather than the entire thing.
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  • Profile picture of the author QueenMelanie
    submitting them to stumble! people who are stumbling are in the mood for an interesting infographic
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    • If your infographics consists of multimple images, try posting only a few of them on social networks with a link to get full pack in exchange for user's e-mail.
      You search for blogs/websites/facebook groups which already have your target auditorium - many of them willingly accept interesting and high quality content and include link to your website
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  • Profile picture of the author schttrj
    Of course, infographics are great to add traffic to your website.

    Just put them on social media or any other image sharing community sites, and you are don't.

    Yes, they may not click to your website sometimes.

    But with your website name on it, you will build your brand and they will eventually come.

    Direct Traffic!

    So go ahead and do it.
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  • Profile picture of the author TheProductReviewGuy
    Info graphics are an awesome way to get diverse traffic to your site. If you post your infographics on your site, and you already have traffic coming, people will naturally start to like and share it on social networks like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Then that's where you will see serious traffic coming in.
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  • The more sites the better.

    20% Content Creation
    80% Promotion

    1) Create a infographic (20%)
    2) Share on..

    Google +
    + More

    [CENTER][B]==> Do you want to make money online? [/B]
    Free video: How regular people are making 6-figures per month on the internet! [URL=""][B]Watch this free video now![/B][/URL] <==[/CENTER]

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    • Profile picture of the author JackLK
      Originally Posted by selfdisciplineacademy View Post

      The more sites the better.

      20% Content Creation
      80% Promotion

      1) Create a infographic (20%)
      2) Share on..

      Google +
      + More
      Agreed - promotion is definitely the key to getting an infographic to go viral.

      You can have the best infographic in the world but if you don't leverage your personal network and post it on all the available channels it's highly unlikely to get exposure.
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  • Profile picture of the author pehlavoon
    hmmm... see if you have great content in your Infographics, you'll be fine. Niel Patel designs landing pages often, but he has an established audience.

    If I were you, I would try to create something amazing and rely on just the content to get relevant traffic.
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