53 replies
hi guys,
current college student on break, was just wondering if there are easy ways to make about $3k by the end of january 2015? ones that don't exactly require building lists and stuff, maybe copywriting and stuff

also, willing to work on new years eve, christmas eve and christmas itself if that helps with anything
#$3k #january #make
  • Profile picture of the author onSubie
    Originally Posted by whatisgoingonhere View Post

    hi guys,
    current college student on break, was just wondering if there are easy ways to make about $3k by the end of january 2015? ones that don't exactly require building lists and stuff, maybe copywriting and stuff

    also, willing to work on new years eve, christmas eve and christmas itself if that helps with anything

    Of course there is. But if you don't already know a way to do it then it will probably take until the end of January just to learn.

    And since you don't want to build a list and stuff, and by "stuff" I assume you mean "work", you are facing a daunting task.

    Certainly the easiest way would be to offer a service - you said maybe copywriting.

    30 days X $100 would = $3,000

    Break it down to how you will make $100 each day.

    But if you haven't made anything in the next 10 days then your target becomes $150/day.

    There are hundreds of threads like this:

    I need to make $500 this week, I need to make $5,000 by Christmas, I need to make $3,000 by the end of January.

    Did you check out the solutions in those threads? It is doubtful anything new will be offered in this one.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9759047].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author kilgore
      Originally Posted by onSubie View Post

      There are hundreds of threads like this:

      I need to make $500 this week, I need to make $5,000 by Christmas, I need to make $3,000 by the end of January.

      Did you check out the solutions in those threads? It is doubtful anything new will be offered in this one.
      Yeah, there are tons and tons of these threads. And what every single one of them misses is that it doesn't really matter what you want. It doesn't matter if you want $3000, $300 or just $3. What matters is what your customers want and what matters is your ability to deliver what they want. If you have both of those, making $3000 can be easy. If not... Well, study hard in school!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9759235].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Bob Reynolds
      Sure it is possible. If you can line up a funnel that converts, and able to get the right traffic to it. If you set your tracking up and know when to scale up. You could line up a bunch of tests and start sending traffic to them until you find one that is scale-able. Meaning, that you run some traffic through a funnel, and say you are watching you ad and tracking campaign closely. You invest in ad space for 20 bucks it brings you in a massive amount of traffic, and you make enough sales to off set the ad. If you are in the "green", +ROI, at the end, then run 40 dollars worth of adds... or 100... You would need to do a massive traffic rush off of traffic like get something to go viral...

      Otherwise, if you are going to put that kind of effort into you need to think about collecting the emails, that is where most of the money is made with an internet business.

      I have a year and a half in the business. A good chunk of money and time invested and I am not getting even close to that kind of money so quick. Sometimes it happens, but it is usually from people who have done there dues in the industry and have taken the time to set everything up and develop a process that works.

      Hope that helps.
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  • Profile picture of the author nicolasmd2112
    You could try some sort of arbitrage scheme. Maybe do odd jobs for people around the freelance markets. Many people look for companies or websites that need big projects done. They go to these companies and say they can do these jobs, when in reality they are just going to find someone else to do the work and bank the money in between.


    ABC.com needs new mobile site - will pay $350
    You find freelancer XYZ who will do it for $100
    You tell ABC.com you can do it for $350, and ask for $100 up front.
    You use the $100 to pay freelancer XYZ
    When done, freelancer XYZ delivers the work to you, then you deliver to ABC.com
    You bank $250 without doing any actual work.
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  • Profile picture of the author BernardR
    I doubt you will do it if you don't already have some sort of business structure/plan in place.

    The easiest route is to sell your time/skills for money by doing jobs on Freelancer or gigs on Fiverr.

    My advice is to build a business for the long term.

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    • Profile picture of the author talfighel
      Originally Posted by BernardR View Post

      I doubt you will do it if you don't already have some sort of business structure/plan in place.
      I agree with that too.

      For someone new to have a goal of $3000 by the end of January???? I am not sure if they can accomplish this.

      Unless you join and promote some sort of a high ticket product that can bank you a few $100s of dollars, I don't see another way.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9761226].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author RyanJohnson1
        Get david neagle's the miracle of money.

        listen to it carefully, follow it religiously, it outlines how anyone can make $10K in 30 days from scratch.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9763178].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author johnnyr860
          Originally Posted by RyanJohnson1 View Post

          Get david neagle's the miracle of money.

          listen to it carefully, follow it religiously, it outlines how anyone can make $10K in 30 days from scratch.
          There is a huge difference between "Hey try this guys ebook methods he outlines everything you need to make 10k in 30 days" and "Hey I actually tried this guys methods and I actually made 10k in just 30 days doing everything he said."

          Do you know how many times I see people saying "try this or try that" but yet not even a single one of them have actually tried the methods they provide to see if they work? Then when we waste time trying the methods and don't make the money people claim we did it wrong or that we didn't try hard enough when they didn't even try it themselves.

          If you made 10k in 30 days and can verify this in a reply then I take back everything I said but unless you tried the methods from the guy you are recommending then why should anyone try to invest their money when they have no clue if the methods work or not? There is a never ending vicious circle of people telling newbies to try this or try that and newbies not making money claimed and then the circle continues.

          I prefer methods where people can confirm they made the money as opposed to methods where people say they think they can or say this is how much the person from that ebook says you could make because then at least I know someone tried it and can confirm for me that it works before I put forth the investment of time and money.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9780026].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author whazzup
        Originally Posted by talfighel View Post

        I agree with that too.

        For someone new to have a goal of $3000 by the end of January???? I am not sure if they can accomplish this.

        Unless you join and promote some sort of a high ticket product that can bank you a few $100s of dollars, I don't see another way.
        Quite agree here, and even then it will take much effort.
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  • Profile picture of the author Miguelito203
    Originally Posted by whatisgoingonhere View Post

    hi guys,
    current college student on break, was just wondering if there are easy ways to make about $3k by the end of january 2015? ones that don't exactly require building lists and stuff, maybe copywriting and stuff

    also, willing to work on new years eve, christmas eve and christmas itself if that helps with anything
    Being a service provider such as a ghostwriter or something is a legitimate model for making money online, but unless you're already established and have the necessary skills, it's not likely to happen. Making legit money online isn't magic, and there's no "easy" button. Even though it's the internet, all the rules of business still apply. The only thing that changes is the method by which we promote stuff.

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  • Profile picture of the author 1byte
    As noted in previous posts in this thread, do a search on this forum to find similar threads, read through the ideas offered there. If you want to do "copywriting and stuff" there are many opportunities to write articles, blog posts, ebooks, and the like on Fivver, Freelancer, ODesk, and so forth. Heck, your writing services right here in the "Warriors for Hire" section. There are many opportunities for finding writing jobs and customers, and you can definitely make some money by the end of January if only you are willing to do it.
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    • Profile picture of the author dana67
      To make $3,000 by the end of January, you may have to do multiple things and try to develop multiple sources of income. It's possible, but generally it takes time to develop income streams.
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  • Profile picture of the author WinsonYeung
    this is one of the favorite subject asked by new internet marketer and my advice to them is always to build a list
    [WSO of The Day] Discount How To Generate 172.56% Positive Return OR build your List for FREE!

    "Case Study: Discover You Can Make $1371.66 With A Simple Blog Post by Clicking Here"
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  • Profile picture of the author Augustinus
    As some of marketers metioned above there is no easy button to to this but if you have time and skill you can try some freelance site and aslo pay for advertising
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  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    Ask Santa...assuming you've been good.
    Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
    All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9760577].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author IMeasierluck
    The quickest method would be PPD, but you will have to know how to rank your keywords.
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  • Profile picture of the author Poprugan
    If you are good in something like copywriting or article writing..it should be easy to make 3k by end of the month if you offer the service here.
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  • Profile picture of the author seoboyz01
    You could source a product online that allows drop shipping and offer it on eBay. There's a built in audience on most big auction sites. In that way, you won't have to go through product creation or build an email list to start earning money.
    Google DOMINATION SEO service - Take your site 1st page of Google.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9763254].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author agmccall
      Face facts, you are not going to.


      "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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  • Profile picture of the author Peter Kontango
    just sell services either done by you or someone else and you make money by the difference in prices...


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    • Profile picture of the author seoboyz01
      Originally Posted by Peter Kontango View Post

      just sell services either done by you or someone else and you make money by the difference in prices...
      Outsourcing is a hit and miss, especially if you have no previous experience with the quality of work of the person who's work you are re-selling to others. It's best to have your network of sellers set up ahead of time, not wait until last minute.
      Google DOMINATION SEO service - Take your site 1st page of Google.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9765285].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author moneymagneto
    You can design a few websites and charge 1K per site. But you need CLIENTS. That's the hardest task.
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  • Profile picture of the author camohit
    Be aware of advertisements offering instant money. They generally are waste of time and money. If u need money urgent u have to trade ur time and labour for maney. Sell somethin on commission. There are various affiliate programmes. But to have fantastic life, think long term and build a business. This takes hard work and commitment of a score of months but after that life becomes beautiful.
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  • Profile picture of the author arindamb
    Yes there are ways to make that kind of money in so little time, but those aren't exactly "easy" ways. Copy writing or any service selling for that matter can be lucrative but it takes time and a lot of efforts to build up credibility and a nice client base.

    If you have money to spend on traffic and outsourcing, it is achievable though.
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  • Profile picture of the author ShawnBrown
    You could definitely make $3k by the end of January. The biggest factor in you getting there is how much you really want it and how hard are you going to work to get it. If you don't want to build a list I'm not sure you are truly looking to build a long term business. That is ok and should not deter you from your goal. The best way to make a large amount of money quickly is not finding 300 people that each pay $10 but find that 1 person that will make you $3000 or even 2 people that will pay $1500. You mentioned copywriting. Do you have proof to back up that your services are worth $1500-$3000? If not, I would recommend taking the first week of January and spend as much time every day as you can learning form the best copywriters. Then, at a discounted rate, find 1 person each week that you can charge $1000 each. Anything is possible if you are willing to make a plan, put in the work, and don't give up!
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  • Profile picture of the author Andre Slater
    Sounds like your looking for a job... There are no job listings on WF, unless your providing a service...

    In order to make money online you have to be willing to work.

    You have to look at this like your starting a business and there are no shortcuts.

    The problem is going to be since your looking for 3k quick your desperate and you'll

    Buy a program and you don't see money or results fast enough

    your going to get frustrated and quit.

    I would say get a job if that's what you really want and invest your money in education

    and take massive action

    oh yeah there is a thread on WF what do you do if your desperate
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  • Profile picture of the author RogozRazvan
    I wonder how many people offering advice in these types of topics are actually earning $3000/month.

    The logical flaws from what I've seen so far:
    - Yes, you can earn $100/day as a beginner copywriter and work 30 days in a row. The problem is getting those clients. There are far more copywriters (even if many shouldn't be called copywriters at all) than actual clients. If you don't believe me, just try to hire someone on Elance.com.

    - The same can be said about arbitrage. It is a sound idea (I've even promoted it on one of my lead gen reports) but in ideal circumstances. In practical circumstances, it is hard to gain those projects in the first place. It is not that hard to find someone to do it. Plus, it is your reputation on the line and the second provider may deliver you crap.

    - While I've used Fiverr only once, years ago, selling a copywriting product that actually brought me three high value jobs, it takes time to build momentum. Usually more than a month. In theory you can earn $100/day on Fiverr.com. In practice, it will take you a year to get so many jobs a day, even with upsells.

    The "work-for-hire" market is very competitive. Everyone whose been in it knows this. After a while, in one - two years you get good at it and you don't even need to search for clients. They come to you. But until then, you'll compete with everyone from established agencies / freelancers and people in Asia / Africa who will promise to do it at half the cost. Yes, they deliver crap but they still get the projects.

    So no, as far as I'm concerned, there are no EASY ways. There is a lot of theory but if you apply critical thinking, you'll see that this theory requires:
    a) Skills to be developed.
    b) Credibility in the marketplace.
    c) Time to gain momentum.

    Theoretically, the fastest way to do this is to promote high ticket products like MOBE. However, this requires a $2000 investment and you gain $1000 per sale. You can get lucky and make 5 sales in one month with a zero overhead. However, the odds are about the same as of winning at online poker.
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    • Profile picture of the author SirAthreyux
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9785978].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author SirAthreyux
        You got to provide TRUE value products or services, not overpriced things, or useless stuff, this will give you a clean name, and you will get closer to the sellers of almost anyhting. but yu must make sure that you are giving REAL PRODUCTS,.

        MountLion @nline

        "Learn to Save Your Energies, apply them Wisely 2 achieve Widely"

        Go>>Fair Budgett>> 4Stuff that Works.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9785986].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Steve B
          So your challenge was to make $3,000 in 42 days (12/21 to 1/31).

          The first fourteen days have now passed.

          How's it going so far?


          Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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    • Profile picture of the author fermanaziz
      Originally Posted by RogozRazvan View Post

      Theoretically, the fastest way to do this is to promote high ticket products like MOBE. However, this requires a $2000 investment and you gain $1000 per sale. You can get lucky and make 5 sales in one month with a zero overhead. However, the odds are about the same as of winning at online poker.
      I have become a member of MOBE....let see how it goes for me
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9798145].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author NeedBucksNow
    You need to do some research on here & figure out what really works online. Most of us here have been at this for a while & unless you have about $1000 to invest in PPC or Facebook ads I don't see this being possible in just a month. The best thing you can do is get a website & autoresponder & then keep adding content 3-4 times a week for 4-6 months in order to start getting good results. Making money online is the same as making money in the real world & unless you are willing to work for it or have a good chunk of money to invest towards advertising, it's not going to happen


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  • Profile picture of the author infear_takao87
    It's all about time consuming! How much time you are willing to spend each day to gain a certain amount of money to reach your $3k in the end of January? let say if you really have a good time to spend.. then think about how much effort you are willing to put on it. There are a lot of factors you need to consider.. but it is not impossible
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  • Profile picture of the author cristeck
    Sorry but where is the OP seems to have disappeared
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    • Profile picture of the author TymBolla
      Originally Posted by cristeck View Post

      Sorry but where is the OP seems to have disappeared
      maybe he went away because he's too busy using all strategies described here... and now he's too busy counting the money
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9786440].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author SirAthreyux
        Originally Posted by TymBolla View Post

        maybe he went away because he's too busy using all strategies described here... and now he's too busy counting the money
        HAAHAAAHAAA...this made me smile and laugh..or ROAARRR..BUT IN GOOD VIBES..HAHAAA...just loving good sense of humor...it is vital for the MountLion.

        MountLion @nline

        "Learn to Save Your Energies, apply them Wisely 2 achieve Widely"

        Go>>Fair Budgett>> 4Stuff that Works.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9786510].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author whatisgoingonhere
          i'm a she, but lol i havent started anything yet. i'm going for a lot less ambitious. $500 or so by the middle of february
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          • Profile picture of the author Kay King
            If doesn't matter what you "go for" - if you never get started, you go nowhere.

            Just sayin....
            Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
            One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
            what it is instead of what you think it should be.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9790455].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Steve B
              Yea, it kind of reminds me of the poem "Tomorrow" by Edgar A. Guest.

              A few lines . . .

              The greatest of workers this man would have been
              The world would have known him, had he ever seen
              But the fact is he died and he faded from view,
              And all that he left here when living was through
              Was a mountain of things he intended to do


              Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9790696].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author onSubie
        Originally Posted by TymBolla View Post

        maybe he went away because he's too busy using all strategies described here... and now he's too busy counting the money
        He started a thread on Dec 31st "get paid today?" asking how to make $100 today.

        That thread was quickly closed when Alexa pointed out he was being more optimistic there than in this thread.

        It seems he hasn't come back for any more detailed help on any suggestions that appealed to him...
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9786534].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author seoboyz01
          Originally Posted by onSubie View Post

          He started a thread on Dec 31st "get paid today?" asking how to make $100 today.

          That thread was quickly closed when Alexa pointed out he was being more optimistic there than in this thread.

          It seems he hasn't come back for any more detailed help on any suggestions that appealed to him...
          Hopefully he took some of the better suggestions here and is currently implementing them to earn money. That would be the best case scenario, right?
          Google DOMINATION SEO service - Take your site 1st page of Google.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9786872].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author SirAthreyux
            Yes there are ways of earning big, and I mean BIG MONEY from the Internet, it all depends on your skills to achieve an income goal in an ethical and efficient way, when you apply your ethics and focus on your goal, you can find the right methods, but it requieres time and effort, there are not money making machines, AT ALL, you can learn, though, to build a successful online income stream, or multiple ones!, it is deffinitely possible.

            MountLion @nline

            "Learn to Save Your Energies, apply them Wisely 2 achieve Widely"

            Go>>Fair Budgett>> 4Stuff that Works.

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9787112].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author cristeck
        Originally Posted by TymBolla View Post

        maybe he went away because he's too busy using all strategies described here... and now he's too busy counting the money
        And he hasn't returned at least to say thanks?
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9787886].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author SirAthreyux
    Originally Posted by whatisgoingonhere View Post

    hi guys,
    current college student on break, was just wondering if there are easy ways to make about $3k by the end of january 2015? ones that don't exactly require building lists and stuff, maybe copywriting and stuff

    also, willing to work on new years eve, christmas eve and christmas itself if that helps with anything
    Before setting a goal, any goal, you must set your mind on your starting point propperly, (what you have, what you know, what you need to know to achieve such a goal )clear and focus your mindset, it would be very rare earning 3K in a month being a newbie, I donot know if you are, but you seem to be new to IM, there are for sure some ways and methods that work for earning big money from the Interet but you must set your mind first, otherwise anything you try will lead you to time loss, hence, money loss.

    MountLion @nline

    "Learn to Save Your Energies, apply them Wisely 2 achieve Widely"

    Go>>Fair Budgett>> 4Stuff that Works.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9787581].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author panditmarketing
    In my opinion, the easiest way would be to get signed up with a high ticket affiliate program. You would then just need to drive traffic to the offers you're promoting.

    Of course, the offer needs to covert or you're not going to make any money. Plus, you'll need money to drive the traffic if you want to reach that goal in a month. You can drive traffic the free way, but that will take longer.
    Why You And 98% Of Affiliates Are Failing Online Go Here!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9788012].message }}
  • Actually about a year ago some guy posted a CPA strategy. He found a student loan offer (email submit) he made a bunch of cheap flyers that looked good and then taped them up all over his campus. I think he said he made 600-800$ minus the costs. and that was only one campus.

    If you have money, hire some writers here on the forum. If you don't see if you can rank for keywords in what your studying in school. If not, then tutor for cash and then hire writers.

    I would have invented Google and Microsoft if I was born earlier.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9790748].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author alan01
    Well if you have some skill like Programming/designing or Writing then you can make money by taking freelancing projects from various websites specially professional ones. You should try Freelancer.com which is best for this.
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  • Profile picture of the author allenmartin
    Originally Posted by whatisgoingonhere View Post

    hi guys,
    current college student on break, was just wondering if there are easy ways to make about $3k by the end of january 2015? ones that don't exactly require building lists and stuff, maybe copywriting and stuff

    also, willing to work on new years eve, christmas eve and christmas itself if that helps with anything

    Hi whatisgoingonhere,

    here is nice advice:

    - Build your list of subscribers through solo ads or adswaps
    - Redirect these opt ins to a CPA Offer (CPL would be a good choice)

    This way you build a list of subscribers which is essential when it comes to make money online - also you earn money almost instantly!

    Have a nice day
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9791862].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author alan01
    Yes CPA offers are best specially ZIP/phone/e-mail submit one is quite easy if you have good traffic fom USA/Canada and you can easily make some decent money.
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnyEnglish
    You need to find a mentor.. Mentor will guides you the right way, Make sure you pick up mentor that did what they teach..

    Then the most important part is take action, take action, take action... You will success my friend.
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  • Profile picture of the author Pocketcash
    Of course you can make $3K before the end of January. You just cannot do it online if your not already having a steady stream of hungry buyers with credit card in hand. On the other hand you mentioned that you are a college student BINGO. What does this mean for you it means CASH and lots of it. Be creative I'm sure your surrounded with a ton of your piers that want an EXAM cheat sheet because they are lazy. You can create an EXAM cheat sheet at $100 bucks a POP and get tons of lazy college students who only wants answers and not to study. Focus on students who are doing courses you have already done compile and sell the info. QU|ICK CASH.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9818248].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author SirAthreyux
    mobe mttb is really a BAD "business"... you are requested to give them 2K and then 5k. and then of course!: 9K + 15K in 1 single "clever move"..!!!..clever yeah for matt lloyd and his group of "top earners" who will have 31K to distribute among them, giving you no guarantee of ROI at all...what will you be having in return for such an incredible amount of money given so willingly..??...NOTHING..yeah nothing AT ALL but just some overpriced and overrated products that everybody, doing a decent research, can find for themselves FOR FREE!!!!!!!!!!... and the 9K and 15K are tickets for you to go and have fun with them in the most expensive resorts in the world, ...do you really think that it is necesary to go and spend so much more money in those "tranning nd fun meetings" when you can have the same and even LIGHTSPEED BETTER TRAINNING at fair price (not even $60 much less than that!!) going PURELY ONLINE??... true value here?... ZERO ... not 1 scheme of these is worth entering and promoting their so called "products" .. if you want to give your money with no ROI to evaluate...well... you must be rich already...or just a believer in money-miracles

    MountLion @nline

    "Learn to Save Your Energies, apply them Wisely 2 achieve Widely"

    Go>>Fair Budgett>> 4Stuff that Works.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9818817].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author bostjan33
    Originally Posted by whatisgoingonhere View Post

    hi guys,
    current college student on break, was just wondering if there are easy ways to make about $3k by the end of january 2015? ones that don't exactly require building lists and stuff, maybe copywriting and stuff

    also, willing to work on new years eve, christmas eve and christmas itself if that helps with anything
    In short - No.
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