by Johnss
28 replies
Hello! I just finished my first info product which is about seducing women with the simplest method 'ever'. Well, kind of. I also noticed that my future SEO for my future blog which is going to promote my future info product is kaput. I mean I have no chance getting in the first page of google, maybe if I'll use "how to date skinny women at mcdonalds" I'd have more sucess, but that would give me a low number of searches per month and also has nothing to do with my product.
Let's say I'm building an unique brand, where can I make my blog and future product popular? How can I reach the audience? I just need to make myself seen, the marketing part I'll do it.
#dating #market
  • Profile picture of the author dana67
    SEO is one way of getting traffic to your site and it does take a lot of time and effort to see results. SMM (Social Media Marketing) may be another area to look into. Social media is a great way to get quality traffic. You can also look into paid types of advertising as well.

    Good luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author almobjane
    SEO is necessary. I was recommended with WordPress search engine optimization. Hope it will be helpful. Particularly check the load time. If the load time is too long, visitors' patience will be killed and it does you no good.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ibis
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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      Originally Posted by Jonathan Mizel View Post

      I wouldn't waste one second on SEO, your chances of getting ranked for anything substantial are absolutely zero.
      This. Of course.

      Originally Posted by Jonathan Mizel View Post

      What I would do is spend time learning how to use since it's a dating site that allows you to target your exact market (males, 20 - 40, over $25K in income). You'll probably need to clean up your language, but join the site as your target prospect and study the ads they serve to you.

      I'd also look at advertising on adult networks like There are a tremendous number of PUA and dating products on the sites, and they don't particularly care how raunchy you are. built an 8-figure business (#1 on CB for over a year), and a good chunk of their traffic was driven by adult sites, 0% from SEO.
      In case anyone reading the thread doesn't know who Jonathan is, I'll just stress that his post above is the helpful one in the thread, to which you might want to pay attention.

      Originally Posted by Ibis View Post

      I agree. SEO is the key

      I always suggest to people that they shouldn't put time and effort into trying to attract SEO traffic, for two main reasons: first, it's very precarious and makes your business Google-dependent, and any business that's Google-dependent is no more than one algorithm-change away from a potential accident (or even a potential disaster), as so many Warriors have been finding out over the last year or two, some of them to their very great cost; secondly, for me, search engine traffic, in every single one of my niches, has been uniformly the worst-converting traffic out of everything I've ever tried - search engine visitors to all my websites typically stay the least time, view the fewest pages, opt in the least often and actually buy anything by far the least often. I admit I do get tons of search engine traffic to all my main sites (because high rankings for multiple keywords happen to be a minor side-benefit of the main targeted traffic-generation method I use) but I'd hate to have to make a living just from that traffic. If you have a good look round the forum, you'll also see plenty of other Warriors making exactly this point.

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    • Profile picture of the author himanuzo
      Originally Posted by Ibis View Post

      I agree. SEO is the key
      Don't depends on search engines like Google.

      Try other traffic sources like forums, blogs, news, social media.
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  • Profile picture of the author John Pagulayan
    "I just need to make myself seen, the marketing part I'll do it"

    Wait, isn't 'getting yourself seen' part of marketing?

    If you want to be seen, target all long tail keywords that have some connection to your product including "how to date skinny women at Mcdonalds" (granted that it has a few searches per month. Does it?) and over time, since it's easy to rank for such keywords, you'll gain traction and it would eventually snowball from there.

    A few hundred searches can add quite easily if you know what you're doing.

    I honestly would prefer paid traffic. That way, I could see if my product will convert instead of working my ass off to get people on my site with a non proven product.

    If your product converts and returns an ROI (sale - traffic cost) then that's the time you build a site around it and not the other way around. Sure, it worked before, back when there are only a few people who knew much about SEO.

    I mean think about it, once you have people on your site, now what? If you haven't tested your conversion, it doesn't matter how many people you bring, you're not going to make any money.

    My advice, get a proven product then build a site around it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jonathan Mizel
    I wouldn't waste one second on SEO, your chances of getting ranked for anything substantial are absolutely zero.

    What I would do is spend time learning how to use since it's a dating site that allows you to target your exact market (males, 20 - 40, over $25K in income). You'll probably need to clean up your language, but join the site as your target prospect and study the ads they serve to you.

    I'd also look at advertising on adult networks like There are a tremendous number of PUA and dating products on the sites, and they don't particularly care how raunchy you are. built an 8-figure business (#1 on CB for over a year), and a good chunk of their traffic was driven by adult sites, 0% from SEO.

    Your First Paid Traffic Campaign

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  • Profile picture of the author benjamenjuan
    ya definitely pof and instagram buddy, chat cam sites too. not seo. seo guys you're a little behind pof and instagram will gain you massive and growing exposure almost instantly. good luck
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  • Profile picture of the author Peter Kontango
    do some guest posting and write articles for various popular blogs in your niche
    you can also write for ezinearticles


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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      Originally Posted by Peter Kontango View Post

      you can also write for ezinearticles
      No content marketer would ever want to submit unique content to an article directory, Peter, for all the reasons explained throughout this little thread:

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      • Profile picture of the author Peter Kontango
        Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

        No content marketer would ever want to submit unique content to an article directory, Peter, for all the reasons explained throughout this little thread:
        yes but for SEO purposes, wouldn't you need some UNIQUE articles pointing to your website?


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        • Profile picture of the author seoboyz01
          Originally Posted by Peter Kontango View Post

          yes but for SEO purposes, wouldn't you need some UNIQUE articles pointing to your website?
          But, if you did that, wouldn't those pages just outrank your site for your own keywords? That's not beneficial in any way.
          Google DOMINATION SEO service - Take your site 1st page of Google.
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        • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
          Originally Posted by Peter Kontango View Post

          yes but for SEO purposes, wouldn't you need some UNIQUE articles pointing to your website?
          A myth: the "linkjuice" value of a backlink depends on many things, but "whether the content immediately preceding/attached to the backlink has previously been published elsewhere" isn't one of them. (Of course, you'd want some unique content on your site, if at all concerned about SEO, but that's a whole different story.)

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          • Profile picture of the author Peter Kontango
            Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

            A myth: the "linkjuice" value of a backlink depends on many things, but "whether the content immediately preceding/attached to the backlink has previously been published elsewhere" isn't one of them. (Of course, you'd want some unique content on your site, if at all concerned about SEO, but that's a whole different story.)

            ok but by sydicated content then it means that whatever the first article/content found by google he says it's the unique one... so even if you post it on your site first and then ezine articles, the ezine articles one will get found faster since ezine is crawled a lot
            how would you get your article found without getting any backlinks first?


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            • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
              Originally Posted by Peter Kontango View Post

              so even if you post it on your site first and then ezine articles, the ezine articles one will get found faster since ezine is crawled a lot
              Nope ... this isn't how it works, at all!

              Firstly, submitting it to Ezine Articles (if you do that) would be the very last-stage thing you do with the article, after having it syndicated, actively, everywhere you can.

              Secondly, when doing article marketing, you don't ever submit an article anywhere until after Google has indexed it on your own site (which should take hours, rather than days, if your site's at all "active").

              Thirdly, this post from yesterday will help you.

              Originally Posted by Peter Kontango View Post

              how would you get your article found without getting any backlinks first?
              By not giving it to anyone else until your own site has been credited with the initial indexation. It's not difficult. I update my "main money sites" only 2-3 times per month each, but their fresh content is still indexed within 12-24 hours.

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  • Profile picture of the author moneymagneto
    There are tons of credible seduction companies already in existence. Why are you any better?
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  • Profile picture of the author jiwonman
    Dating site always has to face "Chicken and egg" problem. I think SEO is important factor here to bring potential users to the site but would be better if you can let them sign-up and increase the size of user group.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mike Braswell
    Yes, the SEO is key but it needs more time and hard working.
    I prefer paid traffic and If I set up a profitable campaign then it's by far better than SEO.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rory Singh
    If you want to get traffic, chase SEO like some are telling you to. But just know that SEO is not reliable. It used to be but now too many people are doing it so Big Google is too picky.

    If it's sales that you are after, look into paid, send that traffic to a lead capture page that matches your product and then send relevant info with your links in email.

    If you do build this list, make sure that you give before getting. Offer free advice ETC then your product.
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  • SEO is unpredictable, and you can't rely on it as your ONLY traffic source!

    > PPC
    > Solo Ads
    > Forum Marketing
    > Blog Commenting
    > Video Marketing

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  • Profile picture of the author LindaMiller35
    The newer your website is the more you should focus on longer keywords with +5 words in it.

    1. You will more easily rank for the term you want but also for similar terms. For this reason, you will get more traffic than you see on the keyword tool.
    2. You shouldn't just look at one posts. You should start a blog in your website and build pages for several terms. Once you put everything together, you start receiving quite some traffic. Always, write unique content between 800 to 1000 words seems to work well.

    3. You can write a small free ebook with your link in and publish in amazon. They will advertise it for you and it's a way for you to bring a few more people into your website so they can see your product.

    Sure when it comes to SEO everything is snail speed so you really got be patient. I wish it was faster.
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  • Profile picture of the author internetsweetie
    could you turn into a product or high priced ebook program and sell on CB?

    Internet Sweetie

    Freedom from the 9 to 5 can be so sweet.

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  • Profile picture of the author slammer81
    YouTube your method in play.

    Plenty of those PUA eggheads do it - and i'm sure a lot of fake PUA's as well.

    if it really dominates like you say - the vid will share and you get subscribers. SimplePickUp on youtube came from nowhere like a year and a half ago? to kick a$$ and take names in the space.

    If you're good, you'll BE found in a space like PUA I would imagine.
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  • Profile picture of the author n3o
    i would focus on the product & network with affiliates, let them do what they are best at
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  • Profile picture of the author spondoolies
    I own the domain TheDateManual*.Com if its of any use
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    • Profile picture of the author n3o
      Originally Posted by spondoolies View Post

      I own the domain TheDateManual*.Com if its of any use
      look like a good domain why slap a landing page to collect email ?
      India Casino Review - Best Casino Review India
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  • Profile picture of the author AngelaWest85
    guest posting and commenting,writing articles and ppc.seo is pretty tough,article marketing as well
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  • Profile picture of the author n3o
    another thing you can do is give some free review copy to the site owner in that niche ..
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  • Profile picture of the author Nirali
    You can get free traffic from social media, forums that can help.
    Skype: nirali.adattract
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