Affiliates / Solos non MMO / IM Niche

3 replies
Hi All,
I have been searching for people with good sized lists in non IM / MMO field. Any recommendations please? I would either like to place a solo, or find an affiliate willing to promote my product for a commission. Sales page, etc all set up and we already have a few big affiliates signed up. Thanks!
#affiliates #mmo #niche #solos
  • Profile picture of the author Matthew Trujillo
    My recommendation to you is to search for a blog relevant to your niche, if it is weight loss, than you want to find a blog with a good audience and alexa rank. Than if they have an opt in box, you can email the list owner and ask if he would be willing to place a solo ad for you in exchange for some $$$. A "secret" method that works well for finding these blogs, is to search "your niche blog + getresponse/aweber". You can also use other methods of advertisement as well such as placing a banner ad on the site of your choice or writing for a well respected blog.
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  • Profile picture of the author Shaolinsteve
    Originally Posted by Lizfish View Post

    Hi All,
    I have been searching for people with good sized lists in non IM / MMO field. Any recommendations please? I would either like to place a solo, or find an affiliate willing to promote my product for a commission. Sales page, etc all set up and we already have a few big affiliates signed up. Thanks!
    Hi Liz,

    Yeah I would say the same. Try to connect with blog owners via their site or on Facebook and get an idea of their average click stats etc and try and go from there. You're most likely going to have to pay more than the average solo ad prices you'll find for the IM niche.

    Either use search strings in Google to find specific niches that are using email or social bookmark directories such a Xmarks and contact them via that way.

    All the best.
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  • Profile picture of the author regulardan
    Originally Posted by Lizfish View Post

    Hi All,
    I have been searching for people with good sized lists in non IM / MMO field. Any recommendations please? I would either like to place a solo, or find an affiliate willing to promote my product for a commission. Sales page, etc all set up and we already have a few big affiliates signed up. Thanks!

    Go to and have about $500 ready to spend.
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