Warrior Forum The Best Place For IM Advice?

5 replies
I've been involved with IM for 10 years. I'm not a big hitter when it comes to this niche but probably make up the 90% of IM people who make a tidy but realatively small profit each year. However I love it.

I've used many many other forums for gaining and sharing IM advice over the years and most have been poor. originally DP forums were top dog but in the last 18 months the standards of posts has been trashy usually with individuals spamming for links. However WF have remained consistently good in my view and I think part of that is good moderation and removal if trashy one line posts.

So a big thanks to WF moderators and contributors for keeping a generally high standard.

What are your experiences ?
#advice #forum #place #warrior
  • Profile picture of the author amits43
    I have used DP long back and i really do not like much.

    I have been in online for last 4 years and i am still stick with warrior forum.I think they really work hard for creating good quality forum.

    I have been active member of many other forums but warrior forum is the best one.I have made some really good friends and business partners from this forum and it affects my business.So big thanks to warrior forum and their moderators,
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    • Profile picture of the author DanielBlue
      In my opinion the WF is a good place for getting information but you have to know how to use it and how to filter the good stuff from the bad.
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  • Profile picture of the author allenmartin
    Hi Guys,

    The warriorforum is in my opinion by far one of the best places to learn how to make money online and to learn Internet Marketing the right way.

    There are tons and tons of value Content other warriors share here in this forum and i really like it!

    Again...if you want to learn how to build a serious online business - the Warriorforum is best place to learn how you can achieve it!

    Have a nice day
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  • Profile picture of the author nicoli
    One of the best forums and communities online, that's for sure.

    Other spinoffs are nothing but trouble and a lot of "ex" WF members that often didn't make the cut or are fairly bitter/shady.

    Despite all it's changes over the past couple of years, WF is still the "go to" place to dig through and find a wealth of knowledge and experience. As DanielBlue said though, one must filter out the bs and fluff that often makes its way in here. There are also quite a few arrogant, small fry, self proclaimed "gurus" you need to keep an eye out for, but in general, it's a good site.
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  • Profile picture of the author seoboyz01
    There are a lot of voices here at Warrior forum, a lot of opinions. And, some people are just parroting what they have heard elsewhere online, spreading rumors, misinformation.

    What has worked for me with Warrior forum is to pick a 'mentor', a person who's posts that I always read here. I won't say who this person is, but their opinion is very influential for me.

    To make any use out of the forum (whether this forum or any other), you need to find your own mentor, someone who has success and gives consistently good advice based on their own experiences.
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