7 Things to look for that make a Product Good to Promote (and NOT Crappy)

6 replies
Here is a general set of guidelines I have used in the past in deciding what Product I should market.

Thought it might help a few of you (particularly Newbies) here trying to find a Product to Promote as there is a lot of crap out there so be careful !

1. Make sure the Product is something you know about and have some Passion about -
If you know about playing golf and have extensive experience with it and have passion about it...then it will be easier to promote rather than not being familiar with the Product. If you are unfamiliar with Golf this will lead to a lot of research and information overload. I have done the latter before so it can be done. But all things being equal it is easier if you know what you are talking about (at a least a little bit.)

2. Look for Quality - Bottom line is it a product you would offer your brother or best friend ? Or even yet buy yourself ?

3.Look for support - You need to make sure the product you want to promote has tools like Banners, email marketing templates,and general support on how to market the product.They usually have a private affiliate site for this purpose. The more tools and support offered the better.

4. How does the product sell - Conversion rates are important. But to me knowing the past conversion rates on a Product is really low on my List. Some might disagree. But my belief is that if you have a solid product that fits nicely with your customers and Subscribers then by educating them and explaining the benefits to them your Conversion rate should be good. Normally established products have a 5% to 10% Conversion Rate. Which means for every 100 visits 5 to 10 end up buying the product your promoting.

5.What's the Cookie Life or Duration - Most affiliate programs track with what they call 'cookies' which are placed on a visitors computer. It helps identify you as the Affiliate so you can get paid a commission.
There is one important thing about 'cookies' with an affiliate program that you might look into.It will not break you if you can't or don't attempt to find it. But it doesn't hurt.................

- The duration of the Cookie. If it is a short one then you need to promote the Product and make sales more quickly as to earn a commission before the cookies expire. If it is a longer cookies duration then you can Market differently and spend more time without rushing to get the sale. And provide more
information and seem less desperate.

6.Can you earn backend commission and renewal Commissions- Do you get commission when a 2nd product is purchased from the original person or your subscriber that you brought to the affiliate product in the first place.
Also, is there a recurring commission where you might have a monthly membership site that people buy ? In this case, you get a commission every month the customer stays as a member. This can be very lucrative and provides a nice stream of income.

7. Find some quality places that have many quality products to promote as an affiliate - Jv Zoo and Clickbank are two great places I go to find new and exciting affiliate products to promote. Commission Junction is another highly reputable Site.

Just think about three programs you are promoting or want to promote and see if they match the Criteria I listed above. If they do then have a go at it

- Robert Andrew
#crappy #good #make #product #promote #things
  • Profile picture of the author ForumGuru
    Originally Posted by discrat View Post

    7. Find some quality places that have many quality products to promote as an affiliate - Jv Zoo and Clickbank are two great places I go to find new and exciting affiliate products to promote...
    I guess you are blowing a new whistle this week! Just a few days ago you were talking about "holding off" on JVZoo, and today you are touting JVZoo as "a great place to find new and exciting affiliate products to promote". That was a rapid change of heart --> I guess it did not take you long to figure out JVZoo was "great place" after making that "questionable practices" post on Dec. 30th.

    That said, I am JVZoo fan....


    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9792760].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Originally Posted by ForumGuru View Post

      I guess you are blowing a new whistle this week! Just a few days ago you were talking about "holding off" on JVZoo, and today you are touting JVZoo as "a great place to find new and exciting affiliate products to promote". That was a rapid change of heart --> I guess it did not take you long to figure out JVZoo was "great place" after making that "questionable practices" post on Dec. 30th.

      That said, I am JVZoo fan....


      Nice try
      But contrary to what you believe there was NO changing of whistle like you state. Actually, there was NEVER any ' whistle ' that I had to begin with.

      Any issues and concerns were experienced by other Warriors which as I plainly stated made me WARY.
      ( Nothing that affected me directly or nothing that I personally experienced that I would tout as JV Zoo being a bad company)

      From the git go ,I was intrigued with the notion of offering affiliates access to email addresses of buyers.

      Not necessarily saying some of the issues are completely resolved in my view, but I talked to two Vendors late last week who did actually allay some of my concerns with their immediate experiences and circumstances .

      I found an excellent Product that Alex Jeffreys has there and am promoting .

      From what I have gathered , the mngt. is in the process of fixing some of the issues that people here have expressed trepidation about .

      I feel pretty comfortable with them.


      Robert Andrew
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  • Profile picture of the author IrisMKH
    On #2... "Or even yet buy yourself ?" sounds strange to me.
    Isn't it better to promote "a product that you bought or tried yourself and were delighted about"?

    Currently drawing: http://irishopp.com/

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9793503].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Originally Posted by IrisMKH View Post

      On #2... "Or even yet buy yourself ?" sounds strange to me.
      Isn't it better to promote "a product that you bought or tried yourself and were delighted about"?
      Sounds strange ?? I am saying/inferring the EXACT same thing you are saying
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9793559].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author IrisMKH
        Originally Posted by discrat View Post

        Sounds strange ?? I am saying/inferring the EXACT same thing you are saying
        Because you used "even yet", I interpreted it as being extraordinary that you would buy it yourself. I'd work the other way round: get it yourself first & then consider promoting it
        But never mind if we're actually on the same page! Different style of communication, I guess?

        Currently drawing: http://irishopp.com/

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  • Profile picture of the author ghost209
    never forget rule #2! i see so many people that promote stuff that they don't feel good about. it's just not worth it
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