Best Free Traffic Generation Strategies?

73 replies
What are your top 2 FREE traffic generating strategies and why?
#free #generation #strategies #traffic
  • Profile picture of the author Slade556
    There are loads of threads about this but in no particular order:
    1. Ad swaps
    2. Youtube videos
    3. Article marketing (not as good as it used to be but still works)
    4. Craigslist posting (if done properly)

    If you have any sort of list at all, even if its small, you can start some joint ventures with people
    who have similar size lists for adswaps. This can bring in some traffic fairly quickly.
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  • Profile picture of the author salegurus
    Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.

    ― George Carlin
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  • Profile picture of the author bassem formula
    Originally Posted by garethjehu1 View Post

    What are your top 2 FREE traffic generating strategies and why?
    The best free traffic generating strategy is FORUM marketing because it is so easy to apply as it doesn't need any technical skills. It also reach a wide range of targeted audience and help in building relationships and trust.

    The video marketing is another great strategy as there are so many people online who prefer to watch videos than reading in order to get info, so it would be easily to market your business by videos.
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    • Profile picture of the author Steve B
      Any strategy that includes contacting prospects that you know want exactly what you are offering.

      As long as you are highly focused in your marketing . . . then "how you go about contacting them" (your strategies and methods) should work just fine.

      I know this is not exactly what you're asking, but it's the litmus test of whether your chosen traffic strategy (free or paid) is going to be effective. In other words, contacting the right people is more important than how you contact them. Does that make sense?

      The best to you,


      Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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      • Profile picture of the author MikeShaw
        Try blogging on the Warrior Forum. This forum gets good rankings on Google
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  • Profile picture of the author yougra
    Forum posting. Traffic is targetted and converts well
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  • Profile picture of the author garethjehu1
    Thank you all for all of the great answers. The reason I was asking is I use Youtube marketing to drive FREE traffic to my lists. I get my videos ranked on page one of google and I am currently putting a course together to teach others how to follow this powerful strategy. I wanted to know if it was a popular way to drive free traffic. Thank you all once again for your help.
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  • Profile picture of the author aceofsaves
    Content marketing. What kind of content you ask? Well that depends on what you are selling and what your niche is. I find different channels and different forms of content can sell better than others. For example I one time created a post on imgur about the 4 websites you should know about during the holiday season and I place my site at #2. It made it to #1 on imgur and I got a crap load of traffic from that.

    I also like the idea of using youtube videos, I am trying to think of the kind of video content that will work for my niche and also have the ability to go viral.
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    • Profile picture of the author webmaster2015
      I would say Youtube videos, but they have to be good videos that people like not just an advertisement type video.
      2nd would be Craigslist, Backpage and any other classified ad sites, although it's not as easy as it used to be there are still ways, just don't be spammy.
      I have to say a 3rd, which is Warrior Forum. I get pretty good traffic from here by putting a link in my signature.
      If you do classified advertising
      You need a Delayed Autoreply Service
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      • Profile picture of the author aceofsaves
        Originally Posted by webmaster2015 View Post

        I would say Youtube videos, but they have to be good videos that people like not just an advertisement type video.
        As an extension to this point, I would recommend picking up a book called "Buzz Marketing" by Mark Hughes. It's not specifically about YouTube but it teaches you the theory you need to get the right ingredients in a YouTube video to make it go viral. That book helped me get a lot of free traffic to my site over the past year.
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  • Profile picture of the author alrachid
    1. Social media accounts and networking
    2. seo
    3. adswapping
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  • Profile picture of the author Rory Singh
    The Best FREE Method for Generating Traffic??

    Do you really want the truth?

    There really isn't one. What works for someone will not work for everyone. Just because Amos and Andy are successful with blogging, doesn't mean that you will be.

    One isn't better than the other.

    They all work great for people who GET Successful 'results' with them.

    Now the question that you should be asking yourself is...

    What FREE Method is Best for me (and my personality type)?

    Find (1) free method that you honestly feel that you can do, learn it, get results with it and then master it!

    Rinse & Repeat.
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    • Originally Posted by Rory Singh View Post

      Find (1) free method that you honestly feel that you can do, learn it, get results with it and then master it!

      Rinse & Repeat.
      I completely agree. I expend too much time making my products and it's not feasible to invest time in all types of marketing.
      Play Free Android Games.

      Read my blog about games, apps and development.
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    • Profile picture of the author Slade556
      Originally Posted by Rory Singh View Post

      There really isn't one. What works for someone will not work for everyone. Just because Amos and Andy are successful with blogging, doesn't mean that you will be.
      Well, this is also true. There are too many factors to take into consideration to actually say that one method is better than another!
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  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    Having products so good, others will promote them for you.
    Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
    All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9811385].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Jouvan Johnson
      Originally Posted by Brent Stangel View Post

      Having products so good, others will promote them for you.
      Probably the best answer I have seen on here.

      Why are there so many of these threads popping up.

      If you can spend $1 and make $1 you can spend to get unlimited traffic.

      Not free but kind of free

      I help the overworked & underpaid wage slave break free from the shackles of their 9 - 5 using just the internet and email. Find out how at ==>

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  • Profile picture of the author Andy M
    The best free traffic source is really paid traffic that pays for it self.

    Forget about traffic for now and focus on conversions.

    Imagine setting up a salesfunnel with an instant 100% ROI. How much traffic would you then be able to buy?
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  • Profile picture of the author himanuzo
    Create many slides with PowerPoint then submit them to It is fee traffic.
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    • Profile picture of the author CraigAK
      I uploaded 3 quality slide shows and only got 1-2 visitors to my page, and about 60-100 views on slideshare for each video.

      What are you doing to promote your slideshare when you get started? How do you encourage those views to go to your webiste?
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  • Profile picture of the author ahmansoor
    Social media participation/sharing, blogging, forum and blog commenting, ad swapping, (and if you can do it carefully yourself -SEO is the top method)
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  • Profile picture of the author irfanmaverick
    1. SEO (takes time and effort but pays off in the end provided you are adept in white-hat techniques)
    2. Facebook pages (if you already have ones with substantial likes correlated to your niche)
    3. Facebook Groups (provided you don't spam and you continually add value)
    4. Google+ communities
    5. Article Marketing
    6. Guest Posting
    7. Contextual and ethical commenting on other relevant blogs
    8. Reddit (Provided you know the "karma")
    9. Video Marketing (if you know how to rank your videos on YouTube)
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    • Profile picture of the author garethjehu1
      Originally Posted by irfanmaverick View Post

      1. SEO (takes time and effort but pays off in the end provided you are adept in white-hat techniques)
      2. Facebook pages (if you already have ones with substantial likes correlated to your niche)
      3. Facebook Groups (provided you don't spam and you continually add value)
      4. Google+ communities
      5. Article Marketing
      6. Guest Posting
      7. Contextual and ethical commenting on other relevant blogs
      8. Reddit (Provided you know the "karma")
      9. Video Marketing (if you know how to rank your videos on YouTube)
      Great list, thank you.
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  • Profile picture of the author jonaal
    So interesting thoughts. Thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author mitulpatel57
    1. SEO
    2. SMO
    3. Content Marketing

    These three are effective techniques. SEO is a time consuming process.
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  • Profile picture of the author Brandboyz
    1. SEO
    4.Youtube Ranking
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  • Profile picture of the author zis william media posting
    Earn 50-100$ Per Day . I will Give You My Secret Method To You
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  • Profile picture of the author Smithwell
    Dear all,

    Social media participation or sharing, blogging, forum and blog commenting, ads is the best way to getting traffic to your business or promote sites, this is the best platform to generating traffic and popularity. Use social media network and increase traffic and promote your business.

    1. Social Media Optimization

    A) Facebook
    B) Twitter
    C) Linkedin
    D) Google+

    2. SEO
    3. Content Marketing

    These are effective techniques.
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  • Profile picture of the author Smithwell
    Dear all,

    Social media participation or sharing, blogging, forum and blog commenting, ads is the best way to getting traffic to your business or promote sites, this is the best platform to generating traffic and popularity. Use social media network and increase traffic and promote your business.

    1. Social Media Optimization

    A) Facebook
    B) Twitter
    C) Linkedin
    D) Google+

    2. SEO
    3. Content Marketing

    These are effective techniques.
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  • Profile picture of the author QueenMelanie
    I agree with what someone said above, there isn't one method better than another.
    It depends on what your niche is, it depends on how much time you dedicate to certain traffic generating methods, it depends on a lot of factors! It even depends on what you like to do, maybe you like forum posting but dislike blog commenting, for instance, both methods being great traffic generators in the end.
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  • Profile picture of the author Whistlejacket
    I must say I've found this thread very interesting. It seems that Video marketing is the outright winner in terms of no. of votes. I find Instagram and Pinterest rather fun ways of generating free traffic, although they can be time consuming.
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    • Profile picture of the author saniyapatel
      I think social media is best for promoting your website and paid advertisement (PPC )on search engines and other popular websites.
      1. Submit Guest Post to Other Blogs (List of Blogs to guest post)

      2. Comment on do follow blogs and make sure these blogs are relevant to your own blogs. They might not carry too-much of link value, but it will still be beneficial for overall link-profile of your blog.

      3. Start Relevant Threads in Forums and Link to Your Blog Posts

      4. Link to Your Blog in Your Forum Signatures (Only high quality forums)

      5. Social bookmarking is also considered as backlinks and you should target following network: Google plus, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest to name a few.

      6. Make Use of Discussion Boards by Linking to Your Blog in threads.

      7. Make Use of Blogging Communities by Submitting Your Blog Posts to Them, some great places to start are Blog Engage, Inbound

      8. Ask Questions related to your blog in Answer Sites like Yahoo Answers and Link to Your Blog in your questions

      9. Answer Questions in Yahoo Answers and Cite Your Blog as the Source
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  • Profile picture of the author anynewsbd
    Mainly Effective seo will help you to get more traffic but off-page seo like use social media is one of them.
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  • Profile picture of the author C G
    - Forum
    Easy and allows you to build great relationships with other actors in your niche

    - Blogging
    Awesome tool for branding. Takes a bid of time to get your pages ranked for some good traffic. It's a snowball effect..

    - Youtube
    Crank out 3-5 minutes video which provide value and optimize the video details.


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  • Profile picture of the author revolusi
    According to me SEO and credible forum like warriorforum are best strategy to drive traffic
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  • Profile picture of the author technologers
    i think commenting on relevant blog is the best way to get traffic and backlink.
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  • Profile picture of the author solvemyhow

    Select any 2 forums and try to be active on those forums. Publicize your post on G+, Twitter

    Hope this helps !
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  • Profile picture of the author HansAutoParts
    Tell me more about Forum marketing. I post on forums, but I don't push my products there. I just offer friendly advice and encouragement. Does anyone have good experiences buying ads on forums?
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    • Profile picture of the author garethjehu1
      Originally Posted by HansAutoParts View Post

      Tell me more about Forum marketing. I post on forums, but I don't push my products there. I just offer friendly advice and encouragement. Does anyone have good experiences buying ads on forums?
      You don't need to push your products on forums. (That would be spamming and will probably get your account closed.) You are doing the right thing. You will get traffic because your helping people and providing value. Make sure that you include your link in your signature and then you will naturally get the people who like your posts, will check out what you're do and what you are offering.

      I certainly subscribe to the more you help others the better your business does. Because you are adding value for no immediate personal gain.
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  • Profile picture of the author mrhmamun
    Guest posting, forum posting, blog commenting etc
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  • Profile picture of the author aarthielumalai
    I like these 2:

    1. Forum marketing - This is the best place to get targeted visitors who are passionate about your niche. They've already signed up to a forum (that indicates a higher level of interest) and they are actively looking for information in the niche, which is why they read your post and subsequently clicked on your signature link. The amount of traffic you get can vary, but you can never fault with the quality you get from forum traffic.

    2. Social media marketing - You can get tons of traffic from these channels, depending on your niche, but the quality is not very good because people in social network are looking for entertainment (they are not too serious). But, if you are building a list, social media is a great way to build it fast, and then you can nurture your subscriber and make them ideal prospects later on.
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  • Profile picture of the author highperformance
    Youtube- you can l generate large amounts of traffic.

    Reddit is also a great site to get fast traffic. You can potentially get hundreds of visitors, if not thousands. You simply have to submit your site in the right category/tab and vote up your site using other accounts. I know this works because I tested it a while ago. But be careful and do it right from the first time because I think you can submit the same site once. People might comment on your submission, just engage
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    • Profile picture of the author Jammotion
      I agree with some of the posts above that state that it depends on your market. Find forums related to you market that allow a signature link and start posting useful comments to peoples questions.

      After you build up some comments you will see traffic start flowing in. After that, experiment with some of the other methods like YouTube.

      Videos are getting easier to make and it doesn't have to be a masterpiece, just needs to provide useful information.
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    • My experience with reddit is not good. Some friends of mine didn't have good results with it either.

      I really dislike it.

      Originally Posted by ebookmaster View Post

      Youtube- you can l generate large amounts of traffic.

      Reddit is also a great site to get fast traffic. You can potentially get hundreds of visitors, if not thousands. You simply have to submit your site in the right category/tab and vote up your site using other accounts. I know this works because I tested it a while ago. But be careful and do it right from the first time because I think you can submit the same site once. People might comment on your submission, just engage
      Play Free Android Games.

      Read my blog about games, apps and development.
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  • Profile picture of the author Bob Reynolds
    I agree, I think you need to narrow it down to the best one or two and go at it. Perfect it... for me I went with Youtube and facebook ads...
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  • Profile picture of the author Molly Su
    I think the best free traffic generation strategy is Forum Marketing.
    No skills required, easy to apply, and can target different kinds of audiences.
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    • Profile picture of the author Andre Slater
      The best Free Traffic strategy is whatever you use on a daily basis...

      Whatever site you go to whether it's FB, LinkedIn, Pintrest or whatever you like.

      If you like to blog than that's your free traffic method.

      If you like a video site and you spend hours there watching videos, then that's your source.

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  • Profile picture of the author mikfoxx
    For me I can say that it is Youtube and Facebook. Though there are some research might say that it could also be pinterest. But for sure these are all traffic generating sites if could just done right.
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    • Profile picture of the author smemedia
      Social Media Marketing is the best way if you want to get maximum organic traffic on your site. You have to done proper social medial marketing in niche and targeted ares.
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  • Profile picture of the author advent
    Social Media is the best way to generate traffic. from your post FREE you should use WEB 2.0 like Tumblr follow your fellow mates and post unique content.
    Advent Designs a Web Design and Web Development Company, Can Help Your Business Development effective by Web Development Service. As a SEO Company in Chennai, offer you a Complete SEO Services in Chennai
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  • Profile picture of the author Saumyashrivastava
    Originally Posted by garethjehu1 View Post

    What are your top 2 FREE traffic generating strategies and why?
    Well, In my opinion, if you follow the whole digital marketing strategy, then it is really best for you. But among those, you have to go with SEO(Search engine optimization) and SMM(social media marketing) strategies. These are the most popular strategies and provide a lot more traffic on your website and you will get the better rank in SERP(Google, Bing, etc) as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jack107
    Instagram has been huge for me so far. Majority of traffic comes from there. I made friends with a couple of accounts who are now promoting my blog as well!
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    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Originally Posted by Jack107 View Post

      Instagram has been huge for me so far. Majority of traffic comes from there. I made friends with a couple of accounts who are now promoting my blog as well!

      I just have not embraced this at all. I need to , though.

      Or at least look into it. I just have always looked at Instagram hasa silly social outlet that would generate possible traffic but low conversion type traffic.


      - Robert Andrew

      Nothing to see here including a Sig so just move on :)

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  • Profile picture of the author nicolasmd2112
    Top 2 would have to be:

    YouTube and WarriorForum
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  • Profile picture of the author kavyaanjali
    Traffic building techniques to drive instant traffic to your website.
    1. Build and equip your website with value
    2. Search engine optimisation
    3. Article marketing
    4. Press release
    5. Social media marketing
    6. Video marketing
    7. Forum marketing/posting
    8. Guest blogging
    9. Linkbaiting
    10. Email marketing/autoresponder
    11. Contextual link from high traffic generating website
    12. Creating more landing pages with quality content
    13. Blog commenting/posting
    14. Affiliate set up
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  • Profile picture of the author megamind22
    Forum marketing still works well forums with lots of members. So is video marketing on if done correctly youtube and other video sharing sites.

    But work perfectly if you can spear a few hours a day to execute them.

    Hope that helps
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  • Profile picture of the author web lover
    top of the list i have:

    List building
    Article marketing
    Press release
    Solo ads

    Just Focus in One Or Two And don't Forget To Track everything

    Good Luck
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  • Profile picture of the author Christian Swift
    The two best free traffic methods are always the top two places that your target market hang out!

    For us personally, forum marketing and all forms of content marketing (both videos and written articles) are what produce the best results. However, this could change in the future depending on new trends and where the market goes.

    If you are creating a strategy for your free marketing, then I recently wrote an article about 7 strategies that you can use to get free, high-quality traffic to your website.

    It will give you some strategies for your marketing plan that you may not have thought about. Check it out below:

    7 Ways To Get Free, High-Quality Traffic To Your Website | The Internet Marketing Place

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  • Profile picture of the author im0001
    SEO - if you don't have lots of money but you have loads of time. The conversion can be amazing if you rank with some buyers' keywords.
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  • Profile picture of the author karlstech
    Originally Posted by garethjehu1 View Post

    What are your top 2 FREE traffic generating strategies and why?
    This is one of the most common questions here on the warrior forum.

    All you really need is to look at post # 2 or 3 in this thread and you're all set.
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  • Profile picture of the author manavforum
    I think SMO & Forum posting both are useful & best to generate traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author joekoffi
    Blog commenting does well for me
    Affiliate Marketing For Bloggers, Revealing unknown killer Affiliate Marketing tricks for Bloggers. Special Discount: WF17
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  • Profile picture of the author webproishere
    Like lots of people said already, social media traffic is the easiest and fastest way to go regarding free traffic.

    I still do it. So i know it works.
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  • Profile picture of the author anyaantonia
    Originally Posted by garethjehu1 View Post

    What are your top 2 FREE traffic generating strategies and why?
    I follow many ways to generate traffic. There are many ways at a free of cost. you can follow any ways, as you want. You need to create more & more back link. To do this you can do the Forum posting, Article submission, blog commenting or something like this. Beside these you can use the Social media sites. I think you will get a good result. Thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author martinmarketing
    I think the forum marketing is one of the best ways to get started, and already attracting some audience ... but it is important to set a target of people who want to reach out .... even using video is a good strategy, some must be done well to attract people, but now even the socialnetwork are a good showcase ... you must know how to exploit.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jackson Tan
    Blogging and Social Media helping to distribute your content vice versa.

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  • Profile picture of the author hashimfarooqi
    1. Searching Engine Optimization
    2. Social Media
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    • Profile picture of the author Devilfish168
      Originally Posted by hashimfarooqi View Post

      1. Searching Engine Optimization
      2. Social Media
      about social media is

      You share the post in your FB page?

      or post in groups?
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