im always get failed ? should i leave this area

30 replies
Hi GuysI'm in this area about a year and a half try many different ways (CPA , short url , adsense , PPD , Content Locking ,affiliate clickbank )...
i swear i do my best and i do what method say and all i get is less than 3 dollar
any idea what to do ? should i leave this area ?
sorry my English is bad
#area #failed #leave
  • Profile picture of the author vikash_kumar
    The problem lies within your question itself... You are trying many things.. Don't move another business model untill you have mastered the art of earning though your first method or business model.

    Be consistent...

    This is just a phase... Stick to it and you will be successful. JUST DONT QUIT....

    Make it a point to make it successful matter what are the challenges....

    Many of us have got our first real success even after trying hard for 5 years...So, yours is less than 2 years....
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    • Profile picture of the author Jonathan Henson
      I agree with vikash_kumar, he is so right when he tells you to sitck with ONE method until you see great results.

      All of those methods you said you have tried have worked for others so there is no reason they can't work for you.

      You may be at a point where you need personal coaching. If I were you, I would pick a method and stay with it for the next year but only after I found someone to take me by the hand with their coaching program. That's your best shot!
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  • Profile picture of the author amits43
    Do not quit.Online money making is little difficult at initial stage.

    But once you understand this game you can make good money.I know you have really try hard but push yourself more.There is always something for you in this virtual world that can take you to the next level of your business.

    As you have said , you have just $3 bucks.You can still create free blogger on and target some product keywords.Rank on google and will make some money not too much but more and eventually you can invest those money into more sound business model.
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  • Profile picture of the author HaidiLover
    thanks alot for your help
    which area do you guys advance me to work with as a beginner like me ?
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    • Profile picture of the author gjabiz
      Originally Posted by HaidiLover View Post

      thanks alot for your help
      which area do you guys advance me to work with as a beginner like me ?
      Use the search feature of this forum, study affiliate marketing for next 30 days, then act on what you have learned.

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    • Profile picture of the author Nick Lawless
      Originally Posted by HaidiLover View Post

      thanks alot for your help
      which area do you guys advance me to work with as a beginner like me ?
      Do something you are passionate about. Really passionate about!

      You ask which area to start with - find something you're passionate about and become an expert in that field. If you're passionate about it then it will be a lot easier to stick to it if you are not getting results you expect.

      It is a common problem for people desperate to make money online to jump from one shiny thing to another.

      Good luck.
      Just starting online and need a website? Let me build one for you - FREE

      Click Here to claim a FREE customized website.
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  • Profile picture of the author TomVa
    You need to quit trying everything in the sun, and stick to one thing. I mean build your 1 thing find ways out of the box and in the box to drive traffic to your 1 thing. Study stats, tweak study stats tweak again and again drive traffic study stats tweak then you should start seeing better results.

    1 last thing, before starting anything PLEASE at least do this, RESEARCH the hell out of what you're wanting to do. I don't mind Google it look around then build I mean go DEEEEEEP into your research spend hours days even I know I may get some fall back from this statement but I was in your boat as well, It wasn't until I did as I am telling you that things started to work.

    There are so so many things you can do when researching, From researching the product you want to sell, research your domain keywords before picking a domain name, all the way to going to forms looking for info on your product.

    OK need to go to work myself I keep saying this lol but I keep looking at the forms and FB. lol

    Good luck and NEVER EVER quit, once you quit its over. *shrugs*

    Do you need stable WEBHOSTING? HEY folks, for a limited time get the first month of service For only $0.01 That's 1 cents. At checkout use coupon code 1cent. This is only for web hosting, and only applies to the monthly services.

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  • Profile picture of the author DZM
    The problem is your mindset. Check the Mind Forum section to get you motivated.
    In order to succes you need to stick to one thing and learn everything you can about it.

    If you make $3, learn how to do it better.

    Never ever quit! you only lose when you quit.
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  • Profile picture of the author Lightlysalted
    Excellent advice about being consistent and Ivagree about being focused on one thing where possible.
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  • Profile picture of the author iansinfo
    You have been given some good advice here. Find something that you feel good about doing then learn all you can and stay persistent tweaking things as you go till it works for you. In the end you will win. Good Luck

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  • Profile picture of the author commissionhero
    I agree with some of the replies here.
    You're jumping from one business model to the next.
    Keep things simple and learn, learn...learn.

    Best of success to You
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  • Profile picture of the author Heri Rosyadi
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    • Profile picture of the author salegurus
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  • Profile picture of the author kilgore
    Have you spent all your money on MMO products with dubious value?

    If not, then you should absolutely not quit!

    There is still plenty of money to be made! (Just maybe not by you...)
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  • Profile picture of the author absolutelee
    Pick one thing. Make some money. Do more of that. Don't deviate.
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  • Profile picture of the author ShawnBrown
    Stick with one method and give it your complete attention. Don' keep trying multiple methods at 1 time.
    Also don't give up. I tried several IM methods for years before making any income. Keep at it!
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  • Profile picture of the author ajmalkhan
    you have said that you have traid but didnt stick to it just try and focus on one thing if it dosent work try to find mistakes which you have done and try try try until you got good results.
    I want to say that never give up never ever
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  • Profile picture of the author crp2511
    It's so easy to get lost in the jungle. You need to choose your niche carefully, what you are passionate about, as Nick said above. Get to know your niche and what people need, and you will be able to make money.

    If you don't have a niche yet, you need to just focus on that.

    The Family Business Kit | How to Find a Profitable Niche Market in 2015 - The Family Business Kit
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  • Profile picture of the author PerformanceMan
    You need a good landing page to make money. Work on perfecting yours.
    Free Special Report on Mindset - Level Up with Positive Thinking
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  • Profile picture of the author Kalombos
    For you is better to try for the first time to get traffic from niche forum and trying to promote affiliate product with forum sign's. Seo - it's not easy but have long term potential. Paid traffi fast but need more money than you have. So for the first time try to build community on social network too.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alexander Swift
    Focus on one thing and become an expert in that niche... then when you did have some success with it launch a nice WSO and build your list from there... that's my best advice for you.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rory Singh
    Your problem as stated above is your 'mindset'.

    Find one area in IM and expand from there

    Here is my recipe for online success:

    1- Pick (1) and only one business opportunity

    2- Pick (1) and only one 'targeted' traffic generation activity that you think you can do. Master it!

    3- Spend at least 2 to 4 hours per day doing 'income producing activities' like 'creating' traffic if you have a 'long term' income goal of one year. If you want to make your break through online in the next 90 days, then you are going to need to put in more time than that per day. Maybe 6 to 8 or more hours (each) day.

    4- Training, personal development everyday but in your downtime like jogging, commuting or taking the bus ETC. Not during income producing time.

    5- Mindset and Belief: This last step is the most important one. You will need to do step 4 to train your mind how to think and act like a successful entrepreneur.

    God and the Universe always gives us more than we ask for but only when we feel and 'know' that we are Deserving of these gifts.
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    • Profile picture of the author gnr991
      Originally Posted by Rory Singh View Post

      Your problem as stated above is your 'mindset'.

      Find one area in IM and expand from there

      Here is my recipe for online success:

      1- Pick (1) and only one business opportunity

      2- Pick (1) and only one 'targeted' traffic generation activity that you think you can do. Master it!

      3- Spend at least 2 to 4 hours per day doing 'income producing activities' like 'creating' traffic if you have a 'long term' income goal of one year. If you want to make your break through online in the next 90 days, then you are going to need to put in more time than that per day. Maybe 6 to 8 or more hours (each) day.

      4- Training, personal development everyday but in your downtime like jogging, commuting or taking the bus ETC. Not during income producing time.

      5- Mindset and Belief: This last step is the most important one. You will need to do step 4 to train your mind how to think and act like a successful entrepreneur.

      God and the Universe always gives us more than we ask for but only when we feel and 'know' that we are Deserving of these gifts.
      Great comment, it gave me a lot of motivation
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  • Profile picture of the author QueenMelanie
    A lot of people get in this situation where they try too many things at once and end up getting nowhere with any of them.. What you should really do now you have a small bit of experience in those fields is pick the one you enjoyed the most and dedicate yourself to that single method. Become an expert in one field before you move on just like with any job, you can't be a lawyer for one case and then decide its not for you..
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  • Profile picture of the author James Druman
    Originally Posted by HaidiLover View Post

    Hi GuysI'm in this area about a year and a half try many different ways (CPA , short url , adsense , PPD , Content Locking ,affiliate clickbank )...
    i swear i do my best and i do what method say and all i get is less than 3 dollar
    any idea what to do ? should i leave this area ?
    sorry my English is bad
    You mentioned your English.

    I don't present this question offensively, so don't take it personal, but are you marketing in English? To an English-speaking audience? If so, are you writing and editing your own content (I assume your business is somewhat based in content given that you mentioned content locking)?

    Focus on the fundamentals first. They are what's most important.

    Also, all these things you're trying are monetization methods.

    But what does your traffic look like? Do you have the numbers passing through that warrant testing different methods of monetization?

    Or are you throwing up billboard after billboard in a ghost town?
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  • Profile picture of the author Jacob Pionke
    "Giving up is the only sure way to fail." - Gena Showalter

    You have NOT FAILED, you have simply not had much success yet, which will come after time.

    As above warriors said, the key is to pick ONE method and be CONSISTENT with that method.

    I can assure you that everyone above, on this forum and myself been where you are right now, trying a method then a few weeks or even days after, trying something else thinking this will allow me to have another income stream even thought we have not even successfully set-up the first one.

    Make sure that once you decided what method you go with, build a LIST.

    This has been said many times because that is simply the most important thing you can be doing in your online business... without an email list you do not have a business.

    So choose a method and stick with it,

    Best of luck,

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  • Profile picture of the author pilot47
    I think the old saying is fail and fail and fail and fail... and fail until you succeed.

    Be grateful for everything you have.

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  • Profile picture of the author Crowsnest
    Some great advice here and to help with your mindset - did you know that Mr Edison failed 990 times before he finally got the light-bulb invention right, Richard Branson went bankrupt 3 times in his early days and the good old Colonel Saunders knocked on over 1000 restaurant doors offering his chicken coating before he got his first yes!!
    I spent over 3 years trying so much different stuff without success before I came across a guy that could really help me. I found this guy through lots of reading/research and never gave up, as it's plain to see the potential of the internet, but if anyone thinks it's either easy or quick.... they need to think again.
    By the way, after all this time I finally made my first sales last week and feeling confident about 2015!
    Good luck.
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