Quick Question on PLR Licensing

24 replies
Hi Fellow Warriors,
I've got a quick question on PLR Licensing. I've been working on a digital product and was wondering if I offer PLR rights to my buyers then how do I grant them the license? I want to offer PLR rights as an upsell. So, there will be a regular licensing stuff too.

Also-How do I know if someone is selling my products without a license?

Is there a way to track them?

This might sound a bit dumb but I need to know the process of granting PLR rights and MRR rights.

Would really appreciate the help.

Thanks in Advance.
#licensing #plr #question #quick
  • Profile picture of the author onSubie
    You can include it as a text file.

    Include license.txt with regular versions that specify it is copyright to you and for personal use only. Make a plrlicense.txt included only with the PLR versions the explains the PLR rights.

    This is what I see most often in products I buy.

    Presumably the PLR versions would also have source files not included with the regular version.
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  • Profile picture of the author wfletch24
    Good points made by onsubie. I would recommend purchasing a similar PLR product and looking at the rights included in the package. Also, it will give you a good ideas as to whats usually included. Their are tons of good places to buy cheap PLR products you could review. As far as protecting it would be tough. Not sure what could be done to even monitor that kind of thing.
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    • Profile picture of the author smna1586
      Originally Posted by wfletch24 View Post

      Good points made by onsubie. I would recommend purchasing a similar PLR product and looking at the rights included in the package. Also, it will give you a good ideas as to whats usually included. Their are tons of good places to buy cheap PLR products you could review. As far as protecting it would be tough. Not sure what could be done to even monitor that kind of thing.
      You're right mate. I'm also more concerned on the monitoring part than the licensing part. I know that I can write a license file. Thankfully my product is a theme product and controlling the licenses will not be that difficult. Tracking shouldn't be tough either.

      Thanks for your insightful information.
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  • Profile picture of the author wrcato2
    smna1586, Give a license for MRR for the license in html to include with your sales pages. You can easily track that by doing a simple search for your license. With PLR give a text license that lets the purchaser know what they can do with the content and what they can't do with it. Don't copy other peoples licenses.
    If I am selling my content I figure the buyer can do anything they want with it. Except use my name or website address.
    Yes you can break the ebook into articles
    No you can not sell plr rights or master resell rights, unless you edit it 100%

    You can also find your plr content by using copyscape. That would be the only way I know how to track your content.

    When I sell plr rights, I pretty much figure on three things;
    1.Most will not use the plr
    2.many will use as is on their websites or blogs
    3. Some will rewrite the content or hire someone to do it for them
    Very few will use PLR to its maximum potential.
    Hope this helps.
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    • Profile picture of the author smna1586
      Originally Posted by wrcato2 View Post

      smna1586, Give a license for MRR for the license in html to include with your sales pages. You can easily track that by doing a simple search for your license. With PLR give a text license that lets the purchaser know what they can do with the content and what they can't do with it. Don't copy other peoples licenses.
      If I am selling my content I figure the buyer can do anything they want with it. Except use my name or website address.
      Yes you can break the ebook into articles
      No you can not sell plr rights or master resell rights, unless you edit it 100%

      You can also find your plr content by using copyscape. That would be the only way I know how to track your content.

      When I sell plr rights, I pretty much figure on three things;
      1.Most will not use the plr
      2.many will use as is on their websites or blogs
      3. Some will rewrite the content or hire someone to do it for them
      Very few will use PLR to its maximum potential.
      Hope this helps.
      Thanks mate. Great insight. Helped for sure.

      Most will use my product. It's a theme product but I do agree with you that very few will use PLR to it's maximum potential.
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      • Profile picture of the author kindsvater
        Avoid MRR - that is Master Resell Rights which means anyone call Resell Rights. It makes tracking impossible and your product ends up getting sold for a buck, or less when packaged which a heap of other MRR products. Might as well just give it away if you go that route.

        With PLR you will have a record of who you sold rights. If you ever have a question about a website being able to re-sell your product ask then to verify their PLR purchase details.

        Or, you can use "PLR" as the term is used virtually everywhere else except IM and that is the buyer purchases rights and then you send them a version they can sell. Their version is "private labeled" meaning their name appears on the front page or as the author. No one can sell your version, they can only sell their private labeled version.

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        • Profile picture of the author smna1586
          Originally Posted by kindsvater View Post

          Avoid MRR - that is Master Resell Rights which means anyone call Resell Rights. It makes tracking impossible and your product ends up getting sold for a buck, or less when packaged which a heap of other MRR products. Might as well just give it away if you go that route.

          With PLR you will have a record of who you sold rights. If you ever have a question about a website being able to re-sell your product ask then to verify their PLR purchase details.

          Or, you can use "PLR" as the term is used virtually everywhere else except IM and that is the buyer purchases rights and then you send them a version they can sell. Their version is "private labeled" meaning their name appears on the front page or as the author. No one can sell your version, they can only sell their private labeled version.

          MRR rights are a real disaster. I do agree with you. I'll keep your advice in my mind.

          "Private labeled" Version is something that I'll try to focus on. Great advice. Hats off!!

          Tracking is something I'm concerned off. I wonder what actions could I take if I find someone is violating my terms of usage.

          Any Insight on this issue? What actions could I possibly take? Can you shed some light on it?

          Thanks to you.
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          • Profile picture of the author kindsvater
            Originally Posted by smna1586 View Post

            Tracking is something I'm concerned off. I wonder what actions could I take if I find someone is violating my terms of usage.

            Any Insight on this issue? What actions could I possibly take? Can you shed some light on it?
            Remedies include:

            1. Revoking their license.

            2. Suing for copyright infringement. If this is not practical ...

            3. Sending DMCA take down notices to web hosts / selling platforms wherever they offer the product.

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            • Profile picture of the author smna1586
              Originally Posted by kindsvater View Post

              Remedies include:

              1. Revoking their license.

              2. Suing for copyright infringement. If this is not practical ...

              3. Sending DMCA take down notices to web hosts / selling platforms wherever they offer the product.


              Cool advice, rather than suing for copyright infringement, it's way out of my league. But thanks anyway.

              BTW, if I ever decide to sue for copyright infringement; how much is that going to cost me? Can you shed some light on it? Also, how can I sue someone when I'm on a different part of the world? How does the law works there?
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  • Profile picture of the author LynnLinde
    Usually, most sellers just include a TXT file with that the rights are for your product.Don't really know how to track because you'll never know if your buyers are using it on a site under a pseudonym.
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  • Profile picture of the author nizamkhan
    You can include a txt or pdf license and then clearly list the rights in the specific license.

    - Nizam
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  • Profile picture of the author pilot47
    I don't think you can track this.

    And going on and bugging your customers to prove if they bought the PLR for it would seem rude...

    Be grateful for everything you have.

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  • Profile picture of the author Richard Batt
    The only way to track it is to put a licence pdf in with the product and then emailing anyone you find selling it to ask for them to send you a copy of their license. There's not really any other way to do it.
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  • Profile picture of the author N4PGW
    Please, always include at least a txt file listing your buyer's rights!

    I know a very well known PLR writer/vendor who refuses to add a list of rights to her products. When they are mixed up with all my other PLR, I have to research to know who sold it and what the rights are.

    Also, Brand Yourself! Include your PLR website, blog address, etc. in the rights file. Even if someone gives it away, if the users want more, they know where to find you.

    If you want to STOP digital theft, you need to quit releasing products. Otherwise, think of any steps you can take to capitalize on products that are stolen or redistributed. You'll still get enough sales to make money.

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    • Profile picture of the author smna1586
      Originally Posted by N4PGW View Post

      Please, always include at least a txt file listing your buyer's rights!

      I know a very well known PLR writer/vendor who refuses to add a list of rights to her products. When they are mixed up with all my other PLR, I have to research to know who sold it and what the rights are.

      Also, Brand Yourself! Include your PLR website, blog address, etc. in the rights file. Even if someone gives it away, if the users want more, they know where to find you.

      If you want to STOP digital theft, you need to quit releasing products. Otherwise, think of any steps you can take to capitalize on products that are stolen or redistributed. You'll still get enough sales to make money.
      I'll keep it in my mind. Branding myself in PLR products would be great but they always can remove the imprints, can't they?

      Though, most will not go through the pain of removing the branding. Most people are too lazy to go through all those tedious tasks, I can count on it.

      Thanks, these are really great and helpful advice.
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      • Profile picture of the author N4PGW
        Originally Posted by smna1586 View Post

        I'll keep it in my mind. Branding myself in PLR products would be great but they always can remove the imprints, can't they?

        Though, most will not go through the pain of removing the branding. Most people are too lazy to go through all those tedious tasks, I can count on it.

        Thanks, these are really great and helpful advice.
        You are right and I am glad to see you will do this. I hope anyone else reading this will do the same.

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    • Profile picture of the author Dave37
      Originally Posted by N4PGW View Post

      Also, Brand Yourself! Include your PLR website, blog address, etc. in the rights file. Even if someone gives it away, if the users want more, they know where to find you.
      Just a quick notice that if you are going for the branding, it's better to deliver the rights file in PDF format instead of TXT format, as the latter can be easily edited.
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  • Profile picture of the author Edson Buchanan
    You can include a text file or pdf with the rights to your product. As a marketer for several years now I will advise you not to lose any sleep over it. I used to care about what happened to my product after someone purchased but with the digital age we live in, its impossible to keep track of everything and you will just stress over it for nothing.
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  • Profile picture of the author PLR365
    You can limit the number of PLR copies you sell, AND charge a higher price for exclusivity (if you wish). Providing fewer copies of your product will make it easier for you to monitor using the methods mentioned.

    Avoid MRR like the plague.
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    • Profile picture of the author smna1586
      Originally Posted by PLR365 View Post

      You can limit the number of PLR copies you sell, AND charge a higher price for exclusivity (if you wish). Providing fewer copies of your product will make it easier for you to monitor using the methods mentioned.

      Avoid MRR like the plague.
      How do you handle it? With ebooks, it must be very tough. I would love to learn more from you as you're in the business already.

      Your paleo cookbook looks great, good luck with the sales.

      I'll be pming you if you don't mind. I just hope you don't.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dave37
    Usually the seller lists all the limits in a .txt or .pdf file like:

    [yes] can be edited
    [yes] can give away for free
    [no] cannot put your name as the author

    AFAIK, there isn't really a way of tracking the sold licenses.
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    • Profile picture of the author onSubie
      Originally Posted by Dave37 View Post

      Usually the seller lists all the limits in a .txt or .pdf file like:

      [yes] can be edited
      [yes] can give away for free
      [no] cannot put your name as the author

      AFAIK, there isn't really a way of tracking the sold licenses.

      Just to let you know that these rights allow you to put your name as the author.

      can be edited = true (yes)
      can be given away for free = true (yes)
      cannot put your name = false (no), therefore = can put your name.

      Not that PLR rights are legally enforceable anyway....
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  • Profile picture of the author Ste Murphy
    Yes all the PLR rights i have bought have included the license in a text file in the format of a PDF. Some great info here thanks guys!
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