Seasoned young lawyer looking to write for the web, help needed ...

3 replies
I have a friend who is a self-employed entrepreneur like myself.

He also happens to hold a law degree, and has been practicing family and criminal law for 8 years, licensed in Florida.

We were recently talking, and when he learned how profitable writing for the web can be, he was immediately interested.

Where should I point this smart, energetic and hungry young man so that he gets a smart start in writing legal content for web biz owners?

Thanks for your help in advance.

#content #copywriting #lawyer #legal #needed #seasoned #web #write #writing #young
  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Hi Patrick,

    Does your friend want to use the internet primarily to set up a marketing system to attract clients to his existing law practice, or primarily to set up a separate, different online-only business which is also based on his legal knowledge/expertise?

    Is he familar with the websites of "internet lawyers"? I'm wondering whether sites like those of Brian Kindsvater and/or Bob Silber might interest him?

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    • Alexa,

      Always happy to receive your advice.

      I mentioned that I have turned down legal writing work in the past, and he said he would love to add a "legal content writing" revenue stream to his income.

      His goal is to find clients that would pay him for writing legal content.

      Thanks for the 2 links you shared.

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      • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
        Originally Posted by PatrickBrianONeill View Post

        I mentioned that I have turned down legal writing work in the past, and he said he would love to add a "legal content writing" revenue stream to his income.
        Ah, got it ... sorry: my comment above probably no help, then!

        Yes, I see what he means, of course. "Specialist/professional writing" is typically very well-paid, as "internet writing" goes.

        Another suggestion, then: a profile announcing his legal qualifications and experience at Constent-Content might be worth trying. Plenty of articles (and not even written by qualified professionals) do change hands there for $100+ each. The bulk of the lucrative work, there, arrives by "private request", not in the "main article pool", and I believe you have to sell 10 "public" articles there first, in order to be eligible for the privately requested ones. I think it's highly unlikely that any other "content mills" would be worth his while, but that one might be worth his while having a good look at the site, anyway (there's a bit of a forum there, too, explaining more). There are MD's selling "medical writing" there, anyway (and that's perhaps kind of equivalent, except that lawyers are perhaps, collectively, a little more literate and articulate than doctors?!? I'll stop there, before it turns into one of those "How many people can I offend?" posts ... ).

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